moon_almanac — Computes rise, set of the Moon, its position and lunar phase circumstances for a range of dates


$ moon_almanac [OPTIONS]



Prints a brief help message and exits.


Start date, in YYYY-DD-MM format, current date by default.

--start=2019-06-08 # calendar date

Number of days to process, 1 by default


Step between successive cevents, in days, 7 by default


Time zone name, e.g.: EST, UTC, Europe/Berlin etc. or offset from Greenwich in format +HHMM / -HHMM, like +0300.

--timezone=CET # Central European Time
--timezone=EST # Eastern Standard Time
--timezone=UTC # Universal Coordinated Time
--timezone=GMT # Greenwich Mean Time, same as the UTC
--timezone=+0300 # UTC + 3h (eastward from Greenwich)

By default, a local timezone.

Please, note: Windows platform may not recognize some time zone names, like MSK. In such cases use offset from Greenwich format, as described above.


The observer's location. Contains 2 elements, space separated.

  • latitude in DD(N|S)MM format, N for North, S for South.

  • longitude in DDD(W|E)MM format, W for West, E for East.

E.g.: --place=51N28 0W0 for Greenwich, UK (the default).

Decimal numbers are also supported. In that case

  • The latitude always goes first

  • Negative numbers represent South latitude and East longitudes.

--place=55.75 -37.58 for Moscow, Russian Federation. --place=40.73 73.935 for New-York, NY, USA.


moon Computes rise, set of the Moon, its position and lunar phase circumstances for a range of dates

krushi astro-montenbruck (master) $ perl script/ --start=2021-01-01 --days=2 --step=14 Lunar Calendar Place: 51N28, 000W00

Date : 2021-01-01

Rise: 21:26 MSK Transit: 05:36 MSK Set: 13:02 MSK

Sun longitude: 281.16 Moon longitude: 127.64

Phase: Full Moon Age: 206.48 deg. = 16 days


Date : 2021-01-15

Rise: 12:46 MSK Transit: 17:16 MSK Set: 21:57 MSK

Sun longitude: 295.43 Moon longitude: 322.70

Phase: New Moon Age: 27.27 deg. = 2 days
