Net::FriendFeed - Perl interface to API
FriendFeed is a social feed agregator with a clean public REST-based API. This package allows easy access to FriendFeed from Perl.
Methods are named in accordance with the official Python package.
use Net::FriendFeed;
my $frf = Net::FriendFeed->new();
$frf->publish_message('Hello, world!');
This is a constructor for FriendFeed object. It takes an optional hashref parameter with auth credentials.
Example: my $frf_anon = Net::FriendFeed->new; my $frf = Net::FriendFeed->new({login => 'kkapp', remotekey => 'hfytr38'});
The remotekey is a kind of easily regeneratable password used only in API functions. A user can get his remotekey here:
Authentication is needed only to post or to read private feeds.
A number of methods fetch different feeds from FriendFeed.
The feeds have the following structure:
* entries[]
o id - the FriendFeed entry UUID, used to add comments/likes to the entry
o title
o link
o published
o updated
o hidden - if true, this entry should be hidden based on the user's preferences
o user{} - the user who shared this entry
+ id - the user's FriendFeed UUID
+ name - the user's full name
+ nickname - the user's FriendFeed nickname, used in FriendFeed URLs
+ profileUrl - the user's profile URL on FriendFeed
o service{} - the service from which the entry came
+ id - the service's FriendFeed ID, e.g., "picasa"
+ name - the service's official name, e.g., "Picasa Web Albums"
+ iconUrl - the URL of the favicon for this service
+ profileUrl - the user's profile URL on this service
o comments[]
+ date
+ id - the UUID of the comment
+ user{} - same structure as the user{} structure above
+ body - the textual body of the comment
o likes[]
+ date
+ user{} - same structure as the user{} structure above
o media[] - the videos/images associated with the entry
+ title? - the title of the media file
+ player? - the player for this media file (e.g., the URL with the embedded video)
+ thumbnails[] - the thumbnails for this media file
# url
# width
# height
+ content[] - the different versions of the media file
# url
# type - the MIME type of the media file
# width
# height
o via{}? - present if this entry came from an API client
+ name - the name of the API client, e.g., "Alert Thingy"
+ url - the official URL of the API client, e.g.,
o room{}? - if the entry is in a room, the room the entry is in
+ id - the room's FriendFeed UUID
+ name - the room's display name
+ nickname - the room's FriendFeed nickname, used in FriendFeed URLs
+ url - the room's URL on FriendFeed
The simple XML format (output=xml) has the same structure as the JSON. The RSS and Atom formats use the standard RSS and Atom attributes for title, link, published, and updated, and include extension elements for all of the other meta-data.
Dates in JSON and dates in the FriendFeed extension elements in the Atom and RSS feeds are in RFC 3339 format in UTC. You can parse them with the strptime string "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ". Filtering & Paging
All feed-fetching methods support additional parameters:
- service
only return entries from the service with the given ID, e.g., service=twitter
- start
return entries starting with the given index, e.g., start=30
- num
return num entries starting from start, e.g., num=10
They can be passed as key => value pairs after all the other arguments.
$frf->fetch_user_feed('kkapp', num => 50, service => 'twitter');
Gets or sets the type of return feeds.
This can be one of qw/structure xml atom rss json/
and defaults to 'structure'
which is a parsed Perl data structure. Other types are string scalars.
Fetches the most recent 30 public entries published to FriendFeed.
Fetches the most recent entries from a user feed. If the user has a private feed, authentication is required.
Returns the most recent entries the user has commented on, ordered by the date of that user's comments.
Returns the most recent entries the user has "liked," ordered by the date of that user's "likes".
Returns the most recent entries the user has commented on or "liked".
Returns the most recent entries from a list of users, specified by nickname:
If more than one nickname is specified, the feed most recent entries from all of the given users. If any one of the users has a private feed, authentication is required.
User nicknames should be passed as an arrayref.
$frf->fetch_multi_user_feed([qw/kkapp mihun/]);
Returns the most recent entries in the room with the given nickname.
If the room is private, authentication is required.
Returns the entries the authenticated user would see on their FriendFeed homepage - all of their subscriptions and friend-of-a-friend entries.
Authentication is always required.
Executes a search over the entries in FriendFeed. If the request is authenticated, the default scope is over all of the entries in the authenticated user's Friends Feed. If the request is not authenticated, the default scope is over all public entries.
$frf->search('rambler service:twitter');
The query syntax is the same syntax as The query operators are:
- who:
restricts the search to a specific user, e.g., who:bret
- service:
restricts the search to a specific service ID, e.g., service:twitter
You can perform test calls from a web browser using the HTTP Basic Authentication built into your browser at
Requests to FriendFeed are rate limited, which, e.g., limits the number and size of thumbnails you can upload in a day. Normal uses should fall well within our rate limits. If you encounter HTTP 403 errors because of rate limits, and you think the limit is erroneous, please let us know in the developer forum.
publish_link($title, $link, $comment, [@images, [$imgN, $linkN]], $room, $via)
Share a link with a title, images and other possible options. Requires authentication.
All non-ASCII input data should be clean Perl Unicode (that is, decoded from any encoding). FriendFeed API is strictly UTF-8 so we unconditionally encode strings into UTF-8 via Encode::encode('UTF-8', $data) call.
Full signature looks like: $frf->publish_link($title, $link, $comment, [@images, [$imgN, $linkN]], $room, $via)
- $title
Mandatory title of the shared item.
- $links
URL to refer to. If absent, the shared link reduces to text.
- $comment
Automatically add 1st comment to the item.
- $images
This one is an arrayref of image items. Each image item is either an image PURL or a pair (taken as arrayrefs of two elements) of PURL => URL. PURL in the pair points to the image and URL is used as a href to follow when the user clicks on this very image. URL defaults to the main $link.
Each PURL may be either an (http|https|ftp) URL or a PATH to a local file in which case that file gets uploaded directly to FriendFeed.
- $room
This is a room nickname to which the link should be published.
- $via
This is an identifier of your software. It's ignored unless you register it with FriendFeed administration.
Share a piece of text. The simplest form of FriendFeed sharing. Requires authentication.
This is actually a special case of publish_link with only $title set.
Upload Images with Entries
The /api/share method can also accept uploaded images encoded as multipart/form-data. This encoding is the standard used for file uploads within web browsers.
If any images are uploaded with the /api/share request, the original and the thumbnail are stored on FriendFeed's servers, and the thumbnail is displayed with the entry.
By default, the thumbnails will link to the destination link for the entry. If you want each uploaded image to link somewhere else, you can specify the link in the IMAGENAME_link argument. For example, if your uploaded image is POST argument file0, you can specify the link for that thumbnail as file0_link.
add_comment($entry, $body)
Add a comment on a FriendFeed entry. The arguments are:
- $entry
required - The FriendFeed UUID of the entry to which this comment is attached.
- $body
required - The textual body of the comment.
$frf->add_comment('550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000', 'Testing the FriendFeed API');
edit_comment($entry, $body, $comment)
Edit an existing comment on a FriendFeed entry. The arguments are:
- $entry
required - The FriendFeed UUID of the entry to which this comment is attached.
- $body
required - The textual body of the comment.
- $comment
The FriendFeed UUID of the comment to edit. If not given, the request will create a new comment.
delete_comment($entry, $comment)
Delete an existing comment. The arguments are:
- $entry
required - The FriendFeed UUID of the entry to which this comment is attached.
- $comment
required - The FriendFeed UUID of the comment to delete.
undelete_comment($entry, $comment)
Undelete a deleted comment. The arguments are:
- $entry
required - The FriendFeed UUID of the entry to which this comment is attached.
- $comment
required - The FriendFeed UUID of the comment to undelete.
Add a "Like" to a FriendFeed entry for the authenticated user.
Delete an existing "Like". The arguments are:
Returns list of all of the user's subscriptions (people) and services connected to their account.
The returned data has this structure:
* id - the user's FriendFeed UUID
* name - the user's full name
* nickname - the user's FriendFeed nickname, used in FriendFeed URLs
* profileUrl - the user's profile URL on FriendFeed
* services[] - the services connected to the user's account
o id - the service's FriendFeed ID, e.g., "picasa"
o name - the service's official name, e.g., "Picasa Web Albums"
o url - the official URL of the service, e.g.,
o iconUrl - the URL of the favicon for this service
o profileUrl? - the user's profile URL on this service, if any
o username? - the user's username for this service, if any
* subscriptions[] - the user's this user is subscribed to
o id
o name
o nickname
o profileUrl
Alex Kapranoff, <kappa at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-net-friendfeed at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Net::FriendFeed
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Copyright 2008 Alex Kapranoff, all rights reserved.
This program is released under the following license: GPLv3