PDF::Reuse::SimpleChart - Produce simple charts with PDF::Reuse
use PDF::Reuse::SimpleChart;
use PDF::Reuse;
use strict;
my $s = PDF::Reuse::SimpleChart->new();
$s->columns(qw(Month January February Mars April May June July));
$s->add( 'Riga', 314, 490, 322, -965, 736, 120, 239);
$s->add( 'Helsinki', 389, -865, -242, 7, 689, 294, 518);
$s->add( 'Stockholm',456, -712, 542, 367, 742, 189, 190);
$s->add( 'Oslo', 622, 533, 674, 1289, 679, -56, 345);
$s->draw(x => 10,
y => 200,
yUnit => '1000 Euros',
type => 'bars');
To draw simple charts with the help of PDF::Reuse. Currently there are 5 types: 'bars', 'totalbars','percentbars', 'lines' and 'area'.
You can also add interactive functions to the chart. If your user has Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 or higher, he/she should be able to use the functions. The Reader needs to have the option "Allow File Open Actions and Launching File Attachments" checked under "Preferences".
If he/she uses Acrobat there is a complication. Everything should work fine as long as new files are not read via the web. Acrobat has a plug in, "webpdf.api", which converts documents, also PDF-documents, when they are fetched over the net. That is probably a good idea in some cases, but here it changes new documents, and the JavaScripts needed for the interactive functions are lost (wasn't PDF meant to be a "Portable Document Format" ?), and as an addition to the problems the procedure is painfully slow. The user will have the chart, but he/she will not be able to use the interactive functions. (In cases of real emergency, you can disable the plug in simply by removing it from the directory Plug_ins under Acrobat, put it in a safe place, and start Acrobat. And put it back next time you need it.)
Anyway, almost every computer has the Reader somewhere, and if it is not of the right version, it can be downloaded. So with a little effort, it should be possible to run these interactive functions on most computers.
my $s = PDF::Reuse::SimpleChart->new();
Constructor. Mandatory.
You can also create a clone of an object like this:
my $clone = $s->new();
$s->columns( qw(unit column1 column2 .. columnN));
Defines what you want to write along the x-axis. The first value will be put to the right of the arrow of the axis. It could be the "unit" of the columns.
$s->add('name', value1, value2, ..., valueN);
To define data for the graph.
The name will be put to the right of the graph. It will be the identifier (case sensitive) of the series, so you can add new values afterwards. (Then the values also have to come in exactly the same order.)
The values can be numbers with '-' and '.'. You can also have '' or undef to denote a missing value. If the values contain other characters, the series is interpreted as 'columns'.
If you have a text file with a simple 2-dimensional table, like the one here below, you can use each line as parameters to the method. (The value in the upper left corner will refer to the columns to the right, not to the names under it.)
Month January February Mars April May June July
Riga 314 490 322 -965 736 120 239
Helsinki 389 -865 -242 7 689 294 518
Stockholm 456 -712 542 367 742 189 190
Oslo 622 533 674 1289 679 -56 345
ex. (''):
use PDF::Reuse::SimpleChart;
use PDF::Reuse;
use strict;
my $s = PDF::Reuse::SimpleChart->new();
open (INFILE, "textfile.txt") || die "Couldn't open textfile.txt, $!\n";
while (<INFILE>)
{ my @list = m'(\S+)'og;
$s->add(@list) if (scalar @list) ;
close INFILE;
$s->draw(x => 10,
y => 200,
yUnit => '1000 Euros',
type => 'bars');
This method does the actual "plotting" of the graph. The parameters are
- x
x-coordinate of the lower left corner in pixels, where the graph is going to be drawn. The actual graph comes still a few pixels to the right.
- y
y-coordinate of the lower left corner in pixels, where the graph is going to be drawn. The actual graph comes still a few pixels higher up.
- width
Width of the graph. 450 by default. Long texts might end up outside.
- height
Height of the graph. 450 by default.
- size
A number to resize the graph, with lines, texts and everything
(If you change the size of a graph with the parameters width and height, the font sizes, distances between lines etc. are untouched, but with 'size' they also change.)
- xsize
A number to resize the graph horizontally, with lines, texts and everything
- ySize
A number to resize the graph vertically, with lines, texts and everything
- type
By default: 'bars'. Can also be 'totalbars', percentbars', 'lines' and 'area', (you could abbreviate to the first character if you want). They are more or less freely interchangeable.
When you have 'lines' or 'area', you get vertical lines. They show where the values of the graph are significant. The values between these points are possible, but of course not necessarily true. It is an illustration.
- yUnit
What to write above the y-axis
- background
Three RGB numbers ex. '0.95 0.95 0.95'.
- noUnits
If this parameter is equal to 1, no units are written.
- title
Title above the chart
- groupsTitle
Titel above the column to the right of the chart
$s->color( ('1 1 0', '0 1 1', '0 1 0', '1 0 0', '0 0 1'));
To define colors to be used. The parameter to this method is a list of RGB numbers.
Methods for Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 or higher
$s->barsActions('name', 'jScript1', 'jScript2', ... 'jScriptN');
To define JavaScript actions for the bars (bars, totalbars, percentbars). The name has to be the same as 'name' in the add method.
$s->barsToolTips('name', 'text1', 'text2', ... 'textN');
Defines tool tip texts for the actions defined with 'barsActions'. The name connects the texts to the right bars.
$s->boxAction('name', 'jScript');
To define a JavaScript action for the little box with the name to the left of the graph.
$s->boxToolTip('name', 'text');
Defines a tool tip text for the action defined with 'boxAction'. The name connects the texts to the right box.
$s->columnsActions('jScript1', 'jScript2', ... 'jScriptN');
Defines a JavaScript action to be taken for each column
$s->columnsToolTips('text1', 'text2', ... 'textN');
Defines tool tip texts for the actions defined with 'columnsActions'.
Defines the JavaScript function iArea in a new document. N.B. Mandatory for every document where you use these interactive charts.
- iparam
Each time the method draw is used and you need JavaScript functions to be active the parameter iparam is needed and it has to hold the page number (starting with 0). ex.:
$s->draw(x => 45,
y => 500,
type => 'lines',
iparam => 0,
height => 300,
width => 460,
groupsTitle => 'Stations',
title => "Passengers");
Mandatory each time you want interactive functions to be active.
Defines a JavaScript action to be taken if you click in the area left of the chart.
Defines a tool tip text for the action defined with 'marginAction'.
A general example
Everything is just invented. It is here to show how to use the module. If you want the graphs to be less 'dramatic' change the type to lines or any of the other types.
It might be easier to compare the individual offices with 'bars', totalbars', or 'lines'.
use PDF::Reuse::SimpleChart;
use PDF::Reuse;
use strict;
my $s = PDF::Reuse::SimpleChart->new();
# Money in
$s->columns( qw(Month January February Mars April May June July));
$s->add( qw(Riga 436 790 579 1023 964 520 390));
$s->add( qw(Helsinki 529 630 789 567 570 94 180));
$s->add( qw(Stockholm 469 534 642 767 712 399 190));
$s->add( qw(Oslo 569 833 967 1589 790 158 345));
$s->draw(x => 45,
y => 455,
yUnit => '1000 Euros',
type => 'area',
title => 'Money In',
height => 300,
width => 460);
# Costs are to be shown separately
my $costs = PDF::Reuse::SimpleChart->new();
$costs->columns( qw(Month January February Mars April May June July));
$costs->add( qw(Riga -316 -290 -376 -823 -243 -320 -509));
$costs->add( qw(Helsinki -440 -830 -989 -671 -170 -394 -618));
$costs->add( qw(Stockholm -218 -345 -242 -467 -412 -299 -590));
$costs->add( qw(Oslo -369 -343 -567 -589 -390 -258 -459));
$costs->draw(x => 45,
y => 55,
yUnit => '1000 Euros',
type => 'area',
title => 'Costs',
height => 300,
width => 460);
# The costs are added to 'money in'
$s->add( qw(Riga -316 -290 -376 -823 -243 -320 -509));
$s->add( qw(Helsinki -440 -830 -989 -671 -170 -394 -618));
$s->add( qw(Stockholm -218 -345 -242 -467 -412 -299 -590));
$s->add( qw(Oslo -369 -343 -567 -589 -390 -258 -459));
$s->draw(x => 45,
y => 455,
yUnit => '1000 Euros',
type => 'area',
title => 'Profit');
# Taxes
$s->add( qw(Riga -116 -90 -179 -230 -43 -20 -90));
$s->add( qw(Helsinki 40 -130 -190 -32 -70 -30 -18));
$s->add( qw(Stockholm 28 -45 -42 -107 -92 -99 -90));
$s->add( qw(Oslo -169 -43 -67 -189 -190 -58 -59));
$s->draw(x => 45,
y => 55,
yUnit => '1000 Euros',
type => 'area',
title => 'After Tax');
An example for Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 or higher
This is an example how you can "drill-down" into a chart and look at different aspects of your data. You have 5 layouts and 20 different combinations of view = 100 more or less different charts, and you can look at fractions of the data.
First run the program ''. It creates 12960 lines with random data.
Put 'data.dat' in the directory defined for cgi-bin in a test environment.
Copy the other programs to the same directory.
Change or remove the shebang-line inside ''. Run "" to generate 20 new programs.
You should have your local web server running.
Run one of the new programs e.g. "" and you get the PDF-file "offmon.pdf".
Open the file with Acrobat Reader and click on the bars, boxes or margins of the chart to change aspects or layout.
use strict;
my @offices = ('Helsinki', 'Oslo', 'Riga', 'St Petersburg',
'Stockholm', 'Tallinn');
my @deps = (qw(Consulting Hardware Sales Software Staff));
my @projects = (qw(Grid HospitalSystem NotSpecified OffShore
PowerPlant Switches ));
my @types = (qw(Admin Debited Development Education Salary Travel));
my @months = (qw(2003-01 2003-02 2003-03 2003-04 2003-05 2003-06
2003-07 2003-08 2003-09 2003-10 2003-11 2003-12));
my @factor = ( 5, 7, 3, 8, 9, 4);
my $i = -1;
my $number;
open (OUT, ">data.dat") || die "Couldn't open data.dat $!\n";
for my $office (@offices)
{ $i++;
for my $dep (@deps)
{ for my $project (@projects)
{ for my $type (@types)
{ for my $month (@months)
{ if ($type eq 'Debited')
{ $number = 97;
elsif ($type eq 'Salary')
{ $number = 19;
elsif ($type eq 'Travel')
{ $number = 5;
{ $number = 9;
$number /= 2 if ($dep eq 'Staff');
$number /= 1.5 if ($project eq 'NotSpecified');
$number *= $factor[$i];
my $sum = sprintf("%.0f", rand($number)) + $factor[$i];
if (($sum % 12) < 10)
{ if ($type ne 'Debited')
{ $sum *= -1;
{ $sum *= -1;
print OUT "$office;$dep;$project;$type;$month;$sum\n";
close OUT;
And then we need a JavaScript with a popup menu for the interactive areas of the chart. ('aspects.js')
function aspects(sentence)
{ var target;
var b = '';
var a = ['', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'bars', 'totalbars', 'percentbars', 'lines', 'area'];
var n = ['(O)Month', '(O)Department', '(O)Project', '(O)Profit/Cost Type',
'(D)Month','(D)Office', '(D)Project', '(D)Profit/Cost Type',
'(P)Month', '(P)Office', '(P)Department', '(P)Profit/Cost Type',
'(C)Month', '(C)Office', '(C)Department', '(C)Project',
'Office', 'Department', 'Project', 'Profit/Cost',
'Bars', 'Stapled total bars', 'Stapled percentual bars',
'Lines', 'Area'];
var c = app.popUpMenu(['Office', n[0], n[1], n[2], n[3]],
['Department', n[4], n[5], n[6], n[7]],
['Project', n[8], n[9], n[10], n[11]],
['Profit/Cost Type', n[12], n[13], n[14], n[15]],
['Month', n[16], n[17], n[18], n[19]], '-',
['Layout', n[20], n[21], n[22], n[23], n[24]]);
for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++)
{ if (c == n[i])
{ if (i < 20)
target = b + a[i] + '?sen=' + hexEncode(sentence) +
'&chart=' + chartVariant() + '&sel=' + hexEncode(sel()) + '&';
target = b + current() + '?chart=' + a[i] + '&sel='
+ hexEncode(sel()) + '&sen=' + hexEncode(sentence) + '&';
this.getURL(target, false);
And a little JavaScript to hex encode the strings sent to the server ('hexEncode.js')
function hexEncode(str)
{ var out = '';
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++)
{ var num = str.charCodeAt(i);
if ((num < 48) || (num > 122) || ((num > 57) && (num < 65))
|| ((num > 90) && (num < 97)))
out = out + '%' + util.printf("%x", num);
out = out + str[i];
return out;
And finally we have a program ('') that generates 20 other programs. (Of course it could have made it with one single program, but it happened to be done like this.) The generated programs are probably easier to read than this one.
use strict;
my @dimension1 = (qw(Office Department Project Type Month)); # "Groups"
my @dimension2 = (qw(Month Type Project Department Office)); # "Columns"
my ($dim1, $dim2, $short1, $short2, $dimStr1, $dimStr2, $aspect, $column,
for $dim1 (@dimension1)
{ for $dim2 (@dimension2)
{ if ($dim1 eq $dim2)
{ next;
$short1 = lc(substr($dim1, 0, 3));
$short2 = lc(substr($dim2, 0, 3));
$dimStr1 = '$' . $dim1;
$dimStr2 = '$' . $dim2;
$column = $dim2;
$groupsTitle = $dim1;
$aspect = "$dim1/s split into $dim2/s";
my $fileName = $short1 . $short2 . '.pl';
open (OUT, ">$fileName") || die "Couldn't open $fileName $!\n";
my $string = getText();
print OUT $string;
close OUT;
sub getText
{ my $str =<<"EOF";
use PDF::Reuse::SimpleChart;
use PDF::Reuse;
use strict;
my (\$string, \%data, \$value, \$key, \$doc, \%accum, \%aspect1, \%aspect2);
my \$tot = 0;
my \$selection = '';
my \%sel = ( minoff => 'Helsinki',
maxoff => 'Tallinn',
mindep => 'Consulting',
maxdep => 'Staff',
mintyp => 'Admin',
maxtyp => 'Travel',
minpro => 'Grid',
maxpro => 'Switches',
minmon => '2003-01',
maxmon => '2003-12');
# First get data to work with
&& \$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} ne '')
{ \$string = \$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
# If the program is run "manually"
{ \$doc = substr(\$0, 0, index(\$0, '.')) . '.pdf';
# Split and decode the hex-encoded strings
# Create a hash with user data
for my \$pair (split('&', \$string))
{ if (\$pair =~ /(.*)=(.*)/) # found key = value;
{ (\$key,\$value) = (\$1,\$2); # get key, value.
\$value =~ s/\\+/ /g;
\$value =~ s/%(..)/pack('C',hex(\$1))/eg;
\$data{\$key} = \$value; # Create the hash.
# If there was a requesting program, the selection will replace
# the default one, and a limiting sentence will be added
if (\$string)
{ \%sel = split(/:/, \$data{sel}); # selection
my \@add = split(/:/, \$data{sen}); # sentence
my \$i = 0;
while(defined \$add[\$i])
{ \$sel{\$add[\$i]} = \$add[\$i + 1] if defined \$add[\$i + 1];
\$i += 2;
my \$chartType = \$data{chart} || 'bars';
# The new selection will be prepared as a string
while ( my (\$key, \$value) = each \%sel)
{ \$selection .= "\$key:\$value:";
# Create new output. If no document name was defined, send output to STDOUT
if (! defined \$doc)
{ \$| = 1;
print STDOUT "Cache-Control: no-transform\\n";
print STDOUT "Content-Type: application/pdf \\n\\n";
{ prFile(\$doc);
prJs('aspects.js'); # The file with the pop-up menu
prJs('hexEncode.js'); # To hex-encode with JavaScript
# Three small JavaScript functions will be added to the new document
# They will have information about the program that created the new
# chart: program name, chart type and used data selection
prJs('function current() { return "$short1$"; }');
prJs("function chartVariant() { return '\$chartType'; }");
prJs("function sel() { return '\$selection'; }");
my \$s = PDF::Reuse::SimpleChart->new();
# To create definitions for interactive areas in the new document
# What to do and display to the left
\$s->marginToolTip('Click and change aspect');
# Selection from the "database"
open (IN, "data.dat") || die ("Couldn't open data.dat \$! \\n");
while (my (\$Office, \$Department, \$Project, \$Type, \$Month, \$sum)
= split(/;/, <IN>))
if ( (\$Office ge \$sel{minoff}) && (\$Office le \$sel{maxoff})
&& (\$Department ge \$sel{mindep}) && (\$Department le \$sel{maxdep})
&& (\$Project ge \$sel{minpro}) && (\$Project le \$sel{maxpro})
&& (\$Type ge \$sel{mintyp}) && (\$Type le \$sel{maxtyp})
&& (\$Month ge \$sel{minmon}) && (\$Month le \$sel{maxmon}))
{ \$accum{$dimStr1}->{$dimStr2} += \$sum;
\$tot += \$sum;
\$aspect1{$dimStr1} += \$sum;
\$aspect2{$dimStr2} += \$sum;
close IN;
my \@groups = sort (keys \%aspect1);
my \@columns = sort (keys \%aspect2);
# Define columns, actions and tool tips for the areas under the y-axis
\$s->columns( "$column", \@columns);
\$s->columnsActions( map("aspects('min$short2:\$_:max$short2:\$_');", \@columns));
\$s->columnsToolTips( map("\$_: \$aspect2{\$_}", \@columns));
for my \$group (\@groups)
{ ########################################################################
# Define data, actions ( the string sent as a sentence, describe how
# the data is limited for each specific bar) and tool tips for the bars
my \@barValues = map( \$accum{\$group}->{\$_}, (sort(keys \%{\$accum{\$group}})));
my \@barsActions =
\$s->add(\$group, \@barValues);
\$s->barsActions(\$group, \@barsActions );
\$s->barsToolTips(\$group, map( "\$group: \$_ ", \@barValues) );
# Each box to the right of the graph gets its action and tool tip
\$s->boxAction(\$group, "aspects('min$short1:\$group:max$short1:\$group');");
\$s->boxToolTip(\$group, "\$group: \$aspect1{\$group}");
my \$yUnit = (\$chartType eq 'percentbars') ? 'Percent' : '1000 Euros';
\$s->draw(x => 45,
y => 500,
type => \$chartType,
iparam => 0,
height => 300,
width => 460,
yUnit => \$yUnit,
groupsTitle => "$groupsTitle",
title => "$aspect");
# Texts under the chart, telling what selection has been used
prText( 45, 450, "Office \$sel{minoff}");
prText(190, 450, "- \$sel{maxoff}");
prText(300, 450, "Sum of processed values: \$tot");
prText( 45, 435, "Department \$sel{mindep}");
prText(190, 435, "- \$sel{maxdep}");
prText( 45, 420, "Project \$sel{minpro}");
prText(190, 420, "- \$sel{maxpro}");
prText( 45, 405, "Type \$sel{mintyp}");
prText(190, 405, "- \$sel{maxtyp}");
prText( 45, 390, "Month \$sel{minmon}");
prText(190, 390, "- \$sel{maxmon}");
'You need Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 or higher to use the interactive functions of the chart,');
prText(45, 345,
'and the Reader needs to have the option "Allow File Open Actions and Launching File ');
prText(45, 330, 'Attachments" checked under "Preferences"');
prText(45, 315,
'If you use Acrobat, a plug-in, "webpdf.api", converts documents fetched over the net,');
prText(45, 300, 'and necessary JavaScripts are lost. ');
# Next word has to be put in the first column
return $str;
Lars Lundberg, <elkelund @ worldonline . se>
Copyright 2004 by Lars Lundberg
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
You get this module free as it is, but nothing is guaranteed to work, whatever implicitly or explicitly stated in this document, and everything you do, you do at your own risk - I will not take responsibility for any damage, loss of money and/or health that may arise from the use of this module.