Dezi::Aggregator::MailFS - crawl a filesystem of email messages
use Dezi::Aggregator::MailFS;
my $fs = Dezi::Aggregator::MailFS->new(
indexer => Dezi::Indexer->new
$fs->crawl( $path_to_mail );
Dezi::Aggregator::MailFS is a subclass of Dezi::Aggregator::FS that expects every file in a filesystem to be an email message. This class is useful for crawling a file tree like those managed by ezmlm.
NOTE: This class will not work with personal email boxes in the Mbox format. It might work with maildir format, but that is coincidental. Use Dezi::Aggregator::Mail to handle your personal email box. Use this class to handle mail archives as with a mailing list.
See Dezi::Aggregator::FS. Only new or overridden methods are documented here.
Internal constructor method.
file_ok( full_path )
Like the parent class method, but ignores file extension, assuming that all files are email messages.
Returns the full_path value if the file is ok for indexing; returns 0 if not ok.
get_doc( url )
Overrides parent class to delegate the creation of the Dezi::Indexer::Doc object to Dezi::Aggregator::Mail->get_doc().
Returns a Dezi::Indexer::Doc object.
Peter Karman, <>
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Copyright 2008-2015 by Peter Karman
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.