Apache::AxKit::Plugin::Upload - upload tracking for AxKit


In .htaccess:

AxAddPlugin Apache::AxKit::Plugin::Upload
PerlSetVar AxUploadStatusDir data/upload
PerlSetVar AxUploadStatusLocation /data/upload
PerlSetVar DisableUploads Off
PerlSetVar MaxPostSize 30485760
LimitRequestBody 30485760

Put this code on the form: (example using XSP)

<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="process.xsp?axkit_upload_id={$r->connection->user|"


This plugin allows you to show a progress bar while uploading big files. This works by opening a small window via JavaScript. That window is directed to a self-refreshing HTML page which is continuously updated by this plugin.

Usually, three URLs are involved: The page starting the upload, the page receiving the upload, and the status page. The receiving page must have "axkit_upload_id=..." in the query string. That ID is used to identify the specific upload. Use a username or a session ID or even a random number. You cannot have more than one upload for one ID. The status page is named <AxUploadStatusDir>/<ID>.html

Set AxUploadStatusDir to where the files should be stored. Relative paths get $r->document_root prepended. Set AxUploadStatusLocation to where the client can get the files in AxUploadStatusDir.

Advanced Configuration

If you want to process the received data and the processing is slow, you can extend the progress bar to include your custom status. To do so, set

PerlSetVar AxUploadCustom On

and call:

Apache::AxKit::Plugin::Upload::progress($done,$total,"Processing... ($done/$total)");

regularly to update the progress bar. The window will automatically close when $done == $total.

To see if an upload is already running, call:


In some constellations, the upload progress bar won't appear or shows a 404. This highly depends on your file layout. To fix that problem, create a tiny script that does:

    if (!Apache::AxKit::Plugin::Upload::is_running($r,$id));

and then redirects to <AxUploadStatusLocation>/<ID>.html. Call this script instead of <AxUploadStatusLocation>/<ID>.html.


Copyright (C) 2004, Jörg Walter.

This plugin is licensed under either the GNU GPL Version 2, or the Perl Artistic License.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 351:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Jörg'. Assuming CP1252