Games::FrozenBubble - The classic penguin game ported to CPAN


During net/lan game choose, there is a chat system. Here are the available keys and tips:

just type and hit enter to send a message
page up and page down allow you to view history as in IRC programs
arrow up and down allow you to recall previous messages you've sent
the TAB key triggers nick completion on listening players
in the pre-game chat, the following commands are available:
/me <action>: sends an action message instead of sending a regular message
/nick <new_nick>: change your nick
/server: query the name of the server you're connected to
/fs: toggle fullscreen
/list: view list of listening players
/geolocate: geolocate yourself again
/autokick <nick> [<text>]: add/remove that nick to autokick list
in the in-game chat, the following commands are available:
/kick <nick> [<text>]: kick a joiner from your game (if you're
                       creator), optionally with an explanatory text

During a game, the following default key shortcuts are available:

TAB: next playlist music (if sound available and when playlist is used)
F11: toggle music
F12: toggle sound
Keypad Minus: lower music/sound volume
Keypad Plus: raise music/sound volume

When in multiplayer with 3+ players:

F1: send malus to top left player
F2: send malus to top right player
F3: send malus to bottom left player
F4: send malus to bottom right player
F10: send malus to all opponents

Notice: you can see who you attack because the F1..F4 little text next to the player turns white - you can see who is attacking by the presence of the small pinguins of the opponent on the left of your igloo.


Pango headers

Ensure libpango1-dev and pkg-config are installed on your system.

sudo apt-get install libpango1-dev

Strawberry perl windows users need not worry!



You may need the following packages

libpng-dev libvorbis-dev x11proto-xext-dev libxft-dev

Then CRITICAL select pango support!

cpan Alien::SDL

SDL and Games::FrozenBubble

cpan SDL Games::FrozenBubble


Talk to FROGGS or kthakore on #sdl

Fork and hack on

see PORT_TODO that came with this distribution


Guillaume Cottenceau and others


FROGGS, daxim, kthakore, kmx