Graph::Maker::MostMaximumMatchingsTree - create trees of most maximum matchings
use Graph::Maker::MostMaximumMatchingsTree;
$graph = Graph::Maker->new ('most_maximum_matchings_tree', N => 9);
creates a
graph of N vertices with the most maximum matchings per
Clemens Heuberger and Stephan Wagner, "The Number of Maximum Matchings In a Tree", Discrete Mathematics, volume 311, issue 21, November 2011, pages 2512-2542. (full text html)
A matching is a set of vertex pairs with the vertices of each pair connected by an edge, and no vertex used more than once. Or equivalently, a set of edges with no end vertices in common. In a given tree, there is a maximum size matching (the match number). Various different matchings may be this maximum size.
Heuberger and Wagner consider the greatest number of maximum matchings for a tree of N vertices and show for N != 6,34 there is a unique tree with the greatest number of maximum matchings. And for N=6,34 two trees of the same greatest number.
The trees are various special cases for small N, and then general forms according to N mod 7. Vertices are presently numbered 1 to N, but don't rely on that, nor on exactly which is attached to which.
Trees of N=0 to 6 vertices inclusive are stars the same as Graph::Maker::Star. The second tree of 6 vertices is a special N=6.5.
2 *
| N => 6 | N => 6.5
6--1--3 star, *--B--*--B
/ \ 5 maximum | 5 maximum
5 4 matchings * matchings
For 34 vertices, the second tree is a special N=34.5.
* *
\ /
| N => 34
* * *
\ / *\ | 59049 maximum matchings
B B--*--B--* match number 10
| */ |
* *
*\ | | /*
*/ | | \*
* *
| |
/ \ / \
* * * *
* * * *
\ / \ / N => 34.5
| | same
* * * 59049 maximum matchings
*\ | | | /* match number 10
*/ | | | \*
* * *
| | |
/ \ / \ / \
* * * * * *
Heuberger and Wagner take vertices in two types. Type B are matched in every maximum matching, and type A are not. Their final most maximum matchings trees have A and B alternating. All leaves and even distance from a leaf are type A, and all odd distance from a leaf are type B.
The match number is the number of B vertices. This is since when making the match number, a vertex with a leaf neighbour must be matched (or it and one of its leaves unmatched would be not maximal), and taking the leaf rather than the next vertex inwards is an equal or bigger match number for the rest.
There's a secret undocumented coordinates option which sets vertex attributes for locations in a layout similar to what Heuberger and Wagner present. This is a good way to see the pattern, but don't rely on this yet as it might change or be removed.
$graph = Graph::Maker->new('most_maximum_matchings_tree', key => value, ...)
The key/value parameters are
N => integer, number of vertices or special 6.5 or 34.5 graph_maker => subr(key=>value) constructor, default Graph->new
Other parameters are passed to the constructor, either
.If the graph is directed (the default) then edges are added both ways between vertices. Option
undirected => 1
creates an undirected graph and for it there is a single edge between vertices.
House of Graphs entries for the graphs here include
1310 N=1 singleton
19655 N=2 path-2
32234 N=3 path-3
500 N=4 claw, star-4
544 N=5 star-5
598 N=6 star-6
288 N=6.5 other equal most N=6
498 N=7 complete binary tree
31053 N=8
672 N=9
25168 N=10 (mean distance = 1/2 diameter)
34225 N=11
34227 N=12
34229 N=13
34231 N=14
34233 N=15
31068 N=34
31070 N=34.5
31057 N=181 example in Heuberger and Wagner's paper
My vpar
includes an examples/ program making these trees in Pari/GP, with a recurrence for their number of maximum matchings.
Copyright 2019, 2020 Kevin Ryde
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