Graph::Maker::HexGrid - create hexagonal grid graphs


use Graph::Maker::HexGrid;
$graph = Graph::Maker->new ('hex_grid');


Graph::Maker::HexGrid creates a graph of hexagons arranged in a hexagonal shape,

             /     \
        *---*       *---*
       /     \     /     \               dims => [4,3,2]
  *---*       *---*       *---*
 /     \     /     \     /     \
*       *---*       *---*       *---*
 \     /     \     /     \     /     \
  *---*       *---*       *---*       *
 /     \     /     \     /     \     /
*       *---*       *---*       *---*
 \     /     \     /     \     /     \
  *---*       *---*       *---*       *
       \     /     \     /     \     /
        *---*       *---*       *---*
             \     /     \     /
              *---*       *---*
                   \     /

dims is the side lengths of the hexagonal shape. The example above is 4 hexagons along the bottom left side, then 3 for the bottom right, and 2 vertically. The other sides likewise 4,3,2.

If a side is 1 then the result is a parallelogram of hexagons.

       /     \                
  *---*       *---*           
 /     \     /     \                     dims => [3,2,1]
*       *---*       *---*     
 \     /     \     /     \    
  *---*       *---*       *   
       \     /     \     /    
        *---*       *---*     
             \     /          

If two sides are 1 then the result is line of hexagons, like a ladder (Graph::Maker::Ladder) with every second rung.

 /     \                            dims => [3,1,1]       
*       *---*           
 \     /     \          
  *---*       *---*     
       \     /     \    
        *---*       *   
             \     /    

The order in which dims are given doesn't matter. Any cyclic rotation is just the graph rotated, and reversing is a mirror image, so any order is an isomorphic graph.

Vertex names are currently x,y coordinates used in the construction, but don't rely on that.


$graph = Graph::Maker->new('hex_grid', key => value, ...)

The key/value parameters are

dims        => arrayref of 3 integers
graph_maker => subr(key=>value) constructor, default Graph->new

Other parameters are passed to the constructor, either graph_maker or Graph->new().

If the graph is directed (the default) then edges are added both ways between vertices (like Graph::Maker::Grid does). Option undirected => 1 creates an undirected graph and for it there is a single edge between vertices.


House of Graphs entries for graphs here include

1,1,1 6-cycle


Graph::Maker, Graph::Maker::Cycle, Graph::Maker::Grid


Copyright 2017 Kevin Ryde

This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.

This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with This file. If not, see