Astro::Montenbruck::RiseSet::Plarise — rise and set.
use Astro::Montenbruck::RiseSet::Constants qw/:events :altitudes/;
use Astro::Montenbruck::RiseSet::Plarise qw/:rst_func/;
# build top-level function for any event and any celestial object
# for given time and place
my $rst_func = rst_func(
date => [1989, 3, 23],
phi => 48.1, # geographic latitude
lambda => -11.6 # geographic longitude
# build second level functon for calculating any event for given object
my $evt_func = $rst_func->(
get_position => sub {
my $jd = shift;
# return equatorial coordinates of the celestial body for the Julian Day.
sin_h0 => sin( deg2rad($H0_PLANET) ),
# finally, calculate time of rise event. Alternatively, use $EVT_SET or $EVT_TRANSIT
my ($state, $jd) = $evt_func->($EVT_RISE);
Version 0.01
Low level routines for calculating rise and set times of celestial bodies. Unlike Astro::Montenbruck::RiseSet::RST module, they are based on algorithms from the Montenbruck & Phleger book. They are especially usefull for calculating different types of twilight. Meeus's method is unsuitable for calculating astronomical twilight.
riseset ( %args )
time of rise and set events.
Named Arguments
get_position — function, which given Standard Julian Day, returns equatorial coordinates of the celestial body, in radians.
date — array of year (astronomical, zero-based), month [1..12] and day, [1..31].
phi — geographic latitude, degrees, positive northward
lambda —geographic longitude, degrees, positive westward
get_position — function, which given Standard Julian Day, returns equatorial coordinates of the celestial body, in radians.
sin_h0 — sine of the standard altitude, i.e. the geometric altitude of the center of the body at the time of apparent rising or setting.
callback is called when the event time is determined. The arguments are:event type, one of
Univerrsal time of the event
on_event => sub { my ($evt, $ut) = @_; ... }
is called when the event does not happen at the given date, either because the body never rises, or is circumpolar. The argument is respectively$STATE_NEVER_RISES
.on_noevent => sub { my $state = shift; ... }
Sergey Krushinsky, <krushi at>
Copyright (C) 2010-2021 by Sergey Krushinsky
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.