Term::ReadPasswd - Asking the user for a password (for Win32)
use Term::ReadPasswd;
while (1) {
my $password = read_passwd('password: ');
redo unless defined $password;
if ($password eq 'flubber') {
print "Access granted.\n";
} else {
print "Access denied.\n";
This module lets you ask the user for a password from the keyboard just as Term::ReadPassword.
Using Term::ReadPassword is a good way to make password prompts, but it doesn't work with ActivePerl under Windows. So I wrote this module.
You can use this module under Windows or Unix. If you use this under Windows, Win32::* modules are required. If you use this under Unix, this acts as a wrapper to Term::ReadPassword.
The read_passwd function is almost same as Term::ReadPassword::read_password function.
The first and second parameters are just same as read_password. The first one is a prompt message, and the second one is timeout value.
The third parameter is different from read_password.
If the third parameter is 0, Ctrl+C will be entered into the input buffer just as any other character.
If the third parameter is 1, the input operation is terminated when the user types Ctrl+C or Esc.
If the third parameter is 2, the input operation is terminated when the user types Esc. If the user types Ctrl+C, the program may be terminated.
If the user types Ctrl+U, the input buffer will be cleared.
Multibyte characters are not treated properly. (When you want to delete a multibyte character, you must type BackSpace more than once.)
Term::ReadPassword, Term::Getch
Copyright (C) 2005 Ken Takata <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
You can download the latest version from (Japanese page)