Math::Simple - Very simple, commonly used math routines


Version "2.0.1"


use Math::Simple qw(logb log2);
my $low            =  min($a,$b, $c, $d ...);    # least positive num
my $hi             =  max($a,$b);                # most positive num
my $digits_ƒ       =  sub ($) {int log10($_[0]); # log10 default export  
my $log_in_base    =  logb($base,$num);          # log arbitrary base
my $log16_ƒ        =  logb(16);                  # create log16 func 
my $bits_needed_ƒ  =  sub ($) {int log2($_[0])};
use constant mbits => log2(~1);                  # compile constant


Very simple math routines that I end up re-using in many progs and libified for easy access.

Currently, there are five functions, with three exported by default. Default exports are min, max and log10. Optional exports are log2 and logb.

Note on logb: it returns a log in any base, with the base as the first param, and number as the 2nd param, but given 1 parameter (the base), it will return a function ref (a.k.a. a curried function, that, when called, only returns logarithms in that base.

Math::Simple uses Xporter, so including logb or log2 doesn't break the default EXPORT list see Xporter.