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Tk::MiniCalendar - simple calendar widget for date selection


 use Tk;
 use Tk::MiniCalendar;

 my $minical = <PARENT>->MiniCalendar(-day   => $dd, 
                                      -month => $mm, 
                                      -year  => $yyyy,
                                      -day_names   => \@DAYNAMES,
                                      -month_names => \@MONTHNAMES);

 # or:
 $minical->grid( ... );

 my ($yyyy, $mm, $dd) = $minical->date; # --> (2004, 09, 16)


Tk::MiniCalendar provides a tiny calendar widget which can be used to select valid dates.

Graphical Representation

The widget looks like:

  |<<  <   September 2004   >  >>|
  |                              |
  |  Mo  Di  Mi  Do  Fr  Sa  So  |
  |           1   2   3   4   5  |
  |   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  |
  |  13  14  15 [16] 17  18  19  |
  |  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  |
  |  27  28  29  30              |

The year can be entered directly into the corresponding entry field. The "<<" and ">>" buttons allow the user to scroll one year back or forth and the "<" and ">" buttons can be used for scrolling through the months of a year. The month can also be selected directly from a pulldown menu which can be invoked by clicking the monthname.

Clicking with mouse button one on a day selects that day. The selected day can be retrieved with the $minical->date() method.


It is possible to register user provided handlers for the MiniCalendar widget. You may for example register a "double-button-1" handler which is invoked by doubleclicking one of the days.


 $minical->register('<Double-1>', \&double_1_handler);
 $minical->register('<Button-3>', \&button_3_handler);

Only the following event specifications are recognized:

 <Button-1>  <Double-1>
 <Button-2>  <Double-2>
 <Button-3>  <Double-3>

If one of those events occurs on one of the displayed days, the registered callback is invoked with the following parameters:

 $yyyy, $mm, $dd   (year, month and day)

NOTE: If there are two handlers for <Button-n> and <Double-n> then both handlers are invoked in case of a double-button-n event because a double-button-n event is also a button-n event.


Here is a fullblown example for the usage of Tk::MiniCalendar

 use Tk;
 use Tk::MiniCalendar;

 use strict;
 my $top = MainWindow->new;

 my $frm1 = $top->Frame->pack;  # Frame to place MiniCalendar in

 my $minical = $frm1->MiniCalendar->pack;

 my $frm2 = $top->Frame->pack;  # Frame for Ok Button
 my $b_ok = $frm2->Button(-text => "Ok",
                -command => sub {
                  my ($year, $month, $day) = $minical->date;
                  print "Selected date: $year/$month/$day\n";


The following methods are provided by Tk::MiniCalendar:

my ($year, $month, $day) = $minical->date()

Returns the selected date from Tk::MiniCalendar. Day and month numbers are always two digits (with leading zeroes).

$minical->select_date($year, $month, $day)

Selects a date and positions the MiniCalendar to the corresponding year and month. The selected date is highlighted.


Sets the calendar to the previous day. The selected date is highlighted.


Sets the calendar to the next day. The selected date is highlighted.

$minical->display_month($year, $month)

Displays the specified month.


Lorenz Domke, <>


Copyright (C) 2005 by Lorenz Domke

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.2 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.