Math::GSL::Matrix - Mathematical functions concerning Matrices


use Math::GSL::Matrix qw/:all/;
my $matrix1 = Math::GSL::Matrix->new(5,5);  # OO interface
my $matrix2 = gsl_matrix_alloc(5,5);        # standard interface

Objected Oriented Interface to GSL Math::GSL::Matrix


Creates a new Matrix of the given size.

my $matrix = Math::GSL::Matrix->new(10,10);


Get the underlying GSL matrix object created by SWIG, useful for using gsl_matrix_* functions which do not have an OO counterpart.

my $matrix     = Math::GSL::Matrix->new(3,3);
my $gsl_matrix = $matrix->raw;
my $stuff      = gsl_matrix_get($gsl_matrix, 1, 2);


Returns the number of rows in the matrix.

my $rows = $matrix->rows;


Returns the number of columns in the matrix.

my $cols = $matrix->cols;


Get the contents of a Math::GSL::Matrix object as a Perl list.

my $matrix = Math::GSL::Matrix->new(3,3);
my @matrix = $matrix->as_list;


Returns a row matrix of the row you enter.

my $matrix = Math::GSL::Matrix->new(3,3);
my $matrix_row = $matrix->row(0);


Returns a col matrix of the column you enter.

my $matrix = Math::GSL::Matrix->new(3,3);
my $matrix_col = $matrix->col(0);


Sets a the values of a row with the elements of an array.

my $matrix = Math::GSL::Matrix->new(3,3);
$matrix->set_row(0, [8, 6, 2]);

You can also set multiple rows at once with chained calls: my $matrix = Math::GSL::Matrix->new(3,3); $matrix->set_row(0, [8, 6, 2]); ->set_row(1, [2, 4, 1]); ...


Sets a the values of a column with the elements of an array.

my $matrix = Math::GSL::Matrix->new(3,3);
$matrix->set_col(0, [8, 6, 2]);

You can also set multiple columns at once with chained calls: my $matrix = Math::GSL::Matrix->new(3,3); $matrix->set_col(0, [8, 6, 2]); ->set_col(1, [2, 4, 1]); ...


Here is a list of all the functions included in this module :

gsl_matrix_alloc($i, $j) - Return a gsl_matrix of $i rows and $j columns
gsl_matrix_calloc($i, $j) - Return a gsl_matrix of $i rows and $j columns and initialize all of the elements of the matrix to zero
gsl_matrix_alloc_from_block -
gsl_matrix_free -
gsl_matrix_alloc_from_matrix -
gsl_vector_alloc_row_from_matrix -
gsl_vector_alloc_col_from_matrix -
gsl_matrix_submatrix($m, $k1, $k2, $n1, $n2) - Return a matrix view of the matrix $m. The upper-left element of the submatrix is the element ($k1,$k2) of the original matrix. The submatrix has $n1 rows and $n2 columns.
gsl_matrix_row($m , $i) - Return a vector view of the $i-th row of the matrix $m
gsl_matrix_column($m, $j) - Return a vector view of the $j-th column of the matrix $m
gsl_matrix_diagonal($m) - Return a vector view of the diagonal of the vector. The matrix doesn't have to be square.
gsl_matrix_subdiagonal($m, $k) - Return a vector view of the $k-th subdiagonal of the matrix $m. The diagonal of the matrix corresponds to k=0.
gsl_matrix_superdiagonal($m, $k) - Return a vector view of the $k-th superdiagonal of the matrix $m. The matrix doesn't have to be square.
gsl_matrix_subrow($m, $i, $offset, $n) - Return a vector view of the $i-th row of the matrix $m beginning at offset elements and containing n elements.
gsl_matrix_subcolumn($m, $j, $offset, $n) - Return a vector view of the $j-th column of the matrix $m beginning at offset elements and containing n elements.
gsl_matrix_view_array($base, $n1, $n2) - This function returns a matrix view of the array reference $base. The matrix has $n1 rows and $n2 columns. The physical number of columns in memory is also given by $n2. Mathematically, the (i,j)-th element of the new matrix is given by, m'(i,j) = $base->[i*$n2 + j] where the index i runs from 0 to $n1-1 and the index j runs from 0 to $n2-1. The new matrix is only a view of the array reference $base. When the view goes out of scope the original array reference $base will continue to exist. The original memory can only be deallocated by freeing the original array. Of course, the original array should not be deallocated while the view is still in use.
gsl_matrix_view_array_with_tda($base, $n1, $n2, $tda) - This function returns a matrix view of the array reference $base with a physical number of columns $tda which may differ from the corresponding dimension of the matrix. The matrix has $n1 rows and $n2 columns, and the physical number of columns in memory is given by $tda. Mathematically, the (i,j)-th element of the new matrix is given by, m'(i,j) = $base->[i*$tda + j] where the index i runs from 0 to $n1-1 and the index j runs from 0 to $n2-1. The new matrix is only a view of the array reference $base. When the view goes out of scope the original array reference $base will continue to exist. The original memory can only be deallocated by freeing the original array. Of course, the original array should not be deallocated while the view is still in use.
gsl_matrix_view_vector -
gsl_matrix_view_vector_with_tda -
gsl_matrix_const_submatrix -
gsl_matrix_get($m, $i, $j) - Return the (i,j)-th element of the matrix $m
gsl_matrix_set($m, $i, $j, $x) - Set the value of the (i,j)-th element of the matrix $m to $x
gsl_matrix_ptr -
gsl_matrix_const_ptr -
gsl_matrix_set_zero($m) - Set all the elements of the matrix $m to zero
gsl_matrix_set_identity($m) - Set the elements of the matrix $m to the corresponding elements of the identity matrix
gsl_matrix_set_all($m, $x) - Set all the elements of the matrix $m to the value $x
gsl_matrix_fread($fh, $m) - Read a file which has been written with gsl_matrix_fwrite from the stream $fh opened with the fopen function and stores the data inside the matrix $m
gsl_matrix_fwrite($fh, $m) - Write the elements of the matrix $m in binary format to a stream $fh opened with the fopen function
gsl_matrix_fscanf($fh, $m) - Read a file which has been written with gsl_matrix_fprintf from the stream $fh opened with the fopen function and stores the data inside the matrix $m
gsl_matrix_fprintf($fh, $m, $format) - Write the elements of the matrix $m in the format $format (for example "%f" is the format for double) to a stream $fh opened with the fopen function
gsl_matrix_memcpy($dest, $src) - Copy the elements of the matrix $src to the matrix $dest. The two matrices must have the same size.
gsl_matrix_swap($m1, $m2) - Exchange the elements of the matrices $m1 and $m2 by copying. The two matrices must have the same size.
gsl_matrix_swap_rows($m, $i, $j) - Exchange the $i-th and $j-th row of the matrix $m. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
gsl_matrix_swap_columns($m, $i, $j) - Exchange the $i-th and $j-th column of the matrix $m. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
gsl_matrix_swap_rowcol($m, $i, $j) - Exchange the $i-th row and the $j-th column of the matrix $m. The matrix must be square. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
gsl_matrix_transpose($m) - This function replaces the matrix m by its transpose by copying the elements of the matrix in-place. The matrix must be square for this operation to be possible.
gsl_matrix_transpose_memcpy($dest, $src) - Make the matrix $dest the transpose of the matrix $src. This function works for all matrices provided that the dimensions of the matrix dest match the transposed dimensions of the matrix src.
gsl_matrix_max($m) - Return the maximum value in the matrix $m
gsl_matrix_min($m) - Return the minimum value in the matrix $m
gsl_matrix_minmax($m) - Return two values, the first is the minimum value of the Matrix $m and the second is the maximum of the same the same matrix.
gsl_matrix_max_index($m) - Return two values, the first is the the i indice of the maximum value of the matrix $m and the second is the j indice of the same value.
gsl_matrix_min_index($m) - Return two values, the first is the the i indice of the minimum value of the matrix $m and the second is the j indice of the same value.
gsl_matrix_minmax_index($m) - Return four values, the first is the i indice of the minimum of the matrix $m, the second is the j indice of the same value, the third is the i indice of the maximum of the matrix $m and the fourth is the j indice of the same value
gsl_matrix_isnull($m) - Return 1 if all the elements of the matrix $m are zero, 0 otherwise
gsl_matrix_ispos($m) - Return 1 if all the elements of the matrix $m are strictly positve, 0 otherwise
gsl_matrix_isneg($m) - Return 1 if all the elements of the matrix $m are strictly negative, 0 otherwise
gsl_matrix_isnonneg($m) - Return 1 if all the elements of the matrix $m are non-negatuive, 0 otherwise
gsl_matrix_add($a, $b) - Add the elements of matrix $b to the elements of matrix $a
gsl_matrix_sub($a, $b) - Subtract the elements of matrix $b from the elements of matrix $a
gsl_matrix_mul_elements($a, $b) - Multiplie the elements of matrix $a by the elements of matrix $b
gsl_matrix_div_elements($a, $b) - Divide the elements of matrix $a by the elements of matrix $b
gsl_matrix_scale($a, $x) - Multiplie the elements of matrix $a by the constant factor $x
gsl_matrix_add_constant($a, $x) - Add the constant value $x to the elements of the matrix $a
gsl_matrix_add_diagonal($a, $x) - Add the constant value $x to the elements of the diagonal of the matrix $a
gsl_matrix_get_row($v, $m, $i) - Copy the elements of the $i-th row of the matrix $m into the vector $v. The lenght of the vector must be of the same as the lenght of the row. The function returns 0 if it succeded, 1 otherwise.
gsl_matrix_get_col($v, $m, $i) - Copy the elements of the $j-th column of the matrix $m into the vector $v. The lenght of the vector must be of the same as the lenght of the column. The function returns 0 if it succeded, 1 otherwise.
gsl_matrix_set_row($m, $i, $v) - Copy the elements of vector $v into the $i-th row of the matrix $m The lenght of the vector must be of the same as the lenght of the row. The function returns 0 if it succeded, 1 otherwise.
gsl_matrix_set_col($m, $j, $v) - Copy the elements of vector $v into the $j-th row of the matrix $m The lenght of the vector must be of the same as the lenght of the column. The function returns 0 if it succeded, 1 otherwise.

The following functions are specific to matrices containing complex numbers :


The following functions are the same as the previous enonced ones except that they work with other data types than double.

gsl_matrix_const_row gsl_matrix_const_column gsl_matrix_const_diagonal
gsl_matrix_const_subdiagonal gsl_matrix_const_superdiagonal
gsl_matrix_const_subrow gsl_matrix_const_subcolumn
gsl_matrix_const_view_array gsl_matrix_const_view_array_with_tda
gsl_matrix_const_view_vector gsl_matrix_const_view_vector_with_tda gsl_matrix_char_alloc gsl_matrix_char_calloc gsl_matrix_char_alloc_from_block
gsl_matrix_char_alloc_from_matrix gsl_vector_char_alloc_row_from_matrix gsl_vector_char_alloc_col_from_matrix
gsl_matrix_char_free gsl_matrix_char_submatrix gsl_matrix_char_row gsl_matrix_char_column
gsl_matrix_char_diagonal gsl_matrix_char_subdiagonal gsl_matrix_char_superdiagonal
gsl_matrix_char_subrow gsl_matrix_char_subcolumn gsl_matrix_char_view_array
gsl_matrix_char_view_array_with_tda gsl_matrix_char_view_vector gsl_matrix_char_view_vector_with_tda
gsl_matrix_char_const_submatrix gsl_matrix_char_const_row gsl_matrix_char_const_column
gsl_matrix_char_const_diagonal gsl_matrix_char_const_subdiagonal gsl_matrix_char_const_superdiagonal
gsl_matrix_char_const_subrow gsl_matrix_char_const_subcolumn gsl_matrix_char_const_view_array
gsl_matrix_char_const_view_array_with_tda gsl_matrix_char_const_view_vector gsl_matrix_char_const_view_vector_with_tda
gsl_matrix_char_get gsl_matrix_char_set gsl_matrix_char_ptr gsl_matrix_char_const_ptr
gsl_matrix_char_set_zero gsl_matrix_char_set_identity
gsl_matrix_char_set_all gsl_matrix_char_fread
gsl_matrix_char_fwrite gsl_matrix_char_fscanf gsl_matrix_char_fprintf
gsl_matrix_char_memcpy gsl_matrix_char_swap
gsl_matrix_char_swap_rows gsl_matrix_char_swap_columns
gsl_matrix_char_swap_rowcol gsl_matrix_char_transpose gsl_matrix_char_transpose_memcpy
gsl_matrix_char_max gsl_matrix_char_min
gsl_matrix_char_minmax gsl_matrix_char_max_index
gsl_matrix_char_min_index gsl_matrix_char_minmax_index
gsl_matrix_char_isnull gsl_matrix_char_ispos gsl_matrix_char_isneg
gsl_matrix_char_isnonneg gsl_matrix_char_add
gsl_matrix_char_sub gsl_matrix_char_mul_elements gsl_matrix_char_div_elements
gsl_matrix_char_scale gsl_matrix_char_add_constant gsl_matrix_char_add_diagonal
gsl_matrix_int_alloc gsl_matrix_int_calloc gsl_matrix_int_alloc_from_block
gsl_matrix_int_alloc_from_matrix gsl_vector_int_alloc_row_from_matrix gsl_vector_int_alloc_col_from_matrix
gsl_matrix_int_free gsl_matrix_int_submatrix gsl_matrix_int_row
gsl_matrix_int_column gsl_matrix_int_diagonal gsl_matrix_int_subdiagonal gsl_matrix_int_superdiagonal gsl_matrix_int_subrow gsl_matrix_int_subcolumn gsl_matrix_int_view_array gsl_matrix_int_view_array_with_tda gsl_matrix_int_view_vector gsl_matrix_int_view_vector_with_tda
gsl_matrix_int_const_submatrix gsl_matrix_int_const_row gsl_matrix_int_const_column
gsl_matrix_int_const_diagonal gsl_matrix_int_const_subdiagonal gsl_matrix_int_const_superdiagonal
gsl_matrix_int_const_subrow gsl_matrix_int_const_subcolumn gsl_matrix_int_const_view_array
gsl_matrix_int_const_view_array_with_tda gsl_matrix_int_const_view_vector gsl_matrix_int_const_view_vector_with_tda
gsl_matrix_int_get gsl_matrix_int_set
gsl_matrix_int_ptr gsl_matrix_int_const_ptr
gsl_matrix_int_set_zero gsl_matrix_int_set_identity gsl_matrix_int_set_all
gsl_matrix_int_fread gsl_matrix_int_fwrite
gsl_matrix_int_fscanf gsl_matrix_int_fprintf
gsl_matrix_int_memcpy gsl_matrix_int_swap
gsl_matrix_int_swap_rows gsl_matrix_int_swap_columns gsl_matrix_int_swap_rowcol
gsl_matrix_int_transpose gsl_matrix_int_transpose_memcpy
gsl_matrix_int_max gsl_matrix_int_min gsl_matrix_int_minmax
gsl_matrix_int_max_index gsl_matrix_int_min_index
gsl_matrix_int_minmax_index gsl_matrix_int_isnull
gsl_matrix_int_ispos gsl_matrix_int_isneg gsl_matrix_int_isnonneg
gsl_matrix_int_add gsl_matrix_int_sub
gsl_matrix_int_mul_elements gsl_matrix_int_div_elements gsl_matrix_int_scale
gsl_matrix_int_add_constant gsl_matrix_int_add_diagonal

You have to add the functions you want to use inside the qw /put_funtion_here /. You can also write use Math::GSL::Matrix qw/:all/ to use all avaible functions of the module. Other tags are also avaible, here is a complete list of all tags for this module :


For more informations on the functions, we refer you to the GSL offcial documentation: Tip : search on google: site:


Most of the examples from this section are perl versions of the examples there :

The program below shows how to allocate, initialize and read from a matrix using the functions gsl_matrix_alloc, gsl_matrix_set and gsl_matrix_get. 

use Math::GSL::Matrix qw/:all/;
$m = gsl_matrix_alloc (10,3);
for($i = 0; $i< 10; $i++){
   for($j = 0; $j<3; $j++){
       gsl_matrix_set($m, $i, $j, 0.23 + 100*$i + $j); 

for($i = 0; $i< 100; $i++){ # OUT OF RANGE ERROR
    for($j=0; $j<3; $j++){
       print "m($i, $j) = " . gsl_matrix_get ($m, $i, $j) . "\n";
gsl_matrix_free ($m);

use Math::GSL::Matrix qw/:all/;

$m = gsl_matrix_alloc (100, 100);
$a = gsl_matrix_alloc (100, 100);

for($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++){
    for($j = 0; $j < 100; $j++){
        gsl_matrix_set ($m, $i, $j, 0.23 + $i + $j);

The next program shows how to write a matrix to a file. 

$out = fopen("test.dat", "wb");
gsl_matrix_fwrite ($out, $m);
fclose ($out);

$in = fopen("test.dat", "rb");
gsl_matrix_fread ($in, $a);

for($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++){
    for($j = 0; $j < 100; $j++){
        $mij = gsl_matrix_get ($m, $i, $j);
        $aij = gsl_matrix_get ($a, $i, $j);
        if ($mij != $aij){ $k++ };


print "differences = $k (should be zero)\n";


Jonathan Leto <> and Thierry Moisan <>


Copyright (C) 2008 Jonathan Leto and Thierry Moisan

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.