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CGI::Auth::Auto - Automatic authentication maintenance and persistence for cgi scrips.


        my $auth = new CGI::Auth::Auto;

        # ok, authenticated, logged in.

   # anything in the script that happens here on is received by an authenticated user


This is a system to add one line into a cgi script and now.. voila, it requires authrentication to run the rest of the code. You don't have to change anything else of what your script is already doing. It will work with CGI::Application instances as well.


CGI::Auth is a nice module- But I wanted to be able to use it without having to set up a bunch of parameters to the constructor. This module attempts to make good guesses about what those parameters should be.

The other thing this module addresses, is having to pass the session id around. CGI::Auth makes you pass the "session id"- Via query string, in a form, a cookie, etc.


I wanted to be able to simply drop in a line into any cgi application and have it take care of authentication without any further change to the code.

I also wanted to not *have* to pass certain arguments to the constructor. So new() constrcutor had been overridden to optionally use default params for -authfields -logintmpl -authdir and -formaction.

CGI::Auth::Auto has automatic "sess_file" id passing via a cookie.

This module uses CGI::Auth as base.

This module adds functionality to check() to keep track of the sess_file id for you, and to detect a user "logout" and do something about it.

You use this exactly as you would use CGI::Auth, only the client *must* accept cookies. And you no longer have to worry about passing the session id returned from CGI::Auth. Basically this is like a plugin for any script you have that adds a nice authorization.

Keep in mind you can fully edit the template for the login to make it look like whatever you want.



Exactly like CGI::Auth new(). Added functionality has been added. Now you have the option to not pass any parameters to new(). Default constructor parameters have been placed for the lazy.

These are the parameters that if left out to new(), will be set to defaults: -authfields, -authdir, and -formaction.

Thus if you normally CGI::Auth new() like this:

        my $auth = new CGI::Auth({
                -formaction             => '/cgi-bin/myscript.cgi',     
                -authfields             => [
            {id => 'user', display => 'User Name', hidden => 0, required => 1},
            {id => 'pw', display => 'Password', hidden => 1, required => 1},
           -authdir                => /home/myself/cgi-bin/auth",

You can use this module and do this instead:

        my $auth = new CGI::Auth::Auto;

   # the rest is unchanged
        my $auth = new CGI::Auth({
                -formaction             => '/cgi-bin/myscript.cgi',     
                -authfields             => [
            {id => 'user', display => 'User Name', hidden => 0, required => 1},
            {id => 'pw', display => 'Password', hidden => 1, required => 1},
           -authdir                => /home/myself/cgi-bin/auth",

Shown are the defaults. You do not need to provide these parameters.

-formaction If you do not provide one, the module tries to guess what the rel path to the script is.

-authdir Now a default value of $ENV{DOCUMENT_ROOT} ../cgi-bin/authdir is present. That means for most hosting accounts if you have this kind of (very common) setup: /path/to/home/ |__ public_html/ |__ cgi-bin/

You should place the support files that come with CGI::Auth as /path/to/home/ |__ public_html/ |__ cgi-bin/ \__ authdir/ |__ |__ user.dat |__ login.html |__ sess/ |__

Remember you can still tell new() to use whatever you want for these arguments. This added functionality simply enables you to instance without any arguments.


Checks for existing authentication in a cookie. Prompts for authentication (log in).

After a succesful authentication, a cookie is made to keep track of their credential. So you don't have to!

Also checks for logout. If so, drops cookie, deletes CGI::Auth session file.


See CGI::Auth check() for more. Should always be called, BEFORE anything else happens that you are trying to protect.


All methods available via CGI::Auth are present, additionally:

Default is +1h You can set the cookie expire time before check is called to change this value.

        my $auth = new CGI::Auth::Auto( ... );  

Per the above example, if a cookie is made because user logged in, then it will be set to 15 minutes expiry instead of the default 1 hour.

Returns what the expiry was set at. I don't know why you may want this, but it keeps people from having to check the internals. Returns '+1h' by default. If you have used set_cookie_expire() then it would return *that* value.

set_logout_param_name() and get_logout_param_name()

By default the logout field cgi parameter name is 'logout'. You can change the name this way:

        my $auth = new CGI::Auth::Auto( ... );  

That means that will no longer log an authorized user out. But will work instead.


Forces logout. Makes cookie expired and blank. Then redirects to whatever CGI::Auth::Auto formaction was set to. Then exit(0)s the script. You don't need to use this, likely, but it is here. It is expected that logout() is called *after* authentication has been deemed true.


Returns cgi object used, for re-use.

        my $cgi = $auth->get_cgi;


Returns name of the user that logged. Actually returns field 0 of the sess file. Consult CGI::Auth for more on this. Returns undef if no set.


This module tries to detect a logout request when you call the medhod check(). If there is a field submitted via a form or url query string (POST or GET) that is called logout and it holds a true value, it will call method logout().

If your script is in :

There url calls will cause a logout:

The last one is for "CGI::Application Compatibility"

CGI::Application Compatibility

If you want to run a CGI::Application app, and don't want to bother setting up the wonderful (but a little complex) CGI::Application::Plugin::Authentication module.. Be aware that then ALL of your runmodes in the cgi app will be protected.

By default, to trigger a logout by CGI::Application, we are looking for


In the query string.

What if you want it to be something else? Like runmode=log_me_out ? Do this:

   use CGI::Auth::Auto;
   use MyCGIApp;
   $CGI::Auth::Auto::CGI_APP_COMPATIBLE = 'runmode=log_me_out';
   my $auth = new CGI::Auth::Auto;

   my $cgiapp = new MyCGIApp;

logout() EXAMPLE

Method logout() forces logout. This calls CGI::Auth method endsession() (see CGI::Auth doc), this sets the cookie expiry to 'now', and clears the CGI::Auth session id value from the cookie. Effectively logging you out. Keep in mind that logout() calls a redirect and then exits! This is to assure nothing else runs after that.

        if ($mycode_has_decided_to_boot_this_user){

If the user maybe called an bad instruction or submitted funny data, or you detect a possible intrusion etc.. Then your code should log it, and then call logout() as a last step.

        my $auth = new CGI::Auth::Auto;

   # check user input

        if( $we_really_dont_like_this_user_input ){

                # ok log it
                # ...
                # ok drop this auth and log user out, will exit(0)
        # nothing wrong.. continue script..
        # ...


This example script is included in the distribution. Example assumes you installed CGI::Auth support files in $ENV{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/../cgi-bin/auth

Make this $ENV{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/../cgi-bin/auth.cgi to test it. Don't forget chmod 0755.

        #!/usr/bin/perl -w
        BEGIN { use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); eval qq|use lib '$ENV{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/../lib';|; } # or wherever your lib is 
        use strict;
        use CGI::Auth::Auto;
        use CGI qw(:all);
        my $auth = new CGI::Auth::Auto({
                -authdir => "$ENV{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/../cgi-bin/auth"
        }); # the program guesses for authdir, you can leave out if it resides alongside your script
   my $html =
         header() .
         start_html() .
         h1("hello ".$auth->username) .
         p('You are logged in now.') .
         p('Would you like to log out? <a href="'.$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME}.'?logout=1">logout</a>');   
   print $html;


Parameter -authdir is where you have the CGI::Auth support files. You need the user.dat file there, etc. See CGI::Auth for more.

In the example user.dat provided, username:default password:


Please report bugs via email to author.


A previous temptation was to add CGI::Session automation in addition to the cookie system. This way, by simply using this module, you will have authentication and state maintained for you. I consider this now out of scope here. after simply running check() you could safely run CGI::Session::new() without fear of creating multiple sessions. Since check() already decided by that point that the user is truly authenticated.

A custom login.html template has been included in this distribution under cgi-bin/auth/login.html. This template is minimal as compares to the candy one that comes with CGI::Auth.


To turn on debug info, in your cgi script, before you call check() :

   $CGI::Auth::Auto::DEBUG = 1;


The most common error is that you are not passing the right authdir to the object.

The authdir needs to exist and contain a user.dat simple text file. If you do not provide an authdir argument, that's ok, we try to guess for it. If your script is in /home/myself/cgi-bin/ , then your auth dir is guessed as /home/myself/cgi-bin/auth And it must exist and contain the user.dat file. This can be a blank text file to begin with. Make sure it is chown and chmod properly.

If your cgi is failing, turn on DEBUG and run it again. A lot of useful information may be there.

Auth::check - Invalid 'User Name' field at ...

Erase your user.dat and recreate.


This file must reside inside your auth dir. If you script is in cgi-bin/script.cgi, you must have a cgi-bin/auth/sess dir and a cgi-bin/auth/users.dat file an example file is included in this distribution please read CGI::Auth for more info on managing that file.


If you define the 'logintmpl' or 'logintmplpath' arguments to constructor, the program tries to find login.html template or dies. If not, it uses a barebones hard coded output.

So, again, if you have a cgi-bin/auth/login.html template:

   my $auth = new CGI::Auth::Auto({ -logintmpl => 'login.html' });

If not:

   my $auth = new CGI::Auth::Auto;

If you do but it resides elsewhere:

   my $auth = new CGI::Auth::Auto({ -logintmplpath => '/home/myself/public_html/templates' });


CGI::Auth, CGI::Cookie, HTML::Template


Dulaunoy Fabrice


Leo Charre leocharre at cpan dot org