Simple connections pool designed for asynchronous connections
- new
Returns new pool object
AnyEvent::ConnPool->new( constructor => sub { return generate_connection(); }, check => { cb => sub { my $connection = shift; ... if ($connection->conn()->ping()) { return 1; } return 0; }, interval => 10, }, size => 5, init => 1, );
constructor => subroutine, which generates connection for pool.
check => pingers, allows to specify methods and interval for connection state validation. check->{cb} => callback, used for ping connection. You should implement this logic by yourself. If you need reconnect, you can just call
check->{interval} => interval for the callback.
size => how many connections should be created on pool initialization.
init => initialize connections on pool construction.
- init
Initializes pool.
- add
Adds connection to the pool.
- get
Returns AnyEvent::ConnPool::Unit object from the pool.
my $unit = $pool->get(); my $connection = $unit->conn();
Connection unit. Just wrapper around user-specified connection. Required for transactions support.
- conn
Returns connection from unit object.
- lock
Locks current connection. After that connection shouldn't be used in balancing mechanism and never will be returned from pool. To unlock connection you should use unlock method.
- unlock
Unlocks connection and returns it to the balancing scheme.
- locked
Returns true if connection is locked.
if ($connection->locked()) { ... }