Data::RuledValidator - data validator with rule
Data::RuledValidator is validator of data. This needs rule which is readable by not programmer ... so it is like specification.
One programmer said;
specification is in code, so documentation is not needed.
Another programmers said;
code is specification, so if I write specification, it is against DRY.
It is excuse of them. They may dislike to write documents, they may be not good at writing documents, and/or they may think validation check is trivial task. But, if specification is used by programming and we needn't write program, they will start to write specification. And, at last, we need specification.
You can use this without rule file.
$ENV{QUERY_STRING} = "page=index&i=9&v=aaaaa&k=bbbb";
use Data::RuledValidator;
use CGI;
my $v = Data::RuledValidator->new(obj => CGI->new, method => "param");
print $v->by_sentence("i is num", "k is word", "v is word", "all of i,v,k"); # return 1 if valid
This means that parameter of CGI object, i is number, k is word, v is also word and needs all of i, v and k.
Next example is using following rule;
ID_KEY page
i is number
k is word
v is word
all of i, k, v
And code is(environmental values are as same as first example):
my $v = Data::RuledValidator->new(obj => CGI->new, method => "param", rule => "validator.rule");
print $v->by_rule; # return 1 if valid
This is as nearly same as first example. left value of ID_KEY, "page" is parameter name to specify rule name to use.
my $q = CGI->new;
$id = $q->param("page");
Now, $id is "index" (see above environmental values in BEGIN block), use rule in "index". Why using CGI object? you have to check new's arguments. "index" rule is following:
all of i, k, v
Global rule is applied as well.
i is number
k is word
v is word
So it is as same as first example.
RuledValidator GENERAL IDEA
Object has data which you want to check and Object has Method which returns Value(s) from Object's data.
Basicaly, Key is the key which is passed to Object Method.
Value(s) are the returned of the Object Mehotd passed Key.
Operator is operator to check Value(s).
Condition is the condition for Operator to judge whether Value(s) is/are valid or not.
When using Data::RuledValidator, you can use option.
- import_error
This defines behavior when plugin is not imported correctly.
use Data::RuledValidator import_error => 0;
If value is 0, do nothing. It is default.
use Data::RuledValidator import_error => 1;
If value is 1, warn.
use Data::RuledValidator import_error => 2;
If value is 2, die.
- new
my $v = Data::RuledValidator->new(obj => $obj, method => $method, rule => $rule_file_location);
$obj is Object which has values which you want to check. $method is Method of $obj which returns Value(s) which you want to check. $rule_file_location is file location of rule file.
my $v = Data::RuledValidator->new(obj => $obj, method => $method);
If you use "by_sentence" and/or you use "by_rule" with argument, no need to specify rule here.
You can use array ref for method. for example, $c is object, and $c->res->param is the way to get values. pass [qw/res param/] to method.
If you need another object and/or method for identify to group name.
my $v = Data::RuledValidator->new(obj => $obj, method => $method, id_obj => $id_obj, id_method => $id_method);
for validation, $obj->$method is used. for identifying to group name, $id_obj->$id_method is used (when you omit id_method, method is used).
- rule
rule => rule_file_location
explained above.
- strict
strict => 0
Before 0.03, Data::RuledValidator returns true with valid method, only when all key is valid. It means you need set "key is n/a", if you don't use keys defined in GLOBAL in other group. I think it is very bother.
I will change it in future. At present, if strict is 0(it's default), if you have no wrong value, valid method returns true. But, if you reset, it returns undef.
- by_sentence
$v->by_sentence("i is number", "k is word", ...);
The arguments is rule. You can write multiple sentence. It returns $v object.
- by_rule
$v->by_rule(); $v->by_rule($rule);
If $rule is omitted, using the file which is specified in new. It returns $v object.
- result
The result of validation check. This returned the following structure.
{ 'i_is' => 0, 'v_is' => 0, 'z_match' => 1, }
This means
key 'i' is invalid. key 'v' is invalid. key 'z' is valid.
You can get this result as following:
%result = @$v;
- valid
The result of total validation check. The returned value is 1 or 0.
If all rule is OK, valid is 1. If not, valid is 0.
You can get this result as following:
$result = $v;
- failure
Given values to validation check. Some/All of them are wrong value. This returned, for example, the following structure.
{ 'i_is' => ['x', 'y', 'z'], 'v_is' => [''], 'z_match' => [0123, 1234], }
If you want wrong value only, use wrong method.
- wrong
This is not implemented.
It returns only wrong value.
{ 'i_is' => ['x', 'y', 'z'], 'v_is' => [''], 'z_match' => [0123, 1234], }
All of them are wrong values.
- reset
The result of validation check is reseted.
- list_plugins
list all plugins.
Rule Syntax is very simple.
- ID_KEY Key
The right value is key which is passed to Object->Method. The returned value of Object->Method(Key) is used to identify GROUP_NAME
ID_KEY page
- ID_METHOD method method ...
Note that: It is used, only when you need another method to identify to GROUP_NAME.
The right value is method which is used when Object->Method. The returned value of Object->Method(Key)/Object->Method (Key is omitted) is used to identify GROUP_NAME.
ID_METHOD request action
This can be defined in constructor, new.
start from ; is start of group and the end of this group is the line before next ';'. If the value of Object->Method(ID_KEY) is equal GROUP_NAME, this group validation rule is used.
You can write as following.
{index} ;;;;index
You can repeat ';' any times.
This is start of group, too. If the value of Object->Method(ID_KEY) is match regexp ^GROUP_NAME$, this group validation rule is used.
You can write as following.
r{^*_confirm$} ;;r;;^.*_confirm$
You can repeat ';' any times.
- ;path;/path/to/where
It is as same as ;r;^/path/to/where/?$.
Note that: this is needed that ID_KEY is 'ENV_PATH_INFO'.
You can write as following.
path{/path/to/where} ;;path;;/path/to/where
You can repeat ';' any times.
This is start of group, too. but 'GLOBAL' is special name. The rule in this group is inherited by all group.
;GLOBAL i is number w is word
If you write global rule on the top of rule. no need specify ;GLOBAL, they are parsed as GLOBAL.
# The top of file i is number w is word
They will be regarded as global rule.
- #
start from # is comment.
# This is comment
- sentence
i is number
sentence has 3 parts, at least.
Key Operator Condition
In example, 'i' is Key, 'is' is Operator and 'number' is Condition.
This means:
return $obj->$method('i') =~/^\d+$/ + 0;
In some case, Operator can take multiple Condition. It is depends on Operator implementation.
For example, Operator 'match' can multiple Condition.
i match ^[a-z]+$,^[0-9]+$
When i is match former or later, it is valid.
Note that:
You CANNOT use same key with same operator.
i is number i is word
- alias = sentence
sentence is as same as above. 'alias =' effects result data structure.
First example is normal version.
i is number p is word z match ^\d{3}$
Result Data Structure:
{ 'i_is' => 0, 'p_is' => 0, 'z_match' => 1, }
Next example is version using alias.
id = i is number password = p is word zip = z match ^\d{3}$
Result Data Structure:
{ 'id_is' => 0, 'password_is' => 0, 'zip_match' => 1, }
- Override Global Rule
You can override global rule.
;GLOBAL ID_KEY page i is number w is word ;index i is word w is number
If you want delete some rules in GLOBAL in 'index' group.
;index w is n/a w match ^[e-z]+$
If you want delete all GLOBAL rule in 'index' group.
;index GLOBAL is n/a
- is
key is mail key is word key is number
'is' is something special operator. It can be to be unavailable GLOBAL at all or about some key.
;;GLOBAL i is number k is value ;;index v is word
in this rule, 'index' inherits GLOBAL. If you want not to use GLOBAL.
;;index GLOBAL is n/a v is word
if you want not to use key 'k' in index.
;;index k is n/a v is word
This inherits 'i', but doesn't inherit 'k'.
- isnt
It is the opposite of 'is'. but, no use to use 'n/a' in condition.
- of
This is some different from others. Left word is not key. number or 'all'.
all of x,y,z
This is needed all of keys x, y and z. It is no need for these value of keys to be valid. If this key exists, it is OK.
If you need only 2 of these keys. you can write;
2 of x,y,z
This is needed 2 of keys x, y or z.
If you want valid values, use of-valid instead of valid.
- of-valid
This likes 'of'.
all of-valid x,y,z
This is needed all of keys x, y and z. It is needed for these value of keys to be valid.
If you need only 2 of these keys. you can write;
2 of-valid x,y,z
This is needed 2 of keys x, y or z.
If you want valid values, use of-valid instead of 'of'.
- in
If value is in the words, it is OK.
key in Perl, Python, Ruby, PHP ...
This is "or" condition. If value is equal to one of them, it is OK.
- match
This is regular expression.
key match ^[a-z]{2}\d{5}$
If you want multiple regular expression.
key match ^[a-z]{2}\d{5}$, ^\d{5}[a-z]{1}\d{5}$, ...
This is "or" condition. If value is match one of them, it is OK.
- re
It is as same as 'match'.
- has
key has 3
This means key has 3 values.
If you want less than the number or grater than the number. You can write;
key has < 4 key has > 4
- eq
key eq STRING
If key's value is as same as STRING, it is valid.
- ne
key ne STRING
if key's value is NOT as same as STRING, it is valid.
- >, >=
key > 4
If key's value is greater than number 4, it is valid. You can use '>=', too.
If you want to check length of the value, put '~' before number as following.
key > ~ 4
- <, <=
key < 5
If key's value is less than number 5, it is valid. You can use '<=', too.
If you want to check length of the value, put '~' before number as following.
key < ~ 4
- between #,#
key between 3,5
If key's value is in the range, it is valid.
If you want to check length of the value, put '~' before number as following.
key between ~ 4,10
This module has 2 kinds of operator.
- normal operator
This is used in sentence.
Key Operator Condition ~~~~~~~~ For example: is, are, match ...
"v is word" returns structure like a following:
{ v_is => 1, v_valid => 1, }
- condition operator
This is used in sentence only when Operator is 'is/are/isnt/arent'.
Key Operator Condition (is/are) ~~~~~~~~~ (isnt/arent)
This is operator which is used for checking Value(s). Operator should be 'is' or 'are'(these are same) or 'isnt or arent'(these are same).
For example: num, alpha, alphanum, word ...
You can add these operator with 2 class method.
- add_operator
Data::RuledValidator->add_operator(name => $code);
$code should return code to make closure. For example:
Data::RuledValidaotr->add_operator( 'is' => sub { my($key, $c) = @_; my $sub = Data::RuledValidaotr->_cond_op($c) || ''; unless($sub){ if($c eq 'n/a'){ return $c; }else{ Carp::croak("$c is not defined. you can use; " . join ", ", Data::RuledValidaotr->_cond_op); } } return sub {my($self, $v) = @_; $v = shift @$v; return($sub->($self, $v) + 0)}; }, )
$key and $c is Key and Condition. They are given to $code. $code receive them and use them as $code likes. In example, get code ref to use $c(Data::RuledValidaotr->_cond_op($c)).
return sub {my($self, $v) = @_; $v = shift @$v; return($sub->($self, $v) + 0)};
This is the code to return closure. To closure, 5 values are given.
$self, $values, $alias, $obj, $method $self = Data::RuledValidaotr object $values = Value(s). array ref $alias = alias of Key $obj = object given in new $method = method given in new
In example, first 2 values is used.
- add_condition_operator
Data::RuledValidator->add_condition_operator(name => $code);
$code should return code ref. For example:
__PACKAGE__->add_condition_operator ( 'mail' => sub{my($self, $v) = @_; return Email::Valid->address($v) ? 1 : 0}, );
Data::RuledValidator is made with plugins (since version 0.02).
How to create plugins
It's very easy. The name of the modules plugged in this is started from 'Data::RuledValidator::Plugin::'.
for example:
package Data::RuledValidator::Plugin::Email;
use Email::Valid;
use Email::Valid::Loose;
'mail' =>
my($self, $v) = @_;
return Email::Valid->address($v) ? 1 : ()
'mail_loose' =>
my($self, $v) = @_;
return Email::Valid::Loose->address($v) ? 1 : ()
That's all. If you want to add normal_operator, use add_operator Class method.
$valid = $validator_object; # it is as same as $validator_object->valid;
%valid = @$validator_object; # it is as same as %{$validator_object->result};
It is just a memo.
All rule for all object(which has different rule file).
rule_name => { _regex_group => [], # For group name, regexp can be used, for no need to find rule key is regexp or not, # This exists. id_key => [], # Rule has key which identify group name. this hash is {RULE_NAME => key_name} # why array ref? # for unique, we can set several key for id_key(it likes SQL unique) coded_rule => [], # it is assemble of closure time => $time # (stat 'rule_file')[9] }
The keys are condition operator names. The values is coderef(condition operator).
{operator => sub{coderef which create closure} }
Now, once rule is parsed, rule is change to code (assemble of closure) and it is stored as class data.
If you use this for CGI, performance is not good. If you use this on mod_perl, it is good idea.
I have some solution;
store code to storable file. store code to shared memory.
Ktat, <>
Copyright 2006-2007 by Ktat
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 1137:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'