HTML::DBForm::Search::DropDown - Creates a web interface for searching database tables
$search = HTML::DBForm::Search->new('dropdown', { column => 'name' });
$editor->run(search => $search);
HTML::DBForm::Search::DropDown provides a web interface to search for rows
in a database to be updated by HTML::DBForm.
Constructor inherited from HTML::DBForm::Search
takes a scalar indicating the type of search module to create (in this case 'dropdown'), and a list of hash refs designating which columns to display as HTML select form elements, and in which order.
Each hash should have one of the following keys: 'column', 'columns', or 'sql'. 'column' should be the db column to search, 'columns' should be two db columns, the first of which will be the column to search, and the second of which will be the values to display as option labels. 'sql' can be used to populate the select options with an arbitrary SQL statement. If one column is returned from the SQL statement, then it will be used as choice values and lables. If two columns are returned, then the first will be the specified column value, while the second will be used as option labels.
$search = HTML::DBForm::Search->new('dropdown',
{ column => 'category' },
{ columns => ['id', ' CONCAT(fname, ' ', lname) '] }
This would create a two step search, the first screen would be a selection of existing categories, and the next screen would be a selection of names within the chosen categories. When picking columns to display in the search, keep in mind that the final choice should result in the primay key being chosen.
$search = HTML::DBForm::Search->new('dropdown',
{ sql => ['id','SELECT id, label FROM table ORDER BY label'] }
This would create a simple one step search.
Sets an optional css file
Takes a scalar holding the path to a stylesheet.
Sets an optional template file
Takes a scalar holding the path to an HTML::Template template.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 35:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'