WWW::NicoSound::Download::Error - Error class for WWW::NicoSound::Download
use WWW::NicoSound::Download::Error;
sub will_die {
NicoSoundError->throw( message => "Somethins is wrong." );
eval { will_die( ) };
if ( my $e = Exception::Class->caught( "NicoSoundError" ) ) {
die $e;
Blah blah blah.
None by default.
- NicoSoundError
This is top level class of error. This is root.
This has message field.
- E::CantSave
This is base error class for save_mp3, and get_raw methods.
This has message field.
- E::CantFindHomepage
This will be thrown when the environment can not reach to the NicoSound server.
This has message, and status_line fields.
- E::IDRequired
This will be thrown when a ID parameter required.
This has message field.
- E::URLRequired
This will be thrown when a URL parameter required.
This has message field.
- E::FilenameRequired
This will be thrown when a filename parameter required.
This has message field.
- E::InvalidID
This will be thrown when can not parse ID from URL.
This has message, and id fields.
- E::InvalidURL
Same as above. This will be thrown when can not parse ID from URL. This odd errors is because save_mp3 can accept URL.
This has message, and url fields.
- E::InvalidFilename
This will be thrown when the filename is 0, or "".
This has message, and filename fields.
- E::FileDoesNotExist
This will be thrown when the specified filename does not exist.
This has message, and filename fields.
- E::DownloadError
This will be thrown when failed HTTP method of GET, or any.
This has message, and status_line fields.
- E::HasBeenDeleted
This will be thrown when the ID's file has been deleted by NicoSound user. Deleted file can not save.
This has message, and id fields.
- E::Overworking
This will be thrown when the NicoSound server is overworking. Try later. This often occurs at midnight.
This has message, and id fields.
- E::FileAlreadyExists
This will be thrown when the file already exists.
This has message, and filename fields.
Kuniyoshi Kouji, <>
Copyright (C) 2009 by Kuniyoshi Kouji
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.0 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.