PDL::TriD -- PDL 3D interface


These modules are still in very unfocused state: don't use them yet if you don't know how to make them work if they happen to do something strange.


This module implements a generic 3D plotting interface for PDL. Points, lines and surfaces are supported.

The key concepts (object types) of TriD are explained in the following:


This is the object on the "highest" or "lowest" level of abstraction, depending on how you look at it. A window is simply a view to a 3D World. Camera is an often-used synonym for Window.


A collection of 3D objects and information about their relationships. A world has an absolute coordinate system.


An "object" which may contain other objects, which it transforms.


There are different types of actual objects, like Box, Mesh, Line or Point. Most of these object types can contain several objects of the same type, indicated by giving parameters with more dimensions than necessary for one object.


Not well enough documented.

Not enough is there yet.


Copyright (C) 1997 Tuomas J. Lukka. Redistribution in book form forbidden.