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HPPPM::Demand::Management - Web Service Automation for HPPPM Demand Management


Version 0.01


Command Call:

perl bin/ -o createRequest -u user -p password -f data/ -c cfg/logging.conf

-o or --operation is the webservice operation being performed

-u or --user user authorized to perform web service operation

-p or --password user's password

-f or --fields location of file containing input fields that will be used to create the web service request.Instead of a path this can also be a string containing the input fields.A sample data file for each web service operation has been bundled along with distribution under data dir.

-c or --logconfig location to the configuration file that drives logging behavior.

-h or --help or -? display help.

Typical Usage:

$hpppm = HPPPM::Demand::Management->new();

$fields = $hpppm->validate_read_cmdargs(@ARGV);

$tags = $hpppm->get_inputs($hpppm->get_current_oper());

$inputs = FieldParser::parser($fields, $tags);

$ret = $hpppm->validate_inputs($inputs);

$ret = $hpppm->validate_tokens($inputs->{'fields'}) if grep /^fields$/, @{ $tags };

$ret = $hpppm->extract($res, ['faultcode', 'faultstring', 'exception:detail', 'id', 'return']);


A framework that helps automate the Web service interaction offered by HP Project and Portfolio Management(aka - HPPPM).HPPPM is an industry wide tool that is used to standardize, manage and capture the execution of a project and operational activities.For more on HPPPM refer the online documentation at HP.HPPPM offers Web Service operations to various interfacing applications involved in a project to talk to each other.HPPPM offers solutions for various activities of an organization viz - application portfolio, demand, financial and so on.This framework currently supports Demand Management only.

The framework is built up on 3 modules that have a designated task to do:

field_parser - A Higher Order Perl parser meant to parse the input fields that will be used in creating the Web service request. This module is generic and can be used by others after tweaking as per need.

error_handler - Performs command line parsing, validation and error/info extraction.

demand_management - Creates the Web Service request and does an HTTP post to the Web service.

All the above modules offer utilities/methods/functions to the outside world.The framework is typically meant to run via a wrapper script that uses the utilities offered.A sample wrapper script is bundled along with this distribution under the bin dir.

A little knowledge in how HPPPM works is absolutely necessary if you intend to use this framework to automate webservice calling for you. In HPPPM each work item is designated as a request and is similar in concept to a ticket in many ticketing systems. A request in HPPPM is made up of request type, request header type and workflow.The request type and header are made up of request fields, validations, rules, security and statuses.The workflow is the request component that gets activated once the request is submitted.The workflow is made up various sub components that are classified as Executional, Decisional, Conditional and SubWorkflows.The Decisional subcompnents are the trigger points for user action and they in turn trigger the Executional and/or Conditional sub components as governed by the business logic.Please note that all fields have a unique token name through which it is referenced internally and also in the Webservice call.

Following are the Web Service Operations that the framework helps you play with:

addRequestNotes - Add notes to an existing PPM request.

createRequest - Create a new request in PPM.

deleteRequest - Delete PPM requests.

executeWFTransitions - Move workflow and the request as a whole from one Decision step to another.

getRequests - Get PPM request fields and their values.

setRequestFields - Update fields of an existing PPM request.

setRequestRemoteReferenceStatus - Updates the status of a remote reference in a request in PPM.


Let us assume that application XYZ wants to create a HP PPM request using this framework.XYZ application will need the following(apart from this framework installed and working)

username of the user authorized in PPM to do the webservice operation

password of the above user in PPM

input fields in the format the framework expects

A sample input field format:

"<serviceUrl>" "" "</serviceUrl>" "<requestType>" "ABC" "</requestType>" "<fields>" "REQ.VP.APPLICATION" "COMMON" "REQ.VP.ID" "1102" "REQD.VP.RELATED" "No" "REQ.VP.PRIORITY" "2" "</fields>" "<URLReferences>" "abc" "abc" "abc" "</URLReferences>" "<notes>" "varun" "test by varun" "</notes>"

All token names and their values go inside the <fields> tags.If you are setting URLReferences they must atleast have a single field which is the name("abc" above) of the URLReference that will appear in the PPM request. For notes write the authorname first followed by the note.Enclose all tags ,fields and their values in double quotes and separated by spaces.

The XYZ application needs to change the input fields as per their requirement and use the command call listed in SYNOPSIS to create a request in the PPM environment enclosed between serviceUrl tag.

Following is a listing of supported Web services operations and their mandatory input types:

createRequest : serviceUrl, requestType, fields

addRequestNotes : serviceUrl, requestId, notes

executeWFTransitions : serviceUrl, receiver, transition

deleteRequests : serviceUrl, requestIds

getRequests : serviceUrl, requestIds

setRequestFields : serviceUrl, requestId, fields

setRequestRemoteReferenceStatus : serviceUrl, receiver, source, status, fields

Following is the sample input for various operations supported by this framework:

addRequestNotes: "<serviceUrl>" "" "</serviceUrl>" "<requestId>" "30990" "</requestId>" "<notes>" "varun" "test by varun" "</notes>"

deleteRequests: "<serviceUrl>" "" "</serviceUrl>" "<requestIds>" "31520" "31521" "</requestIds>"

executeWFTransitions: "<serviceUrl>" "" "</serviceUrl>" "<receiver>" "31490" "</receiver>" "<transition>" "Review Complete" "</transition>"

getRequests: "<serviceUrl>" "" "</serviceUrl>" "<requestIds>" "30935" "30936" "</requestIds>"

setRequestFields: "<serviceUrl>" "" "</serviceUrl>" "<requestId>" "31490" "</requestId>" "<fields>" "REQD.VP.ORG" "ABC" "REQD.VP.DETAILED_DESC" "Test by Varun" "</fields>"

setRequestRemoteReferenceStatus: "<serviceUrl>" "" "</serviceUrl>" "<receiver>" "31490" "" "</receiver>" "<source>" "31490" "" "</source>" "<status>" "Assigned" "</status>" "<fields>" "REQD.VP.ORG" "Another test" "REQD.VP.DETAILED_DESC" "Another test Varun" "</fields>"

For reference sake the above sample inputs for various operations are also saved in data dir under base distribution.




Returns supported operations


Returns current operation


Lists mandatory types needed inorder to perform the operation.If operation is not passed or is undef, returns all the operations supported along with the mandatory types for each.

for e.g. - for createRequest operation the input fields must have "requestType" and "fields".


Lists types needed inorder to perform the operation.If operation is not passed or is undef, returns all the operations supported along with the mandatory types for each.

for e.g. - for createRequest operation the input fields(mandatory and optional) have "requestType", "fields", "URLReferences", and "notes".


Creates request from inputs passed using templates


POSTs the request to the url passed in.Checks if the web service url is available before posting the request.


To enable troubleshooting the framework logs activites in a log file( sample stored under logs dir).The logging is controlled via a config file stored under cfg dir.


The framework supports test driven development and has a test suite to help in unit testing.The test suite can be located under the t dir under base dist.Also, before using this framework take a look at the various templates under the templates directory and modify as per need.This framework works for HPPPM 9.14 and is backward compatiable as well.However, if you come across any deviations please feel free to mail me your observations.


Varun Juyal, <>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-hpppm-demand-management at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc HPPPM::Demand::Management

You can also look for information at:



Copyright 2012 Varun Juyal.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.