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* Many changes ...

* Better documentation: run a "make" in \./doc and look into the \./doc/PPDOC subdirectory.

* Changes now in PerlPoint format; after "make test" see file \./doc/Changes.htm

* \PerlPoint::Converters module (docu and some common functions for converters)

* more keywords which are replaced with option values:










* use "\IMAGE_REF/LOGO_IMAGE_FILENAME" in style template files

* Bug fixed: bullet images were not always copied to the image directory

* \SLIDE_PREFIX and \SLIDE_SUFFIX used in frameset templates

* \Bundle::PerlPoint for easy installation via CPAN shell:

 % perl -MCPAN -e shell
 \U<cpan\>> install Bundle::PerlPoint

* javascript navigation now in a separate file which is included by the navigation templates files

* javascript navigation now uses fixed names for the frames instead of numbers (is now more independant from actual frameset layout)

* \\E< xxx > now be possible in headlines

* test suite uses md5 checksums over generated files

* Tag \\URL{url=target_name} (similar to \\L{url=target_name}<target_name>)

= Version 0.11.01 08/02/2001

* Cleaning up the test suite (was broken in 0.11, sorry!)

* Bullet bug fixed: When there was no bullet list in the PerlPoint input file then in the table of contents all bullets were standard HTML <LI> tags even if bullet images had been specified.

* minor help text bug fixed (==item --> =item)

* \\BOXCOLORS can now have the option set=default which restores box_bg_color and box_fg_color to their original values (which had been set by options ...)

* Evaluation of style and main options: Now the main options overwrite options from style directories.

* script added

* replace LOGO_IMAG_FILENAME with $OPT{image_ref}/$OPT{logo_image_filename}

* use reasonalble defaults for TOP_RIGHT_TXT etc. in styles. They can now be overwritten by main options.

* --start_page=filename option (default: index.htm)

* new keywords for Templates to be replaced: TOP_BGCOLOR, BOT_BGCOLOR, ...

* FAQ, and reference manual started, Getting Started added. Documentation starts to improve :-)

* Nested tags bug fixed: it was not possible to use \\I, \\C inside a link \\L tag. NOTE: It is still not possible to have an \\X tag in the body of a \\L tag!

* Require \PerlPoint::Parser 0.3427

* Using new tag definition Module: \PerlPoint::Tags::HTML, PerlPoint::Tags::LaTeX

* Comment with version numbers in each created file

* Bugfix: \\C, \\I, \\B, ... etc in headers was not correctly handled in former versions

* --box_border option (for border width of text boxes)

* --style_sheet option (still as an experiment; the behaviour of pp2html may change when style sheets are used)

* die when wrong options have been specified

* workaround for bug in TreeApplet: / was not possible in headers. now slashes are replaced with commas.

* Empty fields in tables are now filled with "&nbsp;" so that the border will be displayed

* --style_dir and --style options Support for styles (pre-defined sets of template and configuration files)

* Bug with list indentation fixed: if the last item in a list is shifted (i.e. shift_level > 1) then the following text or block was indented. Now the shift_level is automatically reduced.

* Some new Keywords which are replaced when templates are copied to the target directory: TOP_LEFT_TXT, TOP_MIDDLE_TXT, TOP_RIGHT_TXT, same for BASE, and LOGO_IMAGE_FILENAME; corresponding options: --top_left_txt, ...

* Option --slide_md5: all filenames have the form <slide_prefix><md5-checksum>.<slide_suffix> * Nested tables are now supported (see \PerlPoint::Parser Docu)

* Variables can now be used in template Files, see the ex_std_norm-top.tpl for an example: VAR(AUTHOR)

* support of hierarchical anchor names for slide headers

* pp2latex: fix for formatting of URLs included (thanks to Alex Sigel)

* require \PerlPoint::Parser 0.32

* new parameters --box_width and --filters for pp2html

* URL_INDEX did point to last page, not to index (bug reported by Jeffrey Haemer)

* Index entries format changed. Now they look like text ref1 [, ref2, ref3 ...] with "text" beeing the (multiple) index entry and ref1, ref2 ... beeing Hyperlinks as references. The text for the references is either the page number or the chapter number when the --num_headers option has been set.

* Cleanup with templates. It has not been quite clear, what has to go to the HTML templates and what is generated by pp2html. For example the <BODY> line and the <HTML> tag. There were cases where the <HTML> header and the <BODY> line were duplicated, and a "cleanup" in version 0.008 even introduced a bug :-( So I decided to make it more clear. Please read the docu for pp2html (pp2html --help) and the ppdoc.pp file for more information about that. In short: <HTML>, <TITLE> and <BODY> lines are alway provided by pp2html (with options from outside passed through). HTML Template Files ONLY contain HTML text which is placed inside the <BODY>.

* templates adapted

* Continued numbered lists ( the ## paragraphs are now supported)

* Shiftlevels are handled correctly

* the \\BOXCOLOR and \\BOXTEXT Tags are obsolete now. Their syntax was not consistent: \\BOXCOLOgreen has formerly been used to set the box color for code blocks. But normally all text in the tag body (between < and >) is part of the output and NOT a parameter to the tag. Tag parameters are specified in curly brackets. Therefore the new tag is: \\BOXCOLORS{bg=backgroundcolor fg=foregroundcolor} which replaces \\BOXCOLbackgroundcolor and \\BOXTEXforegroundcolor

* bugfix: escapes in code-blocks were inactive after embedded code

* bugfix: URLs in pp2html were doubled in the output

* workaround for TreeApplet Bug: Headers which contain a / are not allowed. Therefore all slashes are replaced with commas ...

* Language parameter in \\EMBED{lang=html ...} is now caseinsensitive

* Version information clarified: pp2html and pp2latex have individual version numbers (build numbers) and belong to a certain version of the PerlPoint-Converters package.

* Individual colors (foreground and background) for table of contents, index and normal slides, top and bottom templates: --bgcolor, --fgcolor, --toc_bgcolor, --toc_fgcolor, --idx_bgcolor --idx_fgcolor --top_bgcolor, --top_fgcolor, --bot_bgcolor, --bot_fgcolor --top_linkcolor, --bot_linkcolor, --toc_linkcolor, --idx_linkcolor, ...

* new options: --no_contents_indent, --no_contents_bullets This will prevent the table of contents from beeing indented by <UL> </UL> tags and the second option avoids bullets in front of each entry in the table of contents.

* optional background images for normal slides, index and table of contents: --back_image, --toc_back_image, --idx_back_image --top_back_image, --bot_back_image

* use Cwd instead of `pwd`

* Images can now be part of an \\XREF tag!

* \\IMAGE tag now supports BORDER=m option

* XREF, PAGEREF and SECTIONREF now consider javascript navigation

* --trans_table option re-implemented (had been part of an ancient version of pp2html)

* different bullet images for different indentation levels --bullet option can be used more than once!

* README updated (Introduction and About PerlPoint-Converters)

* Requires \PerlPoint::Parser 0.29, and hence perl5.00503 (Some earlier versions of the PerlPoint-Package needed perl5.6.0)

* changes to pp2html:


* Parameters for fgcolor, linkcolor, vlinkcolor, alinkcolor

* Parameters for cache usage: --cache, --cacheCleanup

* .cfg files adapted to new options


* changes to pp2latex


* POD Docu updated

* --slide_dir parameter to be compatible with pp2html

* --no_index

* Parameters for cache usage: --cache, --cacheCleanup

* no formatting in \\verbatim blocks

* bugfix: version message now goes to STDERR


* ppdoc.pp Dokumentation updated

* First version for CPAN

* Name of the package changed from `pp2xx' to `PerlPoint-Converters'. The reason was that the Parser package had to change its name from `PP-Package' to `PerlPoint-Package' when being moved to the CPAN. To make it clear that the two packages are closely related, I decided to use the new name.

* require 5.6.0 (because PerlPoint-Package-0.27 needs it, too)

* Option "--safe_opcodes"

* \\EMBED \\END_EMBED supported in pp2html

* Templates changed (usage of karawane-50.gif)

* Activated embedded perl code (use Safe)

* pp2latex: rudimentary support of eps files: when you use \\IMAGE{src="filename.gif"} a file named "filename.eps" will be included in the tex file (if it exists ... :-)

* ppdoc.pp updated (\\INCLUDE parser-paragraphs, parser-tags and parser-active-contents from Jochen Stenzel)

* create the slide directory specified by --slide_dir as necessary

* pp2latex: included first version of TABLE support (from Alexander Sigel)

* --block_indent option for pp2html

* --no_index option for pp2html

* name changed: pp2htm --> pp2html

* needs \PP::Parser 0.21

* handler for DPointItem

* sorting in index has been corrected multiple index entries are now supported

* parameter "file" in \\IMAGE tags renamed to "src" (for better consistency with HTML)

* parameters "height" and "width" supported for \\IMAGE tags

* parameter "face" supported for \\F tag

* \\TABLE tags supported

* handle shift paragraphs > and <

* Bugfix: if there was no index, the last page was not processed !!

* \\IMAGE tag implemented

* \\F tag implemented

* Option --nav_template for navigation bar inside each page of a frame set

* automatic insertion of anchor for each page (name of anchor is the page header)

* Option --java_script_navigation

* first version with Makfile.PL support

* make_submission script enhanced

* ppdoc.pp: first english version, not yet complete

* Initial version with first versions of make_submission, README and ex_* sample test cases

14 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 8:

Unknown directive: =Version

Around line 57:

Unknown E content in E< xxx >

Around line 67:

Unknown directive: =Version

Around line 95:

Unknown directive: =Version

Around line 149:

Unknown directive: =Version

Around line 183:

Deleting unknown formatting code R<>

Deleting unknown formatting code R<>

Deleting unknown formatting code T<>

Around line 233:

Unknown directive: =Version

Around line 273:

Unknown directive: =Version

Around line 287:

Unknown directive: =Version

Around line 310:

Unknown directive: =Version

Around line 333:

Unknown directive: =Version

Around line 345:

Unknown directive: =Version

Around line 349:

Unknown directive: =Version

Around line 355:

Unknown directive: =Version