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XML::FeedPP -- Parse/write/merge web feeds, RSS/RDF/Atom


Get a RSS file and parse it.

my $source = '';
my $feed = XML::FeedPP->new( $source );
print "Title: ", $feed->title(), "\n";
print "Date: ", $feed->pubDate(), "\n";
foreach my $item ( $feed->get_item() ) {
    print "URL: ", $item->link(), "\n";
    print "Title: ", $item->title(), "\n";

Generate a RDF file and save it.

my $feed = XML::FeedPP::RDF->new();
$feed->title( "use Perl" );
$feed->link( "" );
$feed->pubDate( "Thu, 23 Feb 2006 14:43:43 +0900" );
my $item = $feed->add_item( "" );
$item->title( "Pure Perl implementation for parsing/writing xml file" );
$item->pubDate( "2006-02-23T14:43:43+09:00" );
$feed->to_file( "index.rdf" );

Merge some RSS/RDF files and convert it into Atom format.

my $feed = XML::FeedPP::Atom->new();                # create empty atom file
$feed->merge( "rss.xml" );                          # load local RSS file
$feed->merge( "" );    # load remote RDF file
my $now = time();
$feed->pubDate( $now );                             # touch date
my $atom = $feed->to_string();                      # get Atom source code


XML::FeedPP module parses a RSS/RDF/Atom file, converts its format, marges another files, and generates a XML file. This module is a pure Perl implementation and do not requires any other modules expcept for XML::FeedPP.


$feed = XML::FreePP->new( 'index.rss' );

This constructor method creates a instance of the XML::FeedPP. The format of $source must be one of the supported feed fromats: RSS, RDF or Atom. The first arguments is the file name on the local file system.

$feed = XML::FreePP->new( '' );

The URL on the remote web server is also available as the first argument. LWP::UserAgent module is required to download it.

$feed = XML::FreePP->new( '<?xml?><rss version="2.0"><channel>....' );

The XML source code is also available as the first argument.

$feed = XML::FreePP::RSS->new( $source );

This constructor method creates a instance for RSS format. The first argument is optional. This method returns a empty instance when $source is not defined.

$feed = XML::FreePP::RDF->new( $source );

This constructor method creates a instance for RDF format. The first argument is optional. This method returns a empty instance when $source is not defined.

$feed = XML::FreePP::Atom->new( $source );

This constructor method creates a instance for Atom format. The first argument is optional. This method returns a empty instance when $source is not defined.

$feed->load( $source );

Load RSS/RDF/Atom file.

$feed->merge( $source );

Merge RSS/RDF/Atom file into the existing $feed instance.

$string = $feed->to_string( $encoding );

This method generates XML source as string and returns it. The output $encoding is optional and the default value is 'UTF-8'. On Perl 5.8 and later, any encodings supported by Encode module are available. On Perl 5.005 and 5.6.1, four encodings supported by Jcode module are only available: 'UTF-8', 'Shift_JIS', 'EUC-JP' and 'ISO-2022-JP'. But normaly, 'UTF-8' is recommended to the compatibilities.

$feed->to_file( $filename, $encoding );

This method generate XML file. The output $encoding is optional and the default value is 'UTF-8'.

$item = $feed->add_item( $url );

This method creates new item/entry and returns its instance. First argument $link is the URL of the new item/entry. RSS's <item> element is a instance of XML::FeedPP::RSS::Item class. RDF's <item> element is a instance of XML::FeedPP::RDF::Item class. Atom's <entry> element is a instance of XML::FeedPP::Atom::Entry class.

$item = $feed->get_item( $num );

This method returns items in the feed. If $num is defined, this method returns the $num-th item's object. If $num is not defined, this method returns the list of all items on array context or the number of items on scalar context.

$feed->xmlns( 'xmlns:media' => '' );

This code sets the XML namespace at the document root of the feed.

$url = $feed->xmlns( 'xmlns:media' );

This code returns the URL of the specified XML namespace.

@list = $feed->xmlns();

This code returns the list of all XML namespace used in the feed.


$feed->title( $text );

This method sets/gets the feed's <title> value. This method returns the current value when the $title is not defined.

$feed->description( $html );

This method sets/gets the feed's <description> value in HTML. This method returns the current value when the $html is not defined.

$feed->pubDate( $date );

This method sets/gets the feed's <pubDate> value for RSS, <dc:date> value for RDF, or <issued> value for Atom. This method returns the current value when the $date is not defined. See also the DATE/TIME FORMATS section.

$feed->copyright( $text );

This method sets/gets the feed's <copyright> value for RSS/Atom, or <dc:rights> element for RDF. This method returns the current value when the $text is not defined.

$feed->link( $url );

This method sets/gets the URL of the web site as the feed's <link> value for RSS/RDF/Atom. This method returns the current value when the $url is not defined.

$feed->language( $lang );

This method sets/gets the feed's <language> value for RSS, <dc:language> element for RDF, or <feed xml:lang=""> attribute for Atom. This method returns the current value when the $lang is not defined.

$feed->image( $url, $title, $link, $description, $width, $height )

This method sets/gets the feed's <image> value and its child nodes for RSS/RDF. This method is ignored for Atom. This method returns the current values as array when any arguments are not defined.


$item->title( $text );

This method sets/gets the item's <title> value. This method returns the current value when the $text is not defined.

$item->description( $html );

This method sets/gets the item's <description> value in HTML. This method returns the current value when the $text is not defined.

$item->pubDate( $date );

This method sets/gets the item's <pubDate> value for RSS, <dc:date> element for RDF, or <modified> element for Atom. This method returns the current value when the $text is not defined. See also the DATE/TIME FORMATS section.

$item->category( $text );

This method sets/gets the item's <category> value for RSS/RDF. This method is ignored for Atom. This method returns the current value when the $text is not defined.

$item->author( $text );

This method sets/gets the item's <author> value for RSS, <creator> value for RDF, or <author><name> value for Atom. This method returns the current value when the $text is not defined.

This method sets/gets the item's <guid> value for RSS or <id> value for Atom. This method is ignored for RDF. The second argument is optional. This method returns the current value when the $guid is not defined.

$item->set( $key => $value, ... );

This method sets some node values or attributes. See also the next section: GENERAL SET/GET

$value = $item->get( $key );

This method returns the node value or attribute. See also the next section: GENERAL SET/GET

This method returns the item's <link> value.


XML::FeedPP understands only <rdf:*>, <dc:*> modules and RSS/RDF/ATOM's default namespaces. There are NO native methods for any other external modules, such as <media:*>. But set()/get() methods are available to get/set the value of any elements or attributes for these modules.

$item->set( 'module:name' => $value );

This code sets the value of the child node: <item><module:name>$value

$item->set( 'module:name@attr' => $value );

This code sets the value of the child node's attribute: <item><module:name attr="$value">

$item->set( '@attr' => $value );

This code sets the value of the item's attribute: <item attr="$value">

$item->set( 'hoge/pomu@hare' => $value );

This code sets the value of the child node's child node's attribute: <item><hoge><pomu attr="$value">


XML::FeedPP allows you to describe date/time by three formats following:

$date = "Thu, 23 Feb 2006 14:43:43 +0900";

The first format is the format preferred for the HTTP protocol. This is the native format of RSS 2.0 and one of the formats defined by RFC 1123.

$date = "2006-02-23T14:43:43+09:00";

The second format is the W3CDTF format. This is the native format of RDF and one of the formats defined by ISO 8601.

$date = 1140705823;

Last format is the number of seconds since the epoch, 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z. You know, this is the native format of Perl's time() function.


XML::FeedPP module requires only XML::TreePP module, which is a pure Perl implementation as well. LWP::UserAgent module is also required to download a file from remote web server. Jcode module is required to convert Japanese encodings on Perl 5.006 and 5.6.1. Jcode module is NOT required on Perl 5.8.x and later.


Yusuke Kawasaki, <u-suke [at]>


Copyright (c) 2006 Yusuke Kawasaki. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.