Device::Neurio - Methods for wrapping the Neurio API calls so that they are accessible via Perl
Version 0.13
This module provides a Perl interface to a Neurio sensor via the following
- new
- connect
- fetch_Samples
- fetch_Samples_Full
- fetch_Samples_Last_Live
- fetch_Samples_Recent_Live
- fetch_Stats_Energy
- fetch_Appliances
- fetch_Appliances_Events
- fetch_Appliances_Specific
- fetch_Appliances_Stats
Please note that in order to use the 'Samples' methods in this module you will
require three parameters (key, secret, sensor_id) as well as an Energy Aware
Neurio sensor installed in your house. In order to use the 'Appliances'
methods, you will also require another parameter (location_id). This information
can be obtained from the Neurio developpers website.
The module is written entirely in Perl and was developped on Raspbian Linux.
All date/time values are specified using ISO8601 format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ)
use Device::Neurio;
$my_Neurio = Device::Neurio->new($key,$secret,$sensor_id,$debug);
$data = $my_Neurio->fetch_Samples_Last_Live();
print $data->{'consumptionPower'}
$data = $my_Neurio->fetch_Samples_Recent_Live("2014-06-18T19:20:21Z");
print $data->[0]->{'consumptionPower'}
undef $my_Neurio;
All by default.
new - the constructor for a Neurio object
Creates a new instance which will be able to fetch data from a unique Neurio
sensor. All three parameters are required and can be obtained from the
Neurio developpers website.
my $Neurio = Device::Neurio->new($key, $secret, $sensor_id, $debug);
This method accepts the following parameters:
- $key : unique key for the account - Required
- $secret : secret key for the account - Required
- $sensor_id : sensor ID connected to the account - Required
- $debug : turn on debug messages - Optional
Returns a Neurio object if successful.
Returns 0 on failure
connect - open a secure connection to the Neurio server
Opens a secure connection via HTTPS to the Neurio server which provides
access to a set of API commands to access the sensor data.
An optional location ID can be given. This is only required if calls
will be made to the 'Appliance' methods. Calls to the 'Samples'
methods do not require that a location ID be set. If a location_id is not
specified at connection, then it must be specified when using the 'Appliance'
A location ID can be acquired from the Neurio developpers web site
This method accepts the following parameter:
- $location_id : unique location id - Optional
Returns 1 on success
Returns 0 on failure
fetch_Samples_Recent_Live - Fetch recent sensor samples
Retrieves recent sensor readings from the Neurio server.
The values represent the sum of all phases.
This method accepts the following parameters:
$last - time of last sample received specified using ISO8601
format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ) - Optional
If no value is specified for $last, a default of 2 minutes is used.
Returns an array of Perl data structures on success
$VAR1 = [
'generationEnergy' => 3716166644,
'timestamp' => '2014-06-24T11:08:00.000Z',
'consumptionEnergy' => 6762651207,
'generationPower' => 564,
'consumptionPower' => 821
Returns 0 on failure
fetch_Samples_Last_Live - Fetch the last live sensor sample
Retrieves the last live sensor reading from the Neurio server.
The values represent the sum of all phases.
This method accepts no parameters
Returns a Perl data structure on success:
$VAR1 = {
'generationEnergy' => 3716027450,
'timestamp' => '2014-06-24T11:03:43.000Z',
'consumptionEnergy' => 6762445671,
'generationPower' => 542,
'consumptionPower' => 800
Returns 0 on failure
fetch_Samples - Fetch sensor samples from the Neurio server
Retrieves sensor readings within the parameters specified.
The values represent the sum of all phases.
This method accepts the following parameters:
- start : yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ - Required
specified using ISO8601 format
- granularity : seconds|minutes|hours|days - Required
- end : yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ - Optional
specified using ISO8601 format
- frequency : if the granularity is specified as 'minutes', then the
frequency must be a multiple of 5 - Optional
- perPage : number of results per page - Optional
- page : page number to return - Optional
Returns an array of Perl data structures on success
$VAR1 = [
'generationEnergy' => 3568948578,
'timestamp' => '2014-06-21T19:00:00.000Z',
'consumptionEnergy' => 6487889194,
'generationPower' => 98,
'consumptionPower' => 240
Returns 0 on failure
fetch_Samples_Full - Fetches full samples for all phases
Retrieves full sensor readings including data for each individual phase within
the parameters specified.
This method accepts the following parameters:
- start : yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ - Required
specified using ISO8601 format
- granularity : seconds|minutes|hours|days - Required
- end : yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ - Optional
specified using ISO8601 format
- frequency : an integer - Optional
- perPage : number of results per page - Optional
- page : page number to return - Optional
Returns an array of Perl data structures on success
$VAR1 = [
'timestamp' => '2014-06-16T19:20:21.000Z',
'channelSamples' => [
'voltage' => '123.19',
'power' => 129,
'name' => '1',
'energyExported' => 27,
'channelType' => 'phase_a',
'energyImported' => 2682910899,
'reactivePower' => 41
'voltage' => '123.94',
'power' => 199,
'name' => '2',
'energyExported' => 6,
'channelType' => 'phase_b',
'energyImported' => 3296564362,
'reactivePower' => -45
'voltage' => '123.57',
'power' => 327,
'name' => '3',
'energyExported' => 10,
'channelType' => 'consumption',
'energyImported' => 5979475235,
'reactivePower' => -4
Returns 0 on failure
fetch_Stats_Energy - Fetches energy statistics
Retrieves energy statistics within the parameters specified.
The values represent the sum of all phases.
This method accepts the following parameters:
- start : yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ - Required
specified using ISO8601 format
- granularity : minutes|hours|days|months - Required
- end : yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ - Optional
specified using ISO8601 format
- frequency : if the granularity is specified as 'minutes', then the
frequency must be a multiple of 5 - Optional
- perPage : number of results per page - Optional
- page : page number to return - Optional
Returns a Perl data structure containing all the raw data
Returns 0 on failure
fetch_Appliances - Fetch the appliances for a specific location
Retrieves the appliances added for a specific location.
The location_id is an optional parameter because it can be specified when
connecting. If it is specified below, then this will over-ride the location
ID set when connecting, but for this function call only.
This method accepts the following parameters:
- $location_id : id of a location - Optional
Returns an array of Perl data structures on success
$VAR1 = [
'locationId' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
'name' => 'lighting_appliance',
'id' => 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy',
'label' => 'Range Light on Medium',
'tags' => []
'locationId' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-3',
'name' => 'refrigerator',
'id' => 'zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz',
'label' => '',
'tags' => []
Returns 0 on failure
fetch_Appliances_Specific - Fetch information about a specific appliance
Retrieves information about a specific appliance.
The applicance_id parameter is determined by using the fetch_Appliance method
which returns a list of appliances with their IDs
This method accepts the following parameters:
- $appliance_id : id of the appliance - Required
Returns a Perl data structure on success:
$VAR1 = {
'locationId' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx,
'name' => 'lighting_appliance',
'id' => 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy',
'label' => 'Range Light on Medium',
'tags' => []
Returns 0 on failure
fetch_Appliances_Stats - Fetch usage data for a given appliance
Retrieves usage data for a specific appliance at a specific location.
The applicance_id parameter is determined by using the fetch_Appliance method
which returns a list of appliances with their IDs
This method accepts the following parameters:
- $location_Id : id of a location - Required
- $appliance_id : id of the appliance - Required
- start : yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ - Required
specified using ISO8601 format
- granularity : seconds|minutes|hours|days - Required
- end : yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ - Required
specified using ISO8601 format
- frequency : an integer - Required
- perPage : number of results per page - Optional
- page : page number to return - Optional
Returns an array of Perl data structures on success
$VAR1 = [
'energy' => 152927,
'averagePower' => '110',
'timeOn' => 1398,
'guesses' => {},
'end' => '2014-09-05T14:00:00.000Z',
'lastEvent' => {
'energy' => 74124,
'averagePower' => '109',
'guesses' => {},
'end' => '2014-09-05T13:50:44.055Z',
'groupIds' => [
'id' => '5EGh7o8eQJuIvsdA4qMkEw',
'appliance' => {
'locationId' => 'ccccccccccccccccc-3',
'name' => 'refrigerator',
'id' => 'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb',
'label' => '',
'tags' => []
'start' => '2014-09-05T13:39:20.115Z'
'groupIds' => [
'eventCount' => 2,
'usagePercentage' => '2.465231',
'id' => 'ddddddddddddddd',
'appliance' => {
'locationId' => 'ccccccccccccccccc-3',
'name' => 'refrigerator',
'id' => 'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb',
'label' => '',
'tags' => []
'start' => '2014-09-05T13:00:00.000Z'
Returns 0 on failure
fetch_Appliances_Events - Fetch events for a specific appliance
Retrieves events for a specific appliance. An event is an interval when an
appliance was in use.
The applicance_id parameter is determined by using the fetch_Appliance method
which returns a list of appliances with their IDs
This method accepts the following parameters:
- $location_Id : id of a location - Required
- $appliance_id : id of the appliance - Required
- start : yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ - Required
specified using ISO8601 format
- end : yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ - Required
specified using ISO8601 format
- perPage : number of results per page - Optional
- page : page number to return - Optional
Returns an array of Perl data structures on success
$VAR1 = [
'energy' => 74124,
'averagePower' => '109',
'guesses' => {},
'end' => '2014-09-05T13:50:44.055Z',
'groupIds' => [
'id' => 'fGol_nJ9Q06-8SsIJyHLlw',
'appliance' => {
'locationId' => 'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb-3',
'name' => 'refrigerator',
'id' => 'cccccccccccccccccc',
'label' => '',
'tags' => []
'start' => '2014-09-05T13:39:20.115Z'
Returns 0 on failure
dump_Object - shows the contents of the local Neurio object
shows the contents of the local Neurio object in human readable form
This method accepts no parameters
Returns nothing
get_last_reason - returns the text generated by the most recent fetch
Returns the HTTP Header reason for the most recent fetch command
This method accepts no parameters
Returns the textual reason
get_last_code - returns the code generated by the most recent fetch
Returns the HTTP Header code for the most recent fetch command
This method accepts no parameters
Returns the numeric code
Kedar Warriner, kedar at
Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-device-Neurio at>
or through the web interface at
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Device::Neurio
You can also look for information at:
RT: CPAN's request tracker
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Many thanks to:
The guys at Energy Aware Technologies for creating the Neurio sensor and
developping the API.
Everyone involved with CPAN.
Copyright 2014 Kedar Warriner <kedar at>.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See for more information.