Device::Nest - Methods for wrapping the Nest API calls so that they are accessible via Perl


Version 0.03


This module provides a Perl interface to a Nest Thermostat via the following 
  - new
  - connect
  - fetch_Ambient_Temperature
  - fetch_Designation

In order to use this module, you will require a Nest thermostat installed in 
your home as well.  You will also need your ClientID and ClientSecret provided
by Nest when you register as a developper at  
You will aos need an access code which can be obtained at
Your authorization code will be obtained and stored in this module when you
call it.

The module is written entirely in Perl and has been developped on Raspbian Linux.


   use Device::Nest;

   $my_Nest = Device::Nest->new($ClientID,$ClientSecret,$code,$phrase);

   undef $my_Nest;

You need to get an authorization code by going to
and specifying your client ID in the URL along with a random string for state

Use this code, along with your ClientID and ClientSecret to get an authorization code
by using the 'connect' function below.  

From now on, all you need is your auth_token


All by default.


new - the constructor for a Nest object

Creates a new instance which will be able to fetch data from a unique Nest 

my $Nest = Device::Nest->new($ClientID,$ClientSecret,$phrase);

  This method accepts the following parameters:
    - $ClientID     : Client ID for the account - Required 
    - $ClientSecret : Secret key for the account - Required
    - $auth_token   : authentication token to access the account - Required 

Returns a Nest object if successful.
Returns 0 on failure

fetch_Auth_Token - generates and displays the auth_token

This function will display the authenticaton token for the PIN code
provided.  This can only be done once per PIN code.  Pleas make sure
to note and store your auth code since it will be the only thing requiired
for all other API calls.


This method accepts no parameters

Returns 1 on success and prints auth_token
Returns 0 on failure

fetch_Thermostat_Designation - fetch the designation for your thermostat

Retrieves the code designating your thermostat and stores it in $self


  This method accepts no parameters

Returns 1 on success
Returns 0 on failure

fetch_Ambient_Temperature_C - Fetch the ambient temperature reported by Nest in Celcius

Retrieves the ambient temperature reported by the Nest in Celcius


  This method accepts no parameters

Returns the ambient temperature in Celcius
Returns 0 on failure

fetch_Target_Temperature_C - Fetch the target temperature reported by Nest in Celcius

Retrieves the target temperature reported by the Nest in Celcius


  This method accepts no parameters

Returns the target temperature in Celcius
Returns 0 on failure

fetch_Target_Temperature_high_C - Fetch the higher target temperature reported by Nest in Celcius

Retrieves the high target temperature reported by the Nest in Celcius


  This method accepts no parameters

Returns the high target temperature in Celcius
Returns 0 on failure

fetch_Target_Temperature_low_C - Fetch the lower target temperature reported by Nest in Celcius

Retrieves the lower target temperature reported by the Nest in Celcius


  This method accepts no parameters

Returns the lower target temperature in Celcius
Returns 0 on failure

fetch_Away_Temperature_low_C - Fetch the lower away temperature reported by Nest in Celcius

Retrieves the lower away temperature reported by the Nest in Celcius


  This method accepts no parameters

Returns the lower away temperature in Celcius
Returns 0 on failure

fetch_Away_Temperature_high_C - Fetch the high away temperature reported by Nest in Celcius

Retrieves the high away temperature reported by the Nest in Celcius


  This method accepts no parameters

Returns the high away temperature in Celcius
Returns 0 on failure

fetch_Ambient_Temperature_F - Fetch the ambient temperature reported by Nest in Fahrenheit

Retrieves the ambient temperature reported by the Nest in Fahrenheit


  This method accepts no parameters

Returns the ambient temperature in Fahrenheit
Returns 0 on failure

fetch_Away_Temperature_low_F - Fetch the lower away temperature reported by Nest in Fahrenheit

Retrieves the lower away temperature reported by the Nest in Fahrenheit


  This method accepts no parameters

Returns the lower away temperature in Fahrenheit
Returns 0 on failure

fetch_Away_Temperature_high_F - Fetch the higher away temperature reported by Nest in Fahrenheit

Retrieves the higher away temperature reported by the Nest in Fahrenheit


  This method accepts no parameters

Returns the higher away temperature in Fahrenheit
Returns 0 on failure

fetch_Target_Temperature_low_F - Fetch the lower target temperature reported by Nest in Fahrenheit

Retrieves the lower target temperature reported by the Nest in Fahrenheit


  This method accepts no parameters

Returns the lower target temperature in Fahrenheit
Returns 0 on failure

fetch_Target_Temperature_F - Fetch the target temperature reported by Nest in Fahrenheit

Retrieves the target temperature reported by the Nest in Fahrenheit


  This method accepts no parameters

Returns the target temperature in Fahrenheit
Returns 0 on failure

fetch_Target_Temperature_high_F - Fetch the higher target temperature reported by Nest in Fahrenheit

Retrieves the higher target temperature reported by the Nest in Fahrenheit


  This method accepts no parameters

Returns the target temperature in Fahrenheit
Returns 0 on failure

fetch_Temperature_Scale - Fetch the temperature scale reported by Nest

Retrieves the temperature scale reported by the Nest as either F (Fahrenheit)
or C (Celcius)


  This method accepts no parameters

Returns the temperature scale
Returns 0 on failure

fetch_Locale - Fetch the locale reported by Nest

Retrieves the locale reported by the Nest 


  This method accepts no parameters

Returns the locale
Returns 0 on failure

fetch_Name - Fetch the name reported by Nest

Retrieves the name reported by the Nest 


  This method accepts no parameters

Returns the name of the thermostat
Returns 0 on failure

fetch_Long_Name - Fetch the long name reported by Nest

Retrieves the long name reported by the Nest 


  This method accepts no parameters

Returns the long name of the thermostat
Returns 0 on failure

fetch_HVAC_Mode - Fetch the HVAC Mode reported by Nest

Retrieves the HVAC Mode reported by the Nest as either 'heat' or 'cool'


  This method accepts no parameters

Returns the HVAC mode
Returns 0 on failure

fetch_SW_Version - Fetch the software version reported by Nest

Retrieves the software version reported by the Nest


  This method accepts no parameters

Returns the software version
Returns 0 on failure


Kedar Warriner, kedar at


Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-device-Nest at>
or through the web interface at
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on 
your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

 perldoc Device::Nest

You can also look for information at:


Many thanks to:
 The guys at Nest for creating the Nest Thermostat sensor and 
     developping the API.
 Everyone involved with CPAN.


Copyright 2014 Kedar Warriner <kedar at>.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.