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SVG::Rasterize::State - state of settings during traversal


  SVG::Rasterize::State is a


Version 0.001005


An instance of this class saves one state during the traversal through an SVG tree. At encounter of a new child element the old state is pushed to a stack and retrieved later. A state saves the current transformation matrix, style settings and so on. Part of this functionality overlaps with the ability of Cairo to push its state onto a stack, but I do not want to entirely rely on that because I am not sure if everything can be handled in that way and also because future alternative backends might not have this feature.

This class is instanced only by SVG::Rasterize. The information of this document will mainly be interesting for maintainers of SVG::Rasterize and possibly for advanced users who want to write hooks.




  $state = SVG::Rasterize::State->new(%args)

Creates a new SVG::Rasterize::State object and calls init(%args). If you subclass SVG::Rasterize::State overload init, not new.

Supported arguments:

  • rasterize (mandatory): SVG::Rasterize object

  • parent (optional): the parent state object, always expected except for the root

  • node_name (mandatory): name of the current node

  • node_attributes (mandatory): HASH reference

  • node (optional): must offer a getChildren method if provided; unused except for children, but available for hooks

  • matrix (optional): must be an ARRAY reference if provided

Public Attributes


Can only be set at construction time. If the SVG data to rasterize are provided as an SVG object (or, in fact, some DOM object in general) this attribute stores the node object for which this state object was created. All processing (except children, see nextChild) uses the node_name and node_attributes attributes which are always present. It is also recommended that you use these instead of node wherever possible. For example, $node->getAttributes might be undefined or not normalized (see White Space Handling in SVG::Rasterize).


Can only be set at construction time. Stores the name of the current node even if <node|/node> above is undef. If it differs from $node->getNodeName (not recommended), node_name is used.


Can only be set at construction time. Stores the attributes of the current node as a HASH reference even if <node|/node> above is undef. The accessor does not create a copy of the hash, so changes will affect the hash stored in the object. This is on purpose to give you full control e.g. inside a hook. In case the node has no attributes an empty hash is returned. If the content differs from $node->getAttributes (not recommended), node_attributes is used.


Readonly attribute (you can change the contents, of course, but this is considered a hack bypassing the interface). Stores an ARRAY reference with 6 numbers [a, b, c, d, e, f] such that the matrix

  ( a  c  e )
  ( b  d  f )
  ( 0  0  1 )

represents the map from coordinates in the current user coordinate system to the output pixel grid. See multiply_matrices in SVG::Rasterize for more background.

Before you use the matrix directly have a look at transform below.

Methods for Users

The distinction between users and developers is a bit arbitrary because these methods are only interesting for users who write hooks which probably brings them as close to being a developer of this distribution as a user can be.



This method takes a length and returns the corresponding value in px according to the conversion rates above.


  $x = $rasterize->map_length('  1in ');  # returns 90
  $x = $rasterize->map_length('5.08cm');  # returns 180
  $x = $rasterize->map_length(10);        # returns 10
  $x = $rasterize->map_length('50%')      # depends on context

Note that there is no $state->map_length($number, $unit) interface like in map_abs_length in SVG::Rasterize. It can be added on request.

Currently, relative units are not supported.


  ($x_abs, $y_abs) = $state->transform($x, $y)

Takes an x and a y coordinate and maps them from the current user space to the output pixel coordinate system using the current value of matrix. $x and $y can be numbers or lengths (see Lengths versus Numbers in SVG::Rasterize).

Methods for Subclass Developers


See new for a description of the interface. If you overload init, your method should also call this one.


  $node = $state->nextChild

This method only works when traversing through a DOM tree. When the state object is instantiated it saves references to all children in a list. This method shifts from this list and returns the result. If the list is exhausted (or has never been filled because there was no node object) then it returns undef.


Alias to multiply_matrices in SVG::Rasterize. The alias is established via the typeglob:

  *multiply_matrices = \&SVG::Rasterize::multiply_matrices;



Not documented, yet. Sorry.


Not documented, yet. Sorry.


No bugs have been reported. Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-svg-rasterize at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you will automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


Private Attributes

  • _parent

    Stores a weakened reference to the parent state object. This attribute should maybe become public readonly for use in hooks.

  • _rasterize

    Stores a weakened reference to the SVG::Rasterize object. This attribute should maybe become public readonly for use in hooks.

Internal Methods

  • _process_node

    Called after creation of the state object. Checks for relevant attributes and processes them.

  • _process_transform_attribute

    Parses the string given in a transform attribute and sets the matrix attribute accordingly.

  • _process_viewBox_attribute

    Parses the viewBox and preserveAspectRatio attributes (if present) of the current node and modifies the current transformation matrix accordingly.

  • _process_style_properties

    Creates a hash with current style properties which are taken from (in order of decreasing preference) the style attribute or the respective properrty attribute or (if inheritable) from the parent state.


Lutz Gehlen, <perl at>


Copyright 2010 Lutz Gehlen.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.