Changes for version 0.47 - 2001-02-21
- ! fixed lack of parameter in MAILTO transport ! fixed minimal version of COM interface to not require absent modules
- added compression for HTTP transport
- added mod_soap interface, add SOAP server functionality with couple of lines in .htaccess or httpd.conf file
- added proper serialization of circular multiple references
- significantly redesigned handling types and URIs ! incompatibilities with ApacheSOAP clients may occur
- added handling PIPE and INT signals in Daemon server implementation
- changed return from autodispatched calls: result() in scalar context and paramsall() in list context
- redesigned tests and split on core and optional for smooth CPAN installation
- added examples for cookie-based authorization
- added examples in C# and PerlScript for COM interface
- added more documentation for COM interface
- updated documentation and added new examples
Interactive shell for SOAP calls
Provide SOAP server functionality with simple configuration
Client and server side SOAP implementation
Test framework for SOAP::Lite
Client side FTP support for SOAP::Lite
Server/Client side HTTP support for SOAP::Lite
Server side IO support for SOAP::Lite
Client side no-transport support for SOAP::Lite
Client side SMTP/sendmail support for SOAP::Lite
Server side POP3 support for SOAP::Lite
Server/Client side TCP support for SOAP::Lite
Library for UDDI clients in Perl
in lib/SOAP/Transport/
in lib/SOAP/
in lib/SOAP/
in lib/SOAP/
in lib/SOAP/
in lib/SOAP/
in lib/SOAP/
in lib/SOAP/
in lib/SOAP/
in lib/SOAP/
in lib/SOAP/
in lib/SOAP/
in lib/SOAP/
in lib/SOAP/
in lib/SOAP/
in lib/SOAP/
in lib/SOAP/
in lib/SOAP/
in lib/SOAP/
in lib/SOAP/
in lib/SOAP/
in lib/SOAP/
in lib/SOAP/
in lib/SOAP/
in lib/SOAP/
in lib/SOAP/Transport/
in lib/SOAP/Transport/
in lib/SOAP/Transport/
in lib/SOAP/Transport/
in lib/SOAP/Transport/
in lib/SOAP/Transport/
in lib/SOAP/Transport/
in lib/SOAP/Transport/
in lib/SOAP/Transport/
in lib/SOAP/Transport/
in lib/SOAP/Transport/
in lib/SOAP/Transport/
in lib/SOAP/
in lib/UDDI/
in lib/UDDI/
in lib/UDDI/
in lib/UDDI/
- examples/COM/README
- examples/COM/SOAP-Lite-COM-perl-required.ctrl
- examples/COM/SOAP-Lite-COM-standalone.ctrl
- examples/COM/hash.vbs
- examples/COM/local.vbs
- examples/COM/make-com-perl-required.bat
- examples/COM/make-com-standalone.bat
- examples/COM/remote.cs
- examples/COM/remote.vbs
- examples/COM/service.vbs
- examples/COM/soap.asp
- examples/COM/soap.vbs
- examples/COM/soap_perl.asp
- examples/COM/states.html
- examples/COM/
- examples/COM/states.vba
- examples/COM/states.vbs
- examples/COM/states.xls
- examples/COM/temper.vbs
- examples/My/
- examples/My/
- examples/My/
- examples/My/
- examples/My/
- examples/My/
- examples/SOAP/Transport/HTTP/Daemon/
- examples/SOAP/Transport/HTTP/Daemon/
- examples/SOAP/
- examples/SOAP/
- examples/UDDI/
- examples/UDDI/
- examples/UDDI/
- examples/UDDI/
- examples/UDDI/
- examples/UDDI/
- examples/UDDI/
- examples/WSDL/
- examples/WSDL/
- examples/WSDL/
- examples/WSDL/
- examples/WSDL/
- examples/WSDL/
- examples/XML/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/forms/style.cgi
- examples/forms/style.html
- examples/
- examples/oneliners
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/server/
- examples/server/mod_soap.htaccess
- examples/server/soap.asp
- examples/server/soap.cgi
- examples/server/soap.daemon
- examples/server/soap.daemon.forkafterprocessing
- examples/server/soap.daemon.forkonaccept
- examples/server/
- examples/server/soap.mod_cgi
- examples/server/soap.pop3
- examples/server/soap.tcp
- examples/server/soap.vbs
- examples/server/soap_perl.asp
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/