riseset — calculate rise, set and transit times of Sun, Moon and the planets.


riseset [options]



Prints a brief help message and exits.


Prints the manual page and exits.


Calendar date in format YYYY-MM-DD, e.g.:


Current date in default local time zone If omitted.


Time zone short name, e.g.: EST, UTC etc. or offset from Greenwich in format +HHMM / -HHMM, like +0300.

--timezone=CET # Central European Time
--timezone=EST # Eastern Standard Time
--timezone=UTC # Universal Coordinated Time
--timezone=GMT # Greenwich Mean Time, same as the UTC
--timezone=+0300 # UTC + 3h (eastward from Greenwich)

By default, local timezone by default, UTC under Windows.

Please, note: Windows platform does not recognize some time zone names, MSK for instance. In such cases, use offset from Greenwich format, as described above.


The observer's location. Contains 2 elements, space separated.

  • latitude in DD(N|S)MM format, N for North, S for South.

  • longitude in DDD(W|E)MM format, W for West, E for East.

E.g.: --place=51N28 0W0 for Greenwich, UK (the default).

Decimal numbers are also supported. In that case

  • The latitude always goes first

  • Negative numbers represent South latitude and East longitudes.

--place=55.75 -37.58 for Moscow, Russian Federation. --place=40.73 73.935 for New-York, NY, USA.

--twilight type of twilight:
  • civil

  • nautical (default)

  • astronomical

--theme color scheme:
  • dark, default: color scheme for dark consoles

  • light color scheme for light consoles


Calculate rise, set and transit times of Sun, Moon and the planets. The program also calculates twilight, nautical by default. To calculate civil or astronomical twilight, use --twilight option.

All times are given in the same time zone which was provided by --time option, or the default system time zone.

There are some conditions when an event can not be calculated. For instance, when celestial body is circumpolar or never rises. In such cases there is a dash () instead of time.


perl ./script/ --place=56N26 37E09 --twilight=civil
perl ./script/ --place=56N26 37E09 --date=1968-02-11 --timezone=UTC