WordPress::XMLRPC - api to wordpress xml rpc calls
use WordPress::XMLRPC;
my $o = WordPress:::XMLRPC->new({
username => 'author1',
password => 'superpass',
proxy => '',
my $post = $o->getPost(5); # id 5
# let's change the title
$post->{title} = 'I did not like the old title.';
# let's save the changes back to the server..
$o->editPost(5, $post, 1); # 1 is publish
I wanted to interact via the command line to a wordpress blog's xmlrpc.php file. Bascially this is interaction with xmlrpc.php as client. This module is not meant for speed, it is meant for convenience.
This is really useful to automate new postings, uploading media, etc.
WordPress version
This code was built against xmlrpc.php included in WordPress 2.8.4. As new calls are included in xmlrpc.php, this module is be updated.
Optional arg is hash ref.
Before we open a connection with xmlrpc, we need to have username, password, and proxy in the object's data. You can provide this in the following ways..
my $o = WordPress:::XMLRPC->new({
username => 'author1',
password => 'superpass',
proxy => '',
my $o = WordPress:::XMLRPC->new;
or die(
sprintf 'could not connect with %s:%s to %s',
Uploading a file..
my $data = WordPress:::XMLRPC::abs_path_to_media_object_data('./file.jpg');
my $r = $o->newMediaObject($data);
print $r->{url};
Returns array of methods in this package that make calls via xmlrpc.
Returns array of server methods accessible via xmlrpc.
Perl set/get method. Argument is string. If you pass 'username' to constructor, it is prepopulated.
my $username = $o->username;
Perl set/get method. Argument is string. If you pass 'password' to constructor, it is prepopulated.
my $pw = $o->password;
Perl set/get method. Argument is string. If you pass 'proxy' to constructor, it is prepopulated.
Returns XMLRPC::Lite object. proxy() must be set.
Setget method, set to '1' by default. This seems unused by wordpress. They have some documentation on this.
Many methods use 'publish' boolean value, by default we set to 1. You can still pass a value for publish such as;
$o->newPost( $content_hashref, 1 );
But you can also call;
$o->newPost( $content_hashref );
As we said, by default it is set to 1, if you want to set the default to 0,
Returns error string if a call fails.
$o->newPost(@args) or die($o->errstr);
If the DEBUG flag is on, this warns to STDERR automatically as well.
These methods specifically mirror the xmlrpc.php file provided by WordPress installations. This file sits on your website.
Takes 1 args: page_id (number). Returns page hashref struct(ure).
Example return:
$val: {
categories => [
dateCreated => '20080121T12:38:30',
date_created_gmt => '20080121T20:38:30',
description => 'These are some interesting resources online.',
excerpt => '',
link => '',
mt_allow_comments => '0',
mt_allow_pings => '0',
page_id => '87',
page_status => 'publish',
permaLink => '',
text_more => '',
title => 'Resources',
userid => '2',
wp_author => 'leocharre',
wp_author_display_name => 'leocharre',
wp_author_id => '2',
wp_page_order => '0',
wp_page_parent_id => '0',
wp_page_parent_title => '',
wp_password => '',
wp_slug => 'perl-resources'
This is the same struct hashref you would send to newPage().
Returns array ref. Each element is a hash ref same as getPage() returns. If you want less info, just basic info on each page, use getPageList().
Takes 2 args: page (hashref), publish (boolean). You can leave out publish, as discussed further in this documentation. The hashref must have at least a title and description. Returns page id (number, assigned by server).
Takes 1 args: page_id (number). Returns boolean (true or false).
First, required argument- is content struct page hashref. Second, optional argument- is publish boolean. (The page hashref is just as discussed in getPage().)
You could use getPage(), edit the returned hashref, and resubmit with editPage().
my $page_hashref = $o->getPage(5);
$page_hashref->{title} = 'This is the New Title';
$o->editPage( $page_hashref )
or die( $o->errstr );
Obviously the page id is in the page data (hashref), this is there inherently when you call getPage().
The same would be done with the posts.
Deprecating usage of:
Optional first argument is page id number. Optional usage for same example above:
$o->editPage( 5, { title => 'new title' } )
or die( $o->errstr );
Page id must be present as first argument, or as key/value pair in content hashref. If the content hashref is what you got with getPage() for example, the page id is already present.
Returns arrayref. Each element is a hashref. This is sort of a short version of getPages(), which returns all info for each.
Example return:
$return_value: [
dateCreated => '20061113T11:08:22',
date_created_gmt => '20061113T19:08:22',
page_id => '2',
page_parent_id => '0',
page_title => 'About Moi'
dateCreated => '20080105T18:57:24',
date_created_gmt => '20080106T02:57:24',
page_id => '43',
page_parent_id => '74',
page_title => 'tree'
Takes no argument. Returns array ref, each element is a hashref.
$return_value: [
display_name => 'leo',
user_id => '2',
user_login => 'leo'
display_name => 'chamon',
user_id => '3',
user_login => 'chamon'
Takes no argument. Example return value:
$return_value: [
categoryId => '4',
categoryName => 'art',
description => 'art',
htmlUrl => '',
parentId => '0',
rssUrl => ''
categoryId => '1',
categoryName => 'Uncategorized',
description => 'Uncategorized',
htmlUrl => '',
parentId => '0',
rssUrl => ''
Takes 1 args: category struct. Returns category id (number).
The category struct is a hash ref alike..
name => 'Ugly houses',
parent_id => 34, # (if this is a sub category )
description => 'this is a great category',
The key 'name' must be present or croaks.
Argument is category id, will return struct (hash ref).
$got: {
categoryId => 99,
categoryName => 'category772',
description => 'category772',
htmlUrl => '',
parentId => '0',
rssUrl => ''
There seems to be a bug in xmlrpc.php (wordpress v 2.3.2) , that does not fill out the categories properly. You can use newCategory() to insert a description, bu upon getCategory(), the struct description is replaced by the categoryName field.
Takes 2 optional args: category, max_results.
Returns array ref, each element is a hashref.
Apparently it does a word match on the existing categories, if you provide a category string argument.
If you call it as the following..
And you have a 'drawing' category, it returns:
$r: [
category_id => '187',
category_name => 'drawing'
With no arguments, example return:
$r: [
category_id => '4',
category_name => 'art'
category_id => '196',
category_name => 'category528'
category_id => '197',
category_name => 'category528 appended'
category_id => '203',
category_name => 'category919 appended'
category_id => '184',
category_name => 'design'
category_id => '183',
category_name => 'dev'
category_id => '187',
category_name => 'drawing'
category_id => '190',
category_name => 'graphic'
category_id => '5',
category_name => 'near life experience'
category_id => '188',
category_name => 'painting'
category_id => '189',
category_name => 'pinup'
category_id => '186',
category_name => 'web'
Takes 1 args: category_id (number). Returns boolean.
I suppose you could search for categories with the name 'bad' and delete them as..
for my $category_href ( @{ $o->suggestCategories('bad') } ){
or warn("Could not delete $category->{category_name});
Takes 1 args: comment_id (number). Returns struct (hashref).
Example return value: $r: { author => 'santrex sucks', author_email => '', author_ip => '', author_url => '', comment_id => '2603', content => 'santrex is the worst hosting company ive ever used. santrex should be avoided at all costs!', date_created_gmt => '20090617T00:17:54', link => '', parent => '0', post_id => '372', post_title => 'IT’S ON BITCH', status => 'approve', type => '', user_id => '0' }
Takes 1 args: struct (hashref). NOTE: Untested. If you have info on this, send it in.
Takes 1 args: comment_id (number). Returns bool true or false.
Takes 2 args: comment_id (number), content_struct (hashref).
Takes 2 args: post id, content_struct (hashref). Returns new comment id (number).
This will be posted under your login name. The post id is the post the comment is in regards to.
$o->newComment( 15, { status => 'approve', content => "Hi there, this is a note." } );
Takes no argument. Returns hashref.
Example return value: $r: { approve => 'Approved', hold => 'Unapproved', spam => 'Spam' }
Optional arguments are, a list of option names. If you do not pass a list of options assumes all are chosen. Returns hash ref. Of which each key is the option name. Each value is a hashref itself.
Return hashref format:
$options => {
$option_name => {
desc => $string,
readonly => $boolean,
value => $string
Possible option names (as of wordpress 2.8.4): blog_tagline, blog_title, blog_url, date_format, software_name, software_version, time_format, time_zone
Example return value (with no arguments):
$options: {
blog_tagline => {
desc => 'Blog Tagline',
readonly => '0',
value => 'pinup art, perl, unix, developer smorgasbord'
blog_title => {
desc => 'Blog Title',
readonly => '0',
value => 'leo charre'
blog_url => {
desc => 'Blog URL',
readonly => '1',
value => ''
date_format => {
desc => 'Date Format',
readonly => '0',
value => 'F j, Y'
software_name => {
desc => 'Software Name',
readonly => '1',
value => 'WordPress'
software_version => {
desc => 'Software Version',
readonly => '1',
value => '2.8.4'
time_format => {
desc => 'Time Format',
readonly => '0',
value => 'g:i a'
time_zone => {
desc => 'Time Zone',
readonly => '0',
value => '-8'
Example usage:
my $options = $o->getOptions('software_name', 'time_zone',);
my $options = $o->getOptions;
Takes 1 args: options hash ref. Returns same as getOptions().
Argument is hashref with keys the name of the option, and values the new values.
NOTE: The structure of the hashref to setOptions() is *not* the same as the structure that getOptions() returns.
NOTE: Also note, some options are set read only, that means they cannot be changed via this method.
Example usage:
$o->setOptions({ blog_tagline => 'New tagline for this blog, this is the best blog ever' });
This would return:
$out: {
blog_tagline => {
desc => 'Blog Tagline',
readonly => '0',
value => 'New tagline for this blog, this is the best blog ever',
The value taken by setOptions() should be the same as returned by getOptions(). This is more proof that php "coders" have no discipline. As if proof were needed. Ok, maybe that's too harsh.
Takes 2 args: content_struct, publish. Returns id number of new post.
Takes 3 args: post_ID, content_struct, publish. Returns boolean, true or false.
Argument is post id(number). Returns boolean.
Takes 1 args: post_ID Returns post struct, hashref.
$example_return_value: {
categories => [
dateCreated => '20080130T14:19:05',
date_created_gmt => '20080130T22:19:05',
description => 'test description here',
link => '',
mt_allow_comments => '1',
mt_allow_pings => '1',
mt_excerpt => '',
mt_keywords => '',
mt_text_more => '',
permaLink => '',
postid => '119',
title => 'test_1201731544',
userid => '2',
wp_author_display_name => 'leocharre',
wp_author_id => '2',
wp_password => '',
wp_slug => 'test_1201731544'
Takes 1 args: num_posts (number, optional). Returns arrayref.
Each element is hash ref same as getPost() would return.
newMediaObject() uploadFile()
Takes 1 args: data (hashref). The hashref keys and values are bits (Mime::Base64), type (mime type), and name (filename). See abs_path_to_media_object_data(). Returns result:
### $r: {
### file => 'media.jpg',
### type => 'image/jpeg',
### url => ''
### }
Would be truly useful if it returned id!
Takes 1 args: template name (string). NOTE: This fails. Don't know why. If you have any idea, contact AUTHOR.
Takes 2 args: content, template. NOTE: Untested.
Takes no args. Returns hashref.
Example return:
return: {
Default => 'default',
'Link Categories' => 'link_categories.php',
Links => 'links.php'
Takes no argument. Returns array ref. Each element is a hashref.
Example return:
return: [
count => '1',
html_url => '',
name => 'avi',
rss_url => '',
slug => 'avi',
tag_id => '158'
count => '1',
html_url => '',
name => 'bugzilla',
rss_url => '',
slug => 'bugzilla',
tag_id => '195'
count => '1',
html_url => '',
name => 'callback',
rss_url => '',
slug => 'callback',
tag_id => '30'
... .etc.....
No argument, returns users blogs. Example return :
$r: [
blogName => 'leo charre',
blogid => '1',
isAdmin => '1',
url => ''
This is useful if you get errors..
$WordPress::XMLRPC::DEBUG = 1;
It'd be nice to manage links via xmlrpc.php, but this is up to wordpress devs.
Please submit to AUTHOR
This distro is alpha. Included are the metaWeblog and wp method calls.
XMLRPC::Lite SOAP::Lite WordPress
Leo Charre leocharre at cpan dot org
People who contributed code, criticism, patches, suggestions;
Alan Haggai Alavi
This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, i.e., under the terms of the "Artistic License" or the "GNU General Public License".
This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
See the "GNU General Public License" for more details.