LWP::Curl - LWP methods implementation with Curl engine
Version 0.10
Use libcurl like LWP, $lwpcurl->get($url), $lwpcurl->timeout(15) don't care about Curl API and don't care about html encode
use LWP::Curl;
my $lwpcurl = LWP::Curl->new();
my $content = $lwpcurl->get('','');
# get the page passing with referer
Creates and returns a new LWP::Curl object, hereafter referred to as the "lwpcurl".
my $lwpcurl = LWP::Curl->new()
timeout => sec
Set the timeout value in seconds. The default timeout value is 180 seconds, i.e. 3 minutes.
headers => [0|1]
Show HTTP headers when return a content. The default is false '0'
user_agent => 'agent86'
Set the user agent string. The default is 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)'
followlocation => [0|1]
If the spider receive a HTTP 301 ( Redirect ) they will follow?. The default is 1.
auto_encode => [0|1]
Turn on/off auto encode urls, for get/post.
maxredirs => number
Set how deep the spider will follow when receive HTTP 301 ( Redirect ). The default is 3.
proxy => $proxyurl
Set the proxy in the constructor, $proxyurl will be like:
libcurl respects the environment variables http_proxy, ftp_proxy, all_proxy etc, if any of those are set. The $lwpcurl->proxy option does however override any possibly set environment variables.
Get content of $url, passando $referer se definido
use LWP::Curl;
my $referer = '';
my $get_url = '';
my $lwpcurl = LWP::Curl->new();
my $content = $lwpcurl->get($get_url, $referer);
POST the $hash_form fields in $url, passing $referer if defined
use LWP::Curl;
my $lwpcurl = LWP::Curl->new();
my $referer = '';
my $post_url = '';
my $hash_form = {
'field1' => 'value1',
'field2' => 'value2',
my $content = $lwpcurl->post($post_url, $hash_form, $referer);
Set timeout, default 180
Turn on/off auto_encode
Sets the user agent string to the expanded version from a table of actual user strings. $alias can be one of the following:
Windows IE 6
Windows Mozilla
Mac Safari
Mac Mozilla
Linux Mozilla
Linux Konqueror
then it will be replaced with a more interesting one. For instance,
$lwpcurl->agent_alias( 'Windows IE 6' );
sets your User-Agent to
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
Set the proxy in the constructor, $proxyurl will be like:
libcurl respects the environment variables http_proxy, ftp_proxy, all_proxy etc, if any of those are set. The $lwpcurl->proxy option does however override any possibly set environment variables.
To disable proxy set $lwpcurl->proxy('');
$lwpcurl->proxy without argument, return the current proxy
This is a small list of features I'm plan to add. Feel free to contribute with your wishlist and comentaries!
Test for the upload method
Improve the Documentation and tests
Support Cookies
PASS in all tests of LWP
Make a patch to WWW::Mechanize, todo change engine, like "new(engine => 'LWP::Curl')"
Lindolfo Rodrigues de Oliveira Neto, <lorn at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-lwp-curl at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc LWP::Curl
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RT: CPAN's request tracker
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Thanks to Breno G. Oliveira for the great tips. Thanks for the LWP and WWW::Mechanize for the inspiration. Thanks for Neil Bowers for patches
Copyright 2009 Lindolfo Rodrigues de Oliveira Neto, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.