phases — calculate date/time of principal lunar phases around a date.


phases [options]



Prints a brief help message and exits.


Date, either a calendar entry in format YYYY-MM-DD, or a floating-point Julian Day:


Time zone short name, e.g.: EST, UTC etc. or offset from Greenwich in format +HHMM / -HHMM, like +0300.

--timezone=CET # Central European Time
--timezone=EST # Eastern Standard Time
--timezone=UTC # Universal Coordinated Time
--timezone=GMT # Greenwich Mean Time, same as the UTC
--timezone=+0300 # UTC + 3h (eastward from Greenwich)

By default, local timezone by default, UTC under Windows.

Please, note: Windows platform does not recognize some time zone names, MSK for instance. In such cases, use offset from Greenwich format, as described above.

--theme color scheme:
  • dark, default: color scheme for dark consoles

  • light color scheme for light consoles


phases computes lunar phases around a date.