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spvmcc - Generating Excutable File


The spvmcc command is a SPVM compiler and linker to generate an executable file.


  usage: spvmcc [<options>] <class name>
    spvmcc -I lib/SPVM -o myapp Myapp
    -h, --help                     Shows this message
    -v, --version                  Shows the version
    -o, --output                   The output file name
    -I, --include-dir <directory>  Adds a include directory
    -B, --build-dir <directory>    Building diretory
    -q, --quiet                    Stops the output of messages
    -f, --force                    Forces the compile and link
    -r, --required-resources       Prints required resources in JSON lines
    --no-config                    No configration file is ok
    -m, --mode                     Mode


See SPVM::Builder::Config::Exe about configurations to generate an executable file.

Copyright & License

Copyright 2023 Yuki Kimoto. All Rights Reserved.

MIT License.