Math::GSL::Sort - Functions for sorting data


use Math::GSL::Sort qw/:all/;
my $x       = [ 2**15, 1.67, 20e5, -17, 6900, 1/3 , 42e-10 ];
my $sorted  = gsl_sort($x, 1, $#$x+1 );
my $numbers = [ map { rand(100) } (1..100) ];
my ($status, $smallest10) = gsl_sort_smallest($array, 10, $x, 1, $#$x+1);


Here is a list of all the functions included in this module :

  • gsl_sort_vector($v)

    This function sorts the elements of the vector $v into ascending numerical order. 
  • gsl_sort_vector_index($p, $v)

    This function indirectly sorts the elements of the vector $v into ascending
    order, storing the resulting permutation in $p. The elements of $p give the
    index of the vector element which would have been stored in that position if
    the vector had been sorted in place. The first element of $p gives the index
    of the least element in $v, and the last element of $p gives the index of the
    greatest element in $v. The vector $v is not changed. 
  • gsl_sort_vector_smallest($array, $k, $vector)

    This function outputs 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise and then the
    $k smallest elements of the vector $v. $k must be less than or equal to the
    length of the vector $v.
  • gsl_sort_vector_smallest_index($p, $k, $v)

    This function outputs 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise and then the
    indices of the $k smallest elements of the vector $v. $p must be a prealocated
    array reference. This should be removed in further versions. $k must be less
    than or equal to the length of the vector $v. 
  • gsl_sort_vector_largest($array, $k, $vector)

    This function outputs 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise and then the
    $k largest elements of the vector $v. $k must be less than or equal to the
    length of the vector $v.
  • gsl_sort_vector_largest_index($p, $k, $v)

    This function outputs 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise and then the
    indices of the $k largest elements of the vector $v. $p must be a prealocated
    array reference. This should be removed in further versions. $k must be less
    than or equal to the length of the vector $v. 
  • gsl_sort($data, $stride, $n)

    This function returns an array reference to the sorted $n elements of the
    array $data with stride $stride into ascending numerical order.
  • gsl_sort_index($p, $data, $stride, $n)

    This function indirectly sorts the $n elements of the array $data with stride
    $stride into ascending order, outputting the permutation in the foram of an
    array. $p must be a prealocated array reference. This should be removed in
    further versions. The array $data is not changed.
  • gsl_sort_smallest($array, $k, $data, $stride, $n)

    This function outputs 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise and then the
    $k smallest elements of the array $data, of size $n and stride $stride, in
    ascending numerical. The size $k of the subset must be less than or equal to
    $n. The data $src is not modified by this operation. $array must be a
    prealocated array reference. This should be removed in further versions.
  • gsl_sort_smallest_index($p, $k, $src, $stride, $n)

    This function outputs 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise and then the
    indices of the $k smallest elements of the array $src, of size $n and stride
    $stride. The indices are chosen so that the corresponding data is in ascending
    numerical order. $k must be less than or equal to $n. The data $src is not
    modified by this operation. $p must be a prealocated array reference. This
    should be removed in further versions. 
  • gsl_sort_largest($array, $k, $data, $stride, $n)

    This function outputs 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise and then the
    $k largest elements of the array $data, of size $n and stride $stride, in
    ascending numerical. The size $k of the subset must be less than or equal to
    $n. The data $src is not modified by this operation. $array must be a
    prealocated array reference. This should be removed in further versions.
  • gsl_sort_largest_index($p, $k, $src, $stride, $n)

    This function outputs 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise and then the
    indices of the $k largest elements of the array $src, of size $n and stride
    $stride. The indices are chosen so that the corresponding data is in ascending
    numerical order. $k must be less than or equal to $n. The data $src is not
    modified by this operation. $p must be a prealocated array reference. This
    should be removed in further versions. 
Here is a complete list of all tags for this module :
For more informations on the functions, we refer you to the GSL offcial documentation: 

Tip : search on google: L<>


In the source code of Math::GSL, the file "examples/benchmark/sort" compares
the performance of gsl_sort() to Perl's builtin sort() function. It's first
argument is the number of iterations and the second is the size of the array
of numbers to sort. For example, to see a benchmark of 1000 iterations for 
arrays of size 50000 you would type

   ./examples/benchmark/sort 1000 50000

Initial benchmarks indicate just slightly above a 2x performance increase
over sort() for arrays of between 5000 and 50000 elements. This may mostly
be due to the fact that gsl_sort() takes and returns a reference while sort()
takes and returns a plain list.


Jonathan Leto <> and Thierry Moisan <>


Copyright (C) 2008 Jonathan Leto and Thierry Moisan

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.