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docs/compiler_faq.pod - Parrot FAQ for compiler writers

General Questions

Which C compilers can I use with Parrot?

Whoa, there--you're looking at the wrong FAQ. This document is for people writing compilers that target Parrot.

To answer your question, though, Parrot should theoretically work with any C89-compliant C compiler, although some features require gcc. See the README files in the root directory for more information about building Parrot.

How can I implement a compiler to use as a compiler object from within Parrot? (For example, with the compile op.)

How do I embed source locations in my code for debugging?

You can do this using the setfile and setline opcodes. Simply set the source file name or line number whenever it changes. This is sub-optimal for a number of reasons, so there should eventually be a better system for this.


How do I generate a sub call in PIR?

If you have a fixed-length parameter list, IMCC makes this blindingly easy:

   $P0( $P1, $P2, $P3 )

where $P0 is the function object, and $P1, $P2, and $P3 are its parameters. You can also use a function's label in place of the object:

   somefunctionlabel( $P1, $P2, $P3 )

You can also get return value(s):

  ($P1,$P2) = $P0( $P1, $P2, $P3 )

How do I generate a method call in PIR?

Similar to function calls, just append . and the method:

  ret_val = some_obj."some_meth"(arg)

The method name may also be a string variable representing a method name:

  .local string m
  m = "bold"

How do I generate a sub call with a variable-length parameter list in PIR?

Use unprototyped calls and functions and pass as many arguments as you have. If you have a variable amounts of arguments in an array, you can pass all items of that array with the .flatten_arg directive.

  ar = new PerlArray
  push ar, "arg 1\n"
  push ar, "arg 2\n"
  .pcc_begin non_prototyped
  .flatten_arg ar
  .pcc_call sub

How to I retrieve the contents of a variable-length parameter list being passed to me?

You can check the passed PMC parameter count in the subroutine with the argcP variable (an alias to I3). Remember, the first eleven PMC parameters are passed in P5 through P15, with overflow parameters an array-like PMC in P3.

A simpler way is to use the foldup opcode, which creates an array of all passed PMC arguments.

  .sub _mysub non_prototyped
    .local pmc argv
    .local int argc
    argv = foldup
    argc = argv

If you have a few fixed parameters too, you can use a variant of foldup to capture variable arguments from that position on.

  .sub _mysub non_prototyped
    .param pmc arg0
    .param pmc arg1
    .local pmc varargs
    .local int num_varargs
    varargs = foldup, 2
    num_varargs = varargs

How do I create nested subroutines?

PIR doesn't support nested subroutines. You have to emit subroutines one by one. If lexicals of the outer subroutine are visible inside the nested sub, you have to include the outer pad depth in new_pad opcodes.


How do I fetch a variable from the global namespace?

There are two possible ways. Either use the special PIR syntax:

    $P0 = global "name_of_the_global"

or the find_global op:

    find_global $P0, "name_of_the_global"

How do I use lexical pads to have both a function scope and a global scope?

To create lexical variables, you'll need to keep track of how deeply nested each block of code is. Say you have some HLL code like so:

    # depth 0
    lexical $bar
    $foo = 3       # global foo
    $bar = 5       # bar at depth 0
      # depth 1
      lexical $foo
      $foo = 5     # foo at depth 1
         # depth 2
         lexical $bar
         $foo = 7  # also foo at depth 1
         $bar = 2  # bar at depth 2
         # depth 2, again
         lexical $foo
         $foo = 11 # foo at depth 2

When you are building your program tree, have each block reference its parent block, note its depth, and keep a list of all its lexical variables. At the opening of each block (that has lexical variables), emit code to push a lexical pad:

    new_pad n

where n is the lexical depth of the block. You can also use

    new_pad -1

to create a new pad with a nesting of outer + 1.

At any point that you exit a block, you should emit


This isn't necessary if you leave a block by invoking a continuation (by returning from a subroutine, for instance), as the continuation will automatically put the lexical pad stack back the way it was when the continuation was created.

When you need to figure out how to access a certain variable, simply look at the topmost block and work your way down the tree until you finds a block that declares lexical variables. Then take the lexical depth of the block in which you found it and emit some code like so:

    find_lex $P0, 2, "foo"

where 2 is the depth the variable was found at, foo is the name of the variable, and $P0 is a PMC register in which to store the variable.

Note that, by convention (and confusing IMCC syntax), variables, not direct values, are stored. So to assign to this lexical variable, you would say:

    find_lex $P0, 2, "foo"
    assign $P0, some_value

instead of:

    store_lex 2, "foo", some_value

You will still need to do a store_lex at some point (probably at the start of the block in which it is declared) to create the variable in the first place. Put a ParrotReference in it or something.

If, on the other hand, you never find said lexical variable (or if a block declares that variable to be global, or whatever other tricks your compiler likes to do), you might assume it to be a global, which you can access much the same way:

    find_global $P0, "bar"
    assign $P0, value_to_store

How do I fetch a variable from the current lexical pad?

Use lexical depth -1:

    find_lex $P0, -1, "foo"

How do I fetch a variable from any nesting depth?

Omit the depth parameter:

    find_lex $P0, "foo"

This finds a foo variable at any depth starting from the top.

How can I produce more efficient code for lexicals?

Use numeric indices instead of variable names for lexical retrieval. Lexicals of one pad depth are numbered from 0..n-1 in the order of their declaration.

    find_lex $P0, -1, 0       # get first lexical from top pad
    find_lex $P1, -2, 3       # get forth lexical from next inner pad

Modules, Classes, and Objects

How do I create a module?

How do I create a class?

With the newclass op:

    newclass $P0, "Animal"

How do I add instance methods to a class?

Methods are declared as functions in the class namespace with the method keyword appended to the function declaration:

  .namespace [ "Animal" ]

  .sub initialise method
    setattribute self, ...
  .sub run method

How do I add instance variables/attributes?

Each class knows what attribute its object can have. You can add attributes to a class (not to individual objects) like so:

    addattribute $P0, "legs"

How do I access attributes?

Attributes can be access by a fully qualified name or by index.

  $P0 = getattribute self, "Animal\0legs"
  assign $P0, 4                   # set attribute's value


  .local int offs
  offs = classoffset "Animal"
  $I0 = offs + 0                  # 1st attribute
  $P0 = getattribute self, $I0
  $I0 = offs + 1                  # 2nd attribute
  $P0 = getattribute self, $I0

When should I use properties vs. attributes?

Properties aren't inherited. If you have some additional data that don't fit into the classes hierarchy, you could use properties.

How do I create a class that is a subclass of another class?

You first have to get the class PMC of the class you want to subclass. Either you use the PMC returned by the newclass op if you created the class, or use the getclass op:

    getclass $P0, "Animal"

Then you can use the subclass op to create a new class that is a subclass of this class:

    subclass $P1, $P0, "Dog"

This stores the newly created class PMC in $P1.

How do I create a class that has more than one parent class?

First, create a class without a parent class using newclass (or with only one subclass, see previous question). Then add the other parent classes to it. Please refer to the next question for an example.

How do I add another parent class to my class?

If you have a class PMC (created with newclass or by subclass), you can add more parent classes to it with the addparent op:

    getclass $P1, "Dog"
    subclass $P2, $P1, "SmallDog"
    getclass $P3, "Pet"
    addparent $P2, $P3  # make "SmallDog" also a "Pet"

How can I specify the constructor of a class?

You can specify the constructor method by setting the BUILD property of the class PMC:

    newclass $P0, "Dog"         # create a class named Dog
    new $P1, .PerlString        # create a string
    set $P1, "initialise"       # set it to the name of the constructor method
    setprop $P0, "BUILD", $P1   # set the BUILD property

How do I instantiate a class?

First, you have to retrieve the type id of class you want to instantiate:

    find_type $I0, "Dog"

Then, you can create an instance of Dog with the new op:

    new $P0, $I0    # creates a Dog object and stores it in register $P0

During the new opcode the constructor is called.

How can I pass arguments to an constructor?

You can pass only a single argument to a constructor. By convention, a hash PMC is passed to the constructor that contains the arguments as key/value pairs:

    new $P0, .PerlHash
    set $P0["greeting"], "hello"
    set $P0["size"], 1.23

    find_type $I0, "Alien"
    new $P1, $I0, $P0           # create an Alien object and pass
                                # the hash to the constructor

How do I add module/class methods?

How do I access module/class variables?


Revision 0.3 - 17 May 2004