Changes for version 0.048 - 2017-12-05

  • Beautify error if a suite zip is broken Rewrite (again!) of the hidden pp args and how they work


The command-line entrypoint to App::TestOnTap, a tool for running a suite of test 'executables' in arbitrary languages in a directory tree.


Test driver
Commandline options and arguments understood for TestOnTap processing


in lib/App/TestOnTap/
in lib/App/TestOnTap/
in lib/App/TestOnTap/
in lib/App/TestOnTap/
in lib/App/TestOnTap/
in lib/App/TestOnTap/
in lib/App/TestOnTap/
in lib/App/TestOnTap/
in lib/App/TestOnTap/
in lib/App/TestOnTap/