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Image::Synchronize::Logger - a message logger for Imsync


# arrange to print to STDERR at level 0 and up
$l1 = Image::Synchronize::Logger->new;

$l1->log_message('unconditional', ' multiple arguments');
   # prints 'unconditional multiple arguments' to STDERR

$l1->log_message($level, 'this too?');
   # prints 'this too?' to STDERR if $level is a number >= 0

# Image::Synchronize::Logger->new() is equivalent to
$l1 = Image::Synchronize::Logger->new({ name => '',
                            min_level => 0,
                            action => sub { print STDERR, @_ } });

# arrange to print through the code reference at level 2 and up
$l2 = Image::Synchronize::Logger->new({ name => 'myprinter',
                            min_level => 2,
                            action => sub { print 'Hey! ', @_; } });

$l2->log_message(1, 'level 1');
   # not printed because verbosity level 1 is less than the minimum
   # level (2) defined for the single backend printer of the logger

$l2->log_message(2, 'level 2');
   # prints 'Hey! level 2' to STDOUT

# arrange to also print to a file at level 1 and up
open $ofh, '>>', 'mylog.log';
$l2->set_printer({ name => 'tofile',
                   min_level => 1,
                   action => sub { print $ofh @_ } });

$l2->log_message(1, 'level 1');
   # prints 'level 1' to the file

$l2->log_message(2, 'level 2');
   # prints 'level 2' to the file, and 'Hey! level 2' to STDOUT

# change 'Hey!' to 'Wow!' for printing to STDOUT
$l2->set_printer({ name => 'myprinter',
                   min_level => 2,
                   action => sub { print 'Wow! ', @_; } });

$l2->log_message(2, 'level 2');
   # prints 'level 2' to the file, and 'Wow! level 2' to STDOUT

# remove myprinter

$l2->log_message(2, 'level 2');
   # prints 'level 2' to the file

# install as default logger

# access the default logger
$l = default_logger();

# now these are equivalent:

# the arguments can be code references, which get evaluated with no
# arguments.
$l2->log_message(2, sub { 'This is some text' });
   # prints 'This is some text' to the file

# arguments that are array references get the referenced array
# interpolated.  These are equivalent:
$l->log_message(1, 'this', [' is', ' text']);
$l->log_message(1, 'this', ' is', ' text');

# log a message when the message verbosity is at least 2 or if
# option 'X' is equal to 'foo'
$l->set_printer({ name => '',
                  min_level => 2,
                  action => sub { print @_; } });
$l->set_printer_condition('', 'foo condition', 
                          sub { $_->{X} eq 'foo' });
$l->log_message(1, @args);    # not printed, verbosity too low
$l->log_message(1, { X => 'bar' }, @args);   # not printed
$l->log_message(1, { X => 'foo' }, @args);   # args get printed


$l = Image::Synchronize::Logger->new($name, $min_level, $coderef);
$l = Image::Synchronize::Logger->new({ name => $name,
                           min_level => $min_level,
                           bitflags => $bitflags,
                           action => $coderef });
$l = Image::Synchronize::Logger->new;
  # equivalent to  ->new({ name => '',
                           min_level => 0,
                           action => sub { print STDERR @_ } });

Constructs a new instance of the class for logging messages to one or more back-end printers, based on a minimum verbosity level and/or bit flags.

$name is the name of the back-end printer, through which it can be queried or modified later.

$min_level is the minimum verbosity level of the back-end printer. A logged message gets printed through the back-end printer if its verbosity level is at least as great as $min_level.

$bitflags is a number that identifies which bits of the verbosity level are bit flags. If a message is logged at a verbosity level that includes any of those bits, then that message gets logged through the current back-end printer.

$coderef is a code reference that says how the message should be printed. The messages to be logged show up in @_ inside that code reference.

clear_printer($name);         # default logger

Removes the named back-end printer from the logger. If no printer by that name is known to the logger, then does nothing. If removal of the back-end printer leaves the logger without any back-end printers, then installs a default back-end printer (with name '') that prints to STDERR.

Returns the logger object.

$l->set_printer_condition($printer_name, $condition_name, $code_ref);

Adds the $code_ref as a printer condition with name $condition_name to the back-end printer with name $printer_name.

$default_logger = default_logger();

Returns the default logger, which is an instance of Image::Synchronize::Logger.

$l->log_message($level, { %options }, @arguments);
# $level and %options are optional

# or use the default logger
log_message($level, { %options }, @arguments);

Log a message through all applicable back-end printers of the logger.

If the first specified argument is a scalar number, then it represents the verbosity level of the message. The verbosity level defaults to 0.

If, after removing the verbosity level if any, the first specified argument is a hash reference, then it represents information to pass to the special condition evaluator of the printer, if defined.

The remaining arguments represent values to print. If any of them are code references, then they are evaluated before printing, with no arguments. Evaluation is done only if the message gets printed through at least one of the back-end printers, so if any of the values to be printed are expensive to evaluate, then wrap them in an anonymous sub to prevent them from being evaluated if they aren't needed.

Returns the logger object.

The message gets printed through the back-end printer if $level matches the printer's maximum verbosity level or bit flag or if any of the printer's special conditions are met.

The printer's maximum verbosity level (if specified) is matched if $level is less than or equal to that maximum verbosity level.

The printer's bit flag (if specified) is matched if at least one of the bits in the printer's bit flag are set in $level.

If the printer has one or more special conditions defined (set_printer_condition), then the code reference for each of those conditions gets evaluated with {%options} as argument, and the condition is met if it evaluates to a true value.


Logs the @messages (at verbosity levels 0 and up) prefixed by 'ERROR: '.


Logs the @messages (at verbosity levels 0 and up) prefixed by 'WARNING: '.


Installs $l (an Image::Synchronize::Logger) as the default logger, to be returned by default_logger().

Returns the logger object.

# with a logger object
$l->set_printer($name, $level, $coderef);
$l->set_printer({ name => $name,
                  min_level => $level,
                  bitflags => $flags,
                  action => $coderef });
# equivalent to ->set_printer('', 0, sub { print STDERR @_ })

# or the same with the default logger

Sets a back-end printer of logger $l, or of the default logger, replacing any previous back-end printer with the same name.

See new for details of the arguments.

Returns the object.


Louis Strous <>


Copyright (c) 2016 Louis Strous.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.