Term::TablePrint - Print a table to the terminal and browse it interactively.


Version 0.163


my $table = [ [ 'id', 'name' ],
              [    1, 'Ruth' ],
              [    2, 'John' ],
              [    3, 'Mark' ],
              [    4, 'Nena' ], ];

use Term::TablePrint qw( print_table );

print_table( $table );

# or OO style:

use Term::TablePrint;

my $pt = Term::TablePrint->new();
$pt->print_table( $table );


print_table shows a table and lets the user interactively browse it. It provides a cursor which highlights the row on which it is located. The user can scroll through the table with the different cursor keys.


Keys to move around:

  • the ArrowDown key (or the j key) to move down and the ArrowUp key (or the k key) to move up.

  • the PageUp key (or Ctrl-P) to go to the previous page, the PageDown key (or Ctrl-N) to go to the next page.

  • the Insert key to go back 10 pages, the Delete key to go forward 10 pages.

  • the Home key (or Ctrl-A) to jump to the first row of the table, the End key (or Ctrl-E) to jump to the last row of the table.

If table_expand is set to 0, the Return key closes the table if the cursor is on the first row.

If table_expand is enabled and the cursor is on the first row, pressing Return three times in succession closes the table. If the cursor is auto-jumped to the first row, it is required only one Return to close the table.

If the cursor is not on the first row:

  • with the option table_expand disabled the cursor jumps to the table head if Return is pressed.

  • with the option table_expand enabled each column of the selected row is output in its own line preceded by the column name if Return is pressed. Another Return closes this output and goes back to the table output. If a row is selected twice in succession, the pointer jumps to the first row.

If the size of the window has changed, the screen is rewritten as soon as the user presses a key.

Ctrl-F opens a prompt. A regular expression is expected as input. This enables one to only display rows where at least one column matches the entered pattern. See option "search".


If the option "table_expand" is enabled and a row is selected with Return, each column of that row is output in its own line preceded by the column name.

If the table has more rows than the terminal, the table is divided up on as many pages as needed automatically. If the cursor reaches the end of a page, the next page is shown automatically until the last page is reached. Also if the cursor reaches the topmost line, the previous page is shown automatically if it is not already the first page.

For the output on the screen the table elements are modified. All the modifications are made on a copy of the original table data.

  • If an element is not defined the value from the option undef is assigned to that element.

  • Each character tabulation (\t) is replaces with a space.

  • Vertical tabulations (\v+) are squashed to two spaces.

  • Code points from the ranges of control, surrogate and noncharacter are removed.

  • If the option squash_spaces is enabled leading and trailing spaces are removed and multiple consecutive spaces are squashed to a single space.

  • If an element looks like a number it is right-justified, else it is left-justified.

If the terminal is too narrow to print the table, the columns are adjusted to the available width automatically.

  • First, if the option trunc_fract_first is enabled and if there are numbers that have a fraction, the fraction is truncated up to two decimal places.

  • Then columns wider than min_col_width are trimmed. See option "min_col_width".

  • If it is still required to lower the row width all columns are trimmed until they fit into the terminal.



The new method returns a Term::TablePrint object. As an argument it can be passed a reference to a hash which holds the options - the available options are listed in "OPTIONS".

my $tp = Term::TablePrint->new( \%options );

The print_table method prints the table passed with the first argument.

$tp->print_table( $array_ref, \%options );

The first argument is a reference to an array of arrays. The first array of these arrays holds the column names. The following arrays are the table rows where the elements are the field values.

As a second and optional argument a hash reference can be passed which holds the options - the available options are listed in "OPTIONS".


The print_table subroutine prints the table passed with the first argument.

print_table( $array_ref, \%options );

The subroutine print_table takes the same arguments as the method "print_table".



How to print arbitrary binary data:

0 - print the binary data as it is

1 - "BNRY" is printed instead of the binary data

2 - the binary data is printed in hexadecimal format

If the substring of the first 100 characters of the data matches the repexp /[\x00-\x08\x0B-\x0C\x0E-\x1F]/, the data is considered arbitrary binary data.

Printing unfiltered arbitrary binary data could break the output.

Default: 0


This option has only meaning if the operating system is MSWin32.

If the OS is MSWin32, Win32::Console::ANSI is used. By default Win32::Console::ANSI converts the characters from Windows code page to DOS code page (the so-called ANSI to OEM conversion). This conversation is disabled by default in Term::Choose but one can enable it by setting this option.

Setting this option to 1 enables the codepage mapping offered by Win32::Console::ANSI.

0 - disable automatic codepage mapping

1 - keep automatic codepage mapping

Default: 0


Enable the support for ANSI SGR escape sequences.

0 - off (default)

1 - enabled except for the current selected row

2 - enabled

Colors are reset to normal after the end of each table field.

Numbers with added escape sequences are aligned to the left.

Default: 0


Set the decimal separator. Numbers with a decimal separator are formatted as number if this option is set to the right value.

Allowed values: a character with a print width of 1. If an invalid values is passed, decimal_separator falls back to the default value.

Default: . (dot)

If set (string), footer is added in the bottom line to the page number. It is up to the user to add leading and trailing separators.

If a footer string is passed with this option, the option page is automatically set to 2.

Default: undef


Expects as its value a string. The info text is printed above the prompt string.

Default: undef


Set the maximum number of used table rows. The used table rows are kept in memory.

To disable the automatic limit set max_rows to 0.

If the number of table rows is higher than max_rows, the last row of the output tells that the limit has been reached.

Default: 0


The columns with a width below or equal min_col_width are only trimmed, if it is still required to lower the row width despite all columns wider than min_col_width have been trimmed to min_col_width.

Default: 30


Set the mouse mode (see option mouse in "OPTIONS" in Term::Choose).

Default: 0


Set the progress bar threshold. If the number of fields (rows x columns) is higher than the threshold, a progress bar is shown while preparing the data for the output.

Default: 40_000


String displayed above the table.

Set the behavior of Ctrl-F.

0 - off

1 - case-insensitive search

2 - case-sensitive search

When Ctrl-F is pressed and a regexp is entered, the regexp is appended to the end of the footer.

Default: 1


If squash_spaces is enabled, consecutive spaces are squashed to one space and leading and trailing spaces are removed.

Default: 0


Set the number of spaces between columns.

Default: 2


If the option table_expand is enabled and Return is pressed, the selected table row is printed with each column in its own line. Exception: if the cursor auto-jumped to the first row, the first row will not be expanded.

If table_expand is set to 0, the cursor jumps to the to first row (if not already there) when Return is pressed.

0 - off

1 - on

Default: 1


If the terminal width is not wide enough and this option is enabled, the first step to reduce the width of the columns is to truncate the fraction part of numbers to 2 decimal places.


Set the string that will be shown on the screen instead of an undefined field.

Default: "" (empty string)


print_table croaks

  • if an invalid number of arguments is passed.

  • if an invalid argument is passed.

  • if an unknown option name is passed.

  • if an invalid option value is passed.


Perl version

Requires Perl version 5.10.0 or greater.

Decoded strings

print_table expects decoded strings.

Encoding layer for STDOUT

For a correct output it is required to set an encoding layer for STDOUT matching the terminal's character set.

Monospaced font

It is required a terminal that uses a monospaced font which supports the printed characters.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Term::TablePrint




Thanks to the and the people form stackoverflow for the help.


Matthäus Kiem <>


Copyright 2013-2024 Matthäus Kiem.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl 5.10.0. For details, see the full text of the licenses in the file LICENSE.