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Normalize - normalize scores between 0 and 1.


Version 0.31


use Normalize;

my %iq_rate = ('Professor' => 125.12, 'Bender' => 64, 'Dr. Zoidberg' => 28.6, 'Fray' => 13);
my %weight_rate = ('Professor' => 70.2, 'Bender' => 600, 'Dr. Zoidberg' => 200, 'Fray' => 120);
my $norm = Normalize->new('round_to' => 0.001);

#larger score is better:
print "\n#iq rate: larger iq is better:\n";
foreach my $key (keys %iq_rate)
	print "$key = $iq_rate{$key}\n";

#iq rate: larger iq is better:
#1.000	Professor
#0.512	Bender
#0.229	Dr. Zoidberg
#0.104	Fray

#smaller score is better
$norm->normalize_to_min(\%weight_rate, {min_default => 0.001});
print "\n#skinny rate: smaller weight is better:\n";
foreach my $key (sort {$weight_rate{$b} <=> $weight_rate{$a}} keys %weight_rate)
	print "#$weight_rate{$key}\t$key\n";
##skinny rate: smaller weight is better:
#1.000	Professor
#0.585	Fray
#0.351	Dr. Zoidberg
#0.117	Bender

my %summary_score = map { $_ => $weight_rate{$_} + $iq_rate{$_} } keys %iq_rate;
$norm->normalize_to_max( \%summary_score );
print "\n#summary score:\n";
foreach my $key (sort {$summary_score{$b} <=> $summary_score{$a}} keys %summary_score)
	print "#$summary_score{$key}\t$key\n";
#summary score:
#1.000	Professor
#0.344	Fray
#0.315	Bender
#0.290	Dr. Zoidberg

#Dr. Zoidberg - looser lobster! Quod erat demonstrandum


This module gives you the ability to normalize score result sets. Sometimes a larger score is better and sometimes a smaller score is better. In order to compare the results from different methods? You need a way to normalize them: that is, to get them all within the same range and direction.

The normalization functions will take a hash ref {key => score} or array ref [score 1, score 2, ...scaore 3] and return the same ref, but whith scores between 0 and 1. Each score is scaled according to how close it to the best result, wich will always have a score of 1.



Normalize->new(%opts) - constructor


round_to - default value 0.01. Rounding precision. For more info see Math::Round::Var

min_default - by default eq round_to value. Need for prevent delete on zero in normalize_to_min()


set object params


get object param

normalize_to_min($score_set_data, %opts)

Each score is scaled according to how close it to the smaller result, wich will always have a score of 1. $score_set_data - hashref {key1 => score1, key2 => score2,..} or arrayref [score1, score2, ...] options:

%opts = (
			min_default => 0.01#by default = round_to value. Need for prevent delete on zero in normalize_to_min()

return same data structure (hashref or arrayref)


Each score is scaled according to how close it to the larger result, wich will always have a score of 1. $score_set_data - hashref {key1 => score1, key2 => score2,..} or arrayref [score1, score2, ...]

return same data structure (hashref or arrayref)


Math::Round::Var - Variations on rounding.

Idea for this module and normalization Algoritm from book "Programming Collective Intelligence: Building Smart Web 2.0 Applications By Toby Segaran)"


Konstantin Kapitanov aka Green Kakadu, perlovik at gmail dot com


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-normalize at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Normalize

You can also look for information at:



Copyright 2009 Konstantin Kapitanov, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.