Test::WWW::Mechanize::JSON - Add a JSON and AJAXy methods to the super-class


use Test::More 'no_plan';
use_ok("Test::WWW::Mechanize::JSON") or BAIL_OUT;
my $MECH = Test::WWW::Mechanize::JSON->new(
	noproxy => 1,
	etc     => 'other-params-for-Test::WWW::Mechanize',
my $json_as_perl = $MECH->json_ok or BAIL_OUT Dumper $MECH->response;


Extends Test::WWW::Mechanize to test JSON content in response bodies and x-json headers.

It adds a few HTTP verbs to Mechanize, for convenience.



An HTTP 'put' request, using HTTP::Request::Common.

At the time of wriring, modules that rely on HTTP::Request::Common treat PUT as a type of GET, when the spec says it is really a type of POST:

The fundamental difference between the POST and PUT requests is reflected in the different meaning of the Request-URI.
                           -- HTTP specification


An HTTP 'delete' request, using HTTP::Request::Common.


An HTTP 'options' request, using HTTP::Request::Common.


An HTTP 'head' request, using HTTP::Request::Common.



Tests that the last received resopnse body is valid JSON.

A default description of "Got JSON from $url" or "Not JSON from $url" is used if none if provided.

Returns the JSON object, that you may perform further tests upon it.


As $mech-json_ok($desc)> but examines the x-json header.

any_json_ok( $desc )

Like the other JSON methods, but passes if the response contained JSON in the content or x-json header.


Like diag, but renders the JSON of body the last request with indentation.


Like diag, but renders the JSON from the x-json header of the last request with indentation.

$mech->utf8_ok( $desc )

Passes if the last response contained a charset=utf-8 definition in its content-type header.


Copyright (C) Lee Goddard, 2009/2011.

Available under the same terms as Perl itself.