Chart::Manual::Workflows - different ways to create charts


use-ing Chart

Okay, so you caught me. There's really no Chart::type module. All of the different chart types (Points, Lines, Bars, LinesPoints, Composite, StackedBars, Pie, Pareto, HorizontalBars, Split, ErrorBars, Direction and Mountain so far) are classes by themselves, each inheriting a bunch of methods from the Chart::Base class. Simply replace the word type with the type of chart you want and you're on your way. For example,

use Chart::Lines;

would invoke the lines module. Alternatively write to load all chart types at ones with

use Chart;


Copyright 2022 David Bonner, Herbert Breunung.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under same terms as Perl itself.


David Bonner, <>

Herbert Breunung, <>