Looking for help!
The maintainer of this distribution is looking for people to help them improve this module!
If you're interested then please contact them via
easy access to data in many formats
tiedhash & DBI/SQL access to CSV data
tiedhash & DBI/SQL access to Fixed length data
tied hash and DBI/SQL access to HTML tables
tiedhash & DBI/SQL access to ini files
tied hash and DBI access to Mp3 files
tiedhash & DBI/SQL access to vertical files
tied hash and DBI access to passwd files
tiedhash & DBI/SQL access to Pipe delimited files
tiedhash & DBI/SQL access to Tab delimited files
tiedhash & DBI/SQL access to HTTPD Logs
tiedhash and DBI access to XML
in AnyData/Format/Base.pm
in AnyData/Format/FileSys.pm
in AnyData/Format/Text.pm
in AnyData/Storage/File.pm
in AnyData/Storage/FileSys.pm
in AnyData/Storage/PassThru.pm
in AnyData/Storage/RAM.pm
in AnyData/Storage/TiedHash.pm