HTML::Template::Default - provide multiple template sources and use a default


use HTML::Template::Default;


my $tmpl = HTML::Template::Default->new(
   filename => 'gallery.html',
   scalarref => \q{
      <title><TMPL_VAR TITLE></title>
      <h1><TMPL_VAR TITLE></h1>
      <p><TMPL_VAR CONTENT></p>   
   # ... other options just as you would pass to HTML::Template ...


I have code, scripts, and CGI::Application apps, that are in use by multiple clients. It may be in a shared hosting environment, for example.

Clients, users, want to be able to have radically different looks for an application. So, I want my scripts to use HTML::Template, to let a web designer make changes to the template without knowing code.

The most useful way I have of doing this is with this module.

It allows you to provide a default template source as a scalarref, arrayref, or filehandle, in addition to providing a filename source. And what this code does, is that if it finds the filename on disk, it will use that, otherwise, your default provided is used.

Usually HTML::Template crashes if it looks for a filename source and it is not on disk. It also crashes if you provide multiple sources for a template.

Essentially, this allows you to provide multiple template sources to HTML::Template, the priority
is to use filename source if found, otherwise it uses another source provided.

The files are sought in $ENV{HTML_TEMPLATE_ROOT}, and any 'path' arguments provided to constructor. Just like HTML::Template works.

So, if the webdesigner or user wants to provide their own template, they simply create the file on disk, and it's done. No code change, no change of config files, etc. If anything is wrong, they just delete their template file.

An alternative to using this module

This module allows me to specify a template for the user without having a file on disk.

Because the other option which should work.. would be to provide multiple paths, and the user's path first, and then lastly a place where I will have my default template.

Here's how you would use normal HTML::Template to do that..

use HTML::Template;

my $template = HTML::Template->new(
   filename => 'gallery.html',
   paths => [

This example should work, provided there is a gallery.html file in '/shared/.templates'. If one is found in "$ENV{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/.templates" first, that one would be used.

The disadvantage of this approach, is that you must have a file on disk at some location where all users can read, etc.


This is here for backwards compatibility. Use the full object oriented API instead.


use HTML::Template::Default 'get_tmpl';

$ENV{HTML_TEMPLATE_ROOT} = '/home/myself/public_html/templates';

my $default = '
<title><TMPL_VAR TITLE></title>
<h1><TMPL_VAR TITLE></h1>
<p><TMPL_VAR CONTENT></p>   

# if super.tmpl exists, use it, if not, use my default

my $tmpl = get_tmpl('super.tmpl',\$default); 

$tmpl->param( TITLE => 'Great Title' );
$tmpl->param( CONTENT => 'Super cool content is here.' );


Takes arguments. Returns HTML::Template object.

two argument usage

If there are two arguments, the values are to be at least one of the following..

- A path or filename to an HTML::Template file.

- A scalar ref with default code for the template.

Examples: my $tmpl = get_tmpl('main.html', \$default_tmpl_html ); my $tmpl = get_tmpl('main.html'); my $tmpl = get_tmpl(\$default_html);

hash argument usage

arguments are the same as to HTML::Template constructor. The difference is that you can set *both* 'filename' and 'scalarref' arguments, and we try to instance via 'filename' first (if it is defined), and second via 'scalarref'.

If neither filename or scalarref are defined, will throw a nasty exception with confess.

If returns undef if we cannot instance. my $tmpl = get_tmpl( filename => 'main.html', scalarref =>\$default_tmpl_html );

Erroneous usage

These examples will be interpreted as two argument usage when you meant hash usage..

my $tmpl = get_tmpl( filename => 'main.html' ); 
my $tmpl = get_tmpl( scalarref => \$default_html );


Example 1

In the following example, if main.html does not exist in $ENV{HTML_TEMPLATE_ROOT}, the '$default' code provided is used as the template. my $default = "<html> <head> <title>Hi.</title> </head> <body> <TMPL_VAR BODY> </body> </html>";

my $tmpl = get_tmpl('main.html', \$default);

To override that template, one would create the file main.html in $ENV{HTML_TEMPLATE_ROOT}. The perl code need not change. This merely lets you provide a default, optionally.

Again, if main.html is not in $ENV{HTML_TEMPLATE_ROOT}, it will use default string provided- if no default string provided, and filename is not found, croaks.

Example 2

In the following example, the template file 'awesome.html' must exist in $ENV{HTML_TEMPLATE_ROOT}. Or the application croaks. Because no default is provided. my $tmpl = get_tmpl('awesome.html');

Example 3

If you don't provide a filename but do provide a default code, this is ok.. my $tmpl = get_tmpl(\$defalt_code);

Example 4

If you want to pass arguments to the template.. my $tmpl = get_tmpl( filename => 'super.tmpl', scalarref => \$default, case_sensitive => 1 );

Example 5

In this example we provide both the default code we want, and filename for a file on disk that is given higher priority. If the file 'main.html' is on disk, it will be loaded. use HTML::Template::Default 'get_tmpl';

my $code = '<html><title><TMPL_VAR TITLE></title></html>';

my $tmpl = get_tmpl ( 
   filename => 'main.html',
   scalarref => \$code,
   die_on_bad_params => 0,
   case_sensitive => 1,


In two argument usage, die_on_bad_params is set to 0, if you want to change that, use hash argument. get_tmpl(filename => $filename, scalarref => \$code); # leaves HTML::Template defaults intact get_tmpl( $filename, \$scalarref ) # invokes die_on_bad_params => 0


To set debug to on; $HTML::Template::Default::DEBUG = 1;

Gives useful info like if we got from disk or default provided etc to STDERR.




Leo Charre leocharre at cpan dot org


Copyright (c) 2009 Leo Charre. All rights reserved.


This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, i.e., under the terms of the "Artistic License" or the "GNU General Public License".


This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

See the "GNU General Public License" for more details.