planpos — calculate planetary positions for given time and place.


planpos [options]



Prints a brief help message and exits.


Prints the manual page and exits.


Date and time, either a calendar entry in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM Z, or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM Z, or a floating-point Julian Day:

--time="2019-06-08 12:00 +0300"
--time="2019-06-08 09:00 UTC"

Calendar entries should be enclosed in quotation marks. Optional "Z" stands for time zone, short name or offset from UTC. "+00300" in the example above means "3 hours east of Greenwich".


The observer's location. Contains 2 elements, space separated, in any order:

  • latitude in DD(N|S)MM format, N for North, S for South.

  • longitude in DDD(W|E)MM format, W for West, E for East.

E.g.: --place=51N28 0W0 for Greenwich, UK.

--coordinates — type and format of coordinates to display:
  • 1 — Ecliptical, angular units (default)

  • 2 — Ecliptical, zodiac

  • 3 — Equatorial, time units

  • 4 — Equatorial, angular units

  • 5 — Horizontal, time units

  • 6 — Horizontal, angular units

--format format of numbers:
  • D decimal: arc-degrees or hours

  • S sexadecimal: degrees (hours), minutes, seconds

--theme color scheme:
  • dark, default: color scheme for dark consoles

  • light color scheme for light consoles


planpos computes planetary positions for current moment or given time and place.