Spreadsheet::ParseExcel - Get information from Excel file
use strict;
use Spreadsheet::ParseExcel;
my $oExcel = new Spreadsheet::ParseExcel;
#1.1 Normal Excel97
my $oBook = $oExcel->Parse('Excel/Test97.xls');
my($iR, $iC, $oWkS, $oWkC);
print "FILE :", $oBook->{File} , "\n";
print "COUNT :", $oBook->{SheetCount} , "\n";
print "AUTHOR:", $oBook->{Author} , "\n";
for(my $iSheet=0; $iSheet < $oBook->{SheetCount} ; $iSheet++) {
$oWkS = $oBook->{Worksheet}[$iSheet];
print "--------- SHEET:", $oWkS->{Name}, "\n";
for(my $iR = $oWkS->{MinRow} ;
defined $oWkS->{MaxRow} && $iR <= $oWkS->{MaxRow} ; $iR++) {
for(my $iC = $oWkS->{MinCol} ;
defined $oWkS->{MaxCol} && $iC <= $oWkS->{MaxCol} ; $iC++) {
$oWkC = $oWkS->{Cells}[$iR][$iC];
print "( $iR , $iC ) =>", $oWkC->Value, "\n" if($oWkC);
Spreadsheet::ParseExcel makes you to get information from Excel95, Excel97, Excel2000 file.
- new
$oExcel = new Spreadsheet::ParseExcel( [ CellHandler => \&subCellHandler, NotSetCell => undef | 1, ]);
- CellHandler (experimental)
specify callback function when a cell is detected.
subCellHandler gets arguments like below:
sub subCellHandler ($oBook, $iSheet, $iRow, $iCol, $oCell);
CAUTION : The atributes of Workbook may not be complete. This function will be called almost order by rows and columns. Take care almost, not perfectly.
- NotSetCell (experimental)
specify set or not cell values to Workbook object.
- Parse
$oWorkbook = $oParse->Parse($sFileName [, $oFmt]);
return "Workbook" object. if error occurs, returns undef.
- $sFileName
name of the file to parse
From 0.12 (with OLE::Storage_Lite v.0.06), scalar reference of file contents (ex. \$sBuff) or IO::Handle object (inclucdng IO::File etc.) are also available.
- $oFmt
"Formatter Class" to format the value of cells.
- ColorIdxToRGB
$sRGB = $oParse->ColorIdxToRGB($iColorIdx);
ColorIdxToRGB returns RGB string corresponding to specified color index. RGB string has 6 charcters, representing RGB hex value. (ex. red = 'FF0000')
Workbook class has these properties :
- File
Name of the file
- Author
Author of the file
- Flag1904
If this flag is on, date of the file count from 1904.
- Version
Version of the file
- SheetCount
Numbers of "Worksheet" s in that Workbook
- Worksheet[SheetNo]
Array of "Worksheet"s class
- PrintArea[SheetNo]
Array of PrintArea array refs.
Each PrintArea is : [ StartRow, StartColumn, EndRow, EndColumn]
- PrintTitle[SheetNo]
Array of PrintTitle hash refs.
Each PrintTitle is : { Row => [StartRow, EndRow], Column => [StartColumn, EndColumn]}
Worksheet class has these properties:
- Name
Name of that Worksheet
- DefRowHeight
Default height of rows
- DefColWidth
Default width of columns
- RowHeight[Row]
Array of row height
- ColWidth[Col]
Array of column width (undef means DefColWidth)
- Cells[Row][Col]
Array of "Cell"s infomation in the worksheet
- Landscape
Print in horizontal(0) or vertical (1).
- Scale
Print scale.
- FitWidth
Number of pages with fit in width.
- FitHeight
Number of pages with fit in height.
- PageFit
Print with fit (or not).
- PaperSize
Papar size. The value is like below:
Letter 1, LetterSmall 2, Tabloid 3 , Ledger 4, Legal 5, Statement 6 , Executive 7, A3 8, A4 9 , A4Small 10, A5 11, B4 12 , B5 13, Folio 14, Quarto 15 , 10x14 16, 11x17 17, Note 18 , Envelope9 19, Envelope10 20, Envelope11 21 , Envelope12 22, Envelope14 23, Csheet 24 , Dsheet 25, Esheet 26, EnvelopeDL 27 , EnvelopeC5 28, EnvelopeC3 29, EnvelopeC4 30 , EnvelopeC6 31, EnvelopeC65 32, EnvelopeB4 33 , EnvelopeB5 34, EnvelopeB6 35, EnvelopeItaly 36 , EnvelopeMonarch 37, EnvelopePersonal 38, FanfoldUS 39 , FanfoldStdGerman 40, FanfoldLegalGerman 41, User 256
- PageStart
Start page number.
- UsePage
Use own start page number (or not).
Mergins for left, right, top, bottom, header and footer.
- HCenter
Print in horizontal center (or not)
- VCenter
Print in vertical center (or not)
- Header
Content of print header. Please refer Excel Help.
Content of print footer. Please refer Excel Help.
- PrintGrid
Print with Gridlines (or not)
- PrintHeaders
Print with headings (or not)
- NoColor
Print in black-white (or not).
- Draft
Print in draft mode (or not).
- Notes
Print with notes (or not).
- LeftToRight
Print left to right(0) or top to down(1).
- HPageBreak
Array ref of horizontal page breaks.
- VPageBreak
Array fef of vertical page breaks.
Cell class has these properties:
- Value
Method Formatted value of that cell
- Val
Original Value of that cell
- Type
Kind of that cell ('Text', 'Numeric', 'Date')
- Code
Character code of that cell (undef, 'ucs2', '_native_') undef tells that cell seems to be ascii. '_native_' tells that cell seems to be 'sjis' or something like that.
- Format
"Format" for that cell.
- Merged
That cells is merged (or not).
Format class has these properties:
- Font
"Font" object for that Format.
- AlignH
Horizontal Alignment.
0: (standard), 1: left, 2: center, 3: right, 4: fill , 5: justify, 7:equal_space
Notice: 6 may be merge but it seems not to work.
- AlignV
Vertical Alignment.
0: top, 1: vcenter, 2: bottom, 3: vjustify, 4: vequal_space
- Indent
Number of indent
- Wrap
Wrap (or not).
- Shrink
Display in shrinking (or not)
- Rotate
In Excel97, 2000 : degrees of string rotation. In Excel95 or earlier : 0: No rotation, 1: Top down, 2: 90 degrees anti-clockwise, 3: 90 clockwise
- JustLast
JustLast (or not). I have never seen this attribute.
- ReadDir
Direction for read.
- BdrStyle
Array ref of boder styles : [Left, Right, Top, Bottom]
- BdrColor
Array ref of boder color indexes : [Left, Right, Top, Bottom]
- BdrDiag
Array ref of diag boder kind, style and color index : [Kind, Style, Color] Kind : 0: None, 1: Right-Down, 2:Right-Up, 3:Both
- Fill
Array ref of fill pattern and color indexes : [Pattern, Front Color, Back Color]
- Lock
Locked (or not).
- Hidden
Hiddedn (or not).
- Style
Style format (or Cell format)
Format class has these properties:
- Name
Name of that font.
- Bold
Bold (or not).
- Italic
Italic (or not).
- Height
Size (height) of that font.
- Underline
Underline (or not).
- UnderlineStyle
0: None, 1: Single, 2: Double, 0x21: Single(Account), 0x22: Double(Account)
- Color
Color index for that font.
- Strikeout
Strikeout (or not).
- Super
0: None, 1: Upper, 2: Lower
Formatter class
Formatter class will convert cell data.
Spreadsheet::ParseExcel includes 2 formatter classes: FmtDefault and FmtJapanese. You can create your own FmtClass as you like.
Formatter class(Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Fmt*) should provide these functions:
- ChkType($oSelf, $iNumeric, $iFmtIdx)
tells type of the cell that has specified value.
- TextFmt($oSelf, $sText, $sCode)
converts original text into applicatable for Value.
- ValFmt($oSelf, $oCell, $oBook)
converts original value into applicatable for Value.
- FmtString($oSelf, $oCell, $oBook)
get format string for the $oCell.
This module can not get the values of fomulas in Excel files made with Spreadsheet::WriteExcel. Normaly (ie. By Excel application), formula has the result with it. But Spreadsheet::WriteExcel writes formula with no result. If you set your Excel application "Auto Calculation" off. (maybe [Tool]-[Option]-[Calculation] or something) You will see the same result.
Kawai Takanori (Hippo2000) (Japanese) (English)
XLHTML, OLE::Storage, Spreadsheet::WriteExcel, OLE::Storage_Lite
This module is based on herbert within OLE::Storage and XLHTML.
Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Kawai Takanori and Nippon-RAD Co. OP Division All rights reserved.
You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file.
First of all, I would like to acknowledge valuable program and modules : XHTML, OLE::Storage and Spreadsheet::WriteExcel.
In no particular order: Yamaji Haruna, Simamoto Takesi, Noguchi Harumi, Ikezawa Kazuhiro, Suwazono Shugo, Hirofumi Morisada, Michael Edwards, Kim Namusk and many many people + Kawai Mikako.
2 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 621:
Unknown directive: =cmmt
- Around line 916:
Unknown directive: =cmmt