Changes for version 0.16
- API Introduce experimental assert_refute and refute_and_report as successors to jack-of-all-trades try_refute
- MOD BREAK T::Array, T::Hash, T::Numeric, and T::Scalar moved to separate distributions
- API BREAK subcontract rethrows exceptions
- API Add get_parent() and set_parent() to Report for subcontracts
- API Add get_failed_ids() to Report class
- API BREAK Remove deprecated refute_these{} and set_result() function
Unified testing and assertion tool
tool for extending Assert::Refute suite
Contract definition class for Assert::Refute suite
Test::More compatibility layer for Asser::Refute suite
Contract execution class for Assert::Refute suite
a set of most common checks for Assert::Refute suite
exception and warning check for Assert::Refute suite
test the test conditions themselves