Data::ChipsChallenge - Perl interface to Chip's Challenge data files.
my $cc = new Data::ChipsChallenge("./CHIPS.DAT");
print "This CHIPS.DAT file contains ", $cc->levels, " levels.\n\n";
for (my $i = 1; $i <= $cc->levels; $i++) {
my $info = $cc->getLevelInfo($i);
print "Level $info->{level} - $info->{title}\n"
. "Time Limit: $info->{time}\n"
. " Chips: $info->{chips}\n"
. " Password: $info->{password}\n\n";
This module provides an interface for reading and writing to Chip's Challenge data files ("CHIPS.DAT") that is shipped with Best of Windows Entertainment Pack's Chip's Challenge.
Chip's Challenge is a 2D tilebased maze game. The goal of each level is usually to collect a certain number of computer chips, so that a chip socket can be opened and the player can get to the exit and proceed to the next level.
This module is able to read and manipulate the data file that contains all these levels. For some examples, see those in the "eg" folder shipped with this module.
Documentation on the CHIPS.DAT file format can be found at this location:
This module only provides the mechanism for which you can read and manipulate a CHIPS.DAT game file. However, it cannot include a copy of the official CHIPS.DAT, as that file is copyrighted by its creators. If you have an original copy of the Chip's Challenge game from the BOWEP collection, you can use its CHIPS.DAT with this module.
If you don't have a copy of the game (and I imagine you don't, since the game was only well-known in the Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 era), you can always, um, search Google for it. But I didn't say that.
All of the following methods will return a value (or in the very least, 1). If any errors occur inside any methods, the method will return undef, and the error text can be obtained from $Data::ChipsChallenge::Error
new ([string FILE,] hash OPTIONS)
Create a new ChipsChallenge object. If you pass in an odd number of arguments, the first argument is taken as a default "CHIPS.DAT" file to load, and the rest is taken as a hash like 99% of the other CPAN modules. Loading the standard Chip's Challenge file with 149 levels takes a few seconds.
Alternatively, pass options in hash form:
bool debug = Enable or disable debug mode
string file = The path to CHIPS.DAT
my $cc = new Data::ChipsChallenge("CHIPS.DAT");
my $cc = new Data::ChipsChallenge("CHIPS.DAT", debug => 1);
my $cc = new Data::ChipsChallenge(file => "CHIPS.DAT", debug => 1);
create (int LEVELS)
Create a new, blank, CHIPS.DAT file. Pass in the number of levels you want for your new CHIPS.DAT. This method will clear out any loaded data and initialize blank grids for each level specified.
Additional levels can be added or destroyed via the addLevel
and deleteLevel
load (string FILE)
Load a CHIPS.DAT file into memory. Returns undef on error, or 1 on success.
write ([string FILE])
Write the loaded data into a CHIPS.DAT file. This file should be able to be loaded into Chip's Challenge and played. Returns undef and sets $Data::ChipsChallenge::Error
on any errors.
If not given a filename, it will write to the same file that was last load
ed. If no file was ever loaded then it would default to a file named "CHIPS.DAT".
Returns the number of loaded levels. When loading the standard CHIPS.DAT, this method will probably return 149
print "There are ", $cc->levels, " levels in this file.\n";
getLevelInfo (int LVL_NUMBER)
Get information about a level. Returns a hashref of all the info available for the level, which may include some or all of the following keys:
level: The level number of this map (3 digits, zero-padded, e.g. 001)
title: The name of the map
password: The four-letter password for this level
time: The time limit (if 0, means there's no time limit)
chips: Number of chips required to open the socket on this map
hint: The text of the hint on this map (if no hint, this key won't exist)
for (my $i = 1; $i <= $cc->levels; $i++) {
my $info = $cc->getLevelInfo($i);
print "Level: $info->{level} - $info->{title}\n"
. " Time: $info->{time} Chips: $info->{chips}\n"
. " Pass: $info->{password}\n"
. (exists $info->{hint} ? " Hint: $info->{hint}\n" : "")
. "\n";
Returns undef if the level isn't found, or if the level number wasn't given.
setLevelInfo (int LVL_NUMBER, hash INFO)
Set metadata about a level. The following information can be set:
See "getLevelInfo" for the definition of these fields.
Note that the level
field should equal LVL_NUMBER
. It's possible to override this to be something different, but it's not recommended. If you want to test your luck anyway, pass in the level
field manually any time you call setLevelInfo
. When the level
field is not given, it defaults to the given LVL_NUMBER
You don't need to pass in every field. For example if you only want to change a level's time limit, you can pass only the time:
# Level 131, "Totally Unfair", is indeed totally unfair - only 60 seconds to
# haul butt to barely survive the level? Let's up the time limit.
$cc->setLevelInfo (131, time => 999);
# Or better yet, remove the time limit altogether!
$cc->setLevelInfo (131, time => 0);
Special considerations:
* There must be a title
* There must be a password
* All level passwords must be unique
If there's an error, this function returns undef and sets $Data::ChipsChallenge::Error
to the text of the error message.
getUpperLayer (int LVL_NUMBER)
Returns a 2D array of all the tiles in the "upper" (primary) layer of the map for level LVL_NUMBER
. Each entry in the map is an uppercase plaintext hexadecimal code for the object that appears in that space. The grid is referenced by Y/X notation, not X/Y; that is, it's an array of rows (Y) and each row is an array of columns (X).
The upper layer is where most of the stuff happens. The lower layer is primarily for things such as: traps hidden under movable blocks, clone machines underneath monsters, etc.
Returns undef and sets $Data::ChipsChallenge::Error
on error.
getLowerLayer (int LVL_NUMBER)
Returns a 2D array of all the tiles in the "lower" layer of the map for level LVL_NUMBER
. On most maps the lower layer is made up only of floor tiles.
See "getUpperLayer".
setUpperLayer (int LVL_NUMBER, grid MAP_DATA)
Sets the upper layer of a level with the 2D array in MAP_DATA
. The array should be like the one given by getUpperLayer
. The grid must have 32 rows and 32 columns in each row. Incomplete map data will be rejected.
setLowerLayer (int LVL_NUMBER, grid MAP_DATA)
Sets the lower layer of a level with the 2D array in MAP_DATA
. The array should be like the one given by getLowerLayer
. The grid must have 32 rows and 32 columns in each row. Incomplete map data will be rejected.
getBearTraps (int LVL_NUMBER)
Get all the coordinates to bear traps and their release buttons. Returns an arrayref of hashrefs in the following format:
button => [ X, Y ],
trap => [ X, Y ],
Where X, Y
are the coordinates of the tiles involved, beginning at 0,0
and going to 31,31
setBearTraps (int LVL_NUMBER, arrayref BEARTRAPS)
Define bear trap coordinates. You must define every bear trap with this method; calling it overwrites the existing bear trap data with the ones you provide.
The arrayref should be formatted the same as the one you got from getBearTraps
$cc->setBearTraps (5, [
button => [ 5, 6 ],
trap => [ 7, 8 ],
button => [ 1, 2 ],
trap => [ 3, 4 ],
getCloneMachines (int LVL_NUMBER)
Get all the coordinates to clone machines and the buttons that activate them. Returns an arrayref of hashrefs in the following format:
button => [ X, Y ],
clone => [ X, Y ],
Where X, Y
are the coordinates of the tiles involves, beginning at 0,0
and going to 31,31
setCloneMachines (int LVL_NUMBER, arrayref CLONE_MACHINES)
Define the coordinates for the clone machines in this level. Pass in the complete list of clone machines, as calling this function will replace the existing clone machine data.
Give it a data structure in the same format as getCloneMachines. Ex:
$cc->setCloneMachines (113, [
button => [ 25, 13 ],
clone => [ 16, 32 ],
getMovement (int LVL_NUMBER)
Get all the coordinates of every creature in the level that "moves". Returns an arrayref of coordinates in the following format:
[ X, Y ],
[ X, Y ],
setMovement (int LVL_NUMBER, arrayref MOVEMENT)
Define the movement coordinates. Give this method a similar data structure to what getMovement returns: an arrayref of arrays of X/Y coordinates.
Each coordinate given should point to a tile where a creature has been placed in order for that creature to move when the map is loaded in-game. Any creature that doesn't have its position in the Movement list won't move at all and will stay put. This isn't very fun.
$cc->setMovement (133, [
[ 25, 25 ],
[ 25, 26 ],
[ 25, 27 ],
process_map (int LVL_NUMBER, bin RAW_BINARY) *Internal
Used internally to process the RAW_BINARY
map data, which possibly belongs to LVL_NUMBER
, and returns a 2D array of the 32x32 tile grid. The grid consists of uppercase hexadecimal bytes that represent what is on each tile.
If the length of RAW_BINARY
is not 1024 bytes, your program WILL crash. This shouldn't happen on a valid CHIPS.DAT file (if Chip's Challenge won't accept it, that's an indicator that this Perl module won't either).
compress_map (grid MAP_DATA)
Given the 2D grid MAP_DATA
, the map is compressed and returned in raw binary.
decode_password (bin RAW_BINARY)
Given the encoded level password in raw binary (4 bytes followed by a null byte), this function returns the 4 ASCII byte password in clear text. This is the password you'd type into Chip's Challenge.
Passwords are decoded by XORing the values in the raw binary by hex 0x99
, if you're curious.
encode_password (string PASSWORD)
Given the plain text password PASSWORD
, it encodes it and returns it as a 5 byte binary string (including the trailing null byte).
Returns a random 4-letter password.
The following is some reference material relating to certain in-game data structures.
Option Fields Max Length
If the "Option Fields" are more than 1152 bytes altogether, Chip's Challenge will crash when loading the level. The "Option Fields" include the following:
Map Title
Bear Trap Controls
Cloning Machine Controls
Map Password
Map Hint
Bear Trap Controls use 10 bytes for every link. Cloning Machine Controls use 8 bytes for every link. Map passwords use 7 bytes. Movement data uses 2 bytes per entry.
In addition, bear traps, clone machines, and movement data use 2 bytes in their headers.
Object Hex Codes
The two map layers on each level are 2D arrays of uppercase hexadecimal codes. Each of these codes corresponds to a certain object that is placed at that location in the map. This table outlines what each of these hex codes translates to, object-wise:
00 Empty Tile (Space)
01 Wall
02 Computer Chip
03 Water
04 Fire
05 Invisible Wall (won't appear)
06 Blocked North
07 Blocked West
08 Blocked South
09 Blocked East
0A Movable Dirt Block
0B Dirt (mud, turns to floor)
0C Ice
0D Force South (S)
0E Cloning Block North (N)
0F Cloning Block West (W)
10 Cloning Block South (S)
11 Cloning Block East (E)
12 Force North (N)
13 Force East (E)
14 Force West (W)
15 Exit
16 Blue Door
17 Red Door
18 Green Door
19 Yellow Door
1A South/East Ice Slide
1B South/West Ice Slide
1C North/West Ice Slide
1D North/East Ice Slide
1E Blue Block (becomes Tile)
1F Blue Block (becomes Wall)
21 Thief
22 Chip Socket
23 Green Button - Switch Blocks
24 Red Button - Cloning
25 Switch Block - Closed
26 Switch Block - Open
27 Brown Button - Bear Traps
28 Blue Button - Tanks
29 Teleport
2A Bomb
2B Bear Trap
2C Invisible Wall (will appear)
2D Gravel
2E Pass Once
2F Hint
30 Blocked South/East
31 Cloning Machine
32 Force Random Direction
34 Burned Chip
35 Burned Chip (2)
39 Chip in Exit - End Game
3A Exit - End Game
3B Exit - End Game
3C Chip Swimming (N)
3D Chip Swimming (W)
3E Chip Swimming (S)
3F Chip Swimming (E)
40 Bug (N)
41 Bug (W)
42 Bug (S)
43 Bug (E)
44 Firebug (N)
45 Firebug (W)
46 Firebug (S)
47 Firebug (E)
48 Pink Ball (N)
49 Pink Ball (W)
4A Pink Ball (S)
4B Pink Ball (E)
4C Tank (N)
4D Tank (W)
4E Tank (S)
4F Tank (E)
50 Ghost (N)
51 Ghost (W)
52 Ghost (S)
53 Ghost (E)
54 Frog (N)
55 Frog (W)
56 Frog (S)
57 Frog (E)
58 Dumbbell (N)
59 Dumbbell (W)
5A Dumbbell (S)
5B Dumbbell (E)
5C Blob (N)
5D Blob (W)
5E Blob (S)
5F Blob (E)
60 Centipede (N)
61 Centipede (W)
62 Centipede (S)
63 Centipede (E)
64 Blue Key
65 Red Key
66 Green Key
67 Yellow Key
68 Flippers
69 Fire Boots
6A Ice Skates
6B Suction Boots
6C Chip (N)
6D Chip (W)
6E Chip (S) (always used)
6F Chip (E)
During its development, this module was used by its author and could accomplish the following things:
* Load all 149 levels of the standard CHIPS.DAT, then plow through the data
and create JavaScript files that represented the information in each map
using JavaScript data structures (possibly for a JavaScript-based Chip's
Challenge clone -- although I won't admit to it until it's completed!)
* Load the original CHIPS.DAT, create a new blank CHIPS.DAT with the same
number of levels, and randomly sort the levels into the new file. You get
the same Chip's Challenge gameplay experience, but with completely random
levels like ya don't remember.
* Load the original CHIPS.DAT into memory, and write it to a different
output file, and both files computed the exact same MD5 sum.
Your mileage may vary. If you do encounter any bugs, feel free to bother me about them!
0.01 Wed Jan 28 2009
- Initial release.
CHIPS.DAT File Format:
Chip's Challenge Corridor:
Tile World, an Open Source Chip's Challenge Emulator:
Google Chip's Chalenge Downloads:
This module was written using information freely available on the Internet and contains no proprietary works.
Copyright (C) 2009 Casey Kirsle
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
Casey Kirsle,