pickle - C++ access to the Perl interpreter
#include <pickle.hh>
using namespace Pickle;
Interpreter* interp = vivify ();
eval_string ("use Cwd;");
Scalar cwd = call_function ("cwd");
cout << "cwd is " << string (cwd) << endl;
eval_string ("use File::Glob ':glob';");
List args = List () << "~/*.doc"
<< call_function ("GLOB_TILDE");
List files = call_function ("glob", args, LIST);
for (size_t i = 0; i < files.size(); i++)
cout << string(files[i]) << endl;
Scalar doit (Scalar& n)
return double (n) * double (n);
define_sub ("main", "square", doit);
cout << int (eval_string ("square(42)")) << endl;
try { call_some_perl() }
catch (Exception* e) { cerr << e->what(); delete e; }
throw new Exception ("Your fault");
Pickle is a C++ interface to the Perl interpreter. C++ programs that link with it can evaluate Perl code, create and examine Perl data structures, and make C++ functions accessible to Perl. This document assumes knowledge of Perl and C++.
Unless otherwise specified, the functions and data types here are declared in <pickle.hh>
in namespace Pickle and defined in -lpickle. To use them in a C++ program, you must link with the Perl interpreter, -libperlint.
Pickle uses class Scalar to hold Perl scalar values:
class Scalar;
The default Scalar constructor creates an "undef
" value. You can initialize scalars with various C++ types including bool, int, unsigned int, long, unsigned long, double, and string.
Scalar s0; // undef
Scalar s1 (0); // integer
Scalar s2 (3.14); // double
Scalar s3 ("hello"); // string
Class Scalar defines conversion operators for the same C++ types, so you can use Scalar objects where these types are expected:
Scalar s;
int i (s);
string str (s);
x = r * cos(s);
As in Perl, scalars are automatically reference counted, so memory management is not much of an issue, unless you create cyclic structures as described in "Two-Phased Garbage Collection" in perlobj.
Arrayrefs and Hashrefs
Scalars can hold array and hash references. Pickle defines a subclass of Scalar for arrayrefs and another for hashrefs. Their default constructors produce empty containers, the same as the Perl expressions []
and {}
Arrayref a; // 0-element anonymous array
Hashref h; // empty hash table
Arrayref and Hashref can also be constructed from scalars. This does not perform type verification, however. As in Perl, you will get a runtime exception if you make a wrong assumption about a reference type.
Arrayref a;
Scalar some_func();
a = some_func(); // okay if an arrayref was returned.
a = Scalar (5); // may lead to runtime errors!
The Arrayref and Hashref classes both define methods fetch and store for retrieving and inserting elements. Additionally, Arrayref overloads the []
operator, so you can use C++ array syntax to fetch arrayref elements. However, unlike fetch, []
extends the array if the given index is past the end.
Arrayref a;
a .push (17); // a[0] == 17
a[1] = a[5]; // a now has 6 elements!
a .store (10, a .fetch (20));
// a.size() == 11
Arrayref's push method pushes a scalar onto the end of the array. size returns the array length.
Hashref h;
h .store ("array", a);
a = h .fetch ("other");
There is currently no easy way to iterate over a Hashref.
Lists and Functions
Every Perl function takes a list of scalar arguments and returns a list of scalar results. In scalar context, the return list is forced to contain exactly one item, while in void context the result list is discarded.
Pickle's call_function lets you call functions in any context - list, scalar, or void. Because C++ does not have Perl's notion of context, call_function must always return a Scalar. By convention, list context returns an Arrayref object whose elements are the result list. Void context returns undef
Perl subs can be called with any number of arguments. (Not if they are prototyped, but Pickle does not honor Perl prototypes.) Passing variable-length argument lists in C++ is awkward, so Pickle defines a class, List, for holding argument lists.
A List object is very much like an arrayref. In fact, it contains an Arrayref object which you can access through its get_arrayref method. Lists and arrayrefs are defined as different types to make certain overloaded functions work and to emphasize their different uses. Perl also distinguishes between lists and arrays, though they are both just sequences of scalars.
The default list constructor creates an empty list. The <<
(left bitshift) operator is overloaded for the List type similarly to the standard ostream class. This operator takes a scalar on the right, appends it to the list, and returns the list, allowing chains like this:
List l = List () << Scalar(3) << Scalar("caballeros");
Taking advantage of C++ type conversion and overloading rules, you could rewrite this as:
List l = List () << 3 << "caballeros";
call_function requires as its first argument a Scalar, which can be the name of a function or an anonymous coderef. Then comes an optional List argument containing the function args. If no list is given, the sub is called without arguments. The calling context may be specified as the final argument. If present, it must be either SCALAR, LIST, or VOID. The default context is scalar.
As an example, this code calls the function Carp::confess with arguments "oops!"
and "I'm sorry"
call_function ("Carp::confess", List () << "oops!" << "I'm sorry");
call_function only works with user-defined subs, not Perl's builtin operators such as print.
If a Scalar variable holds a package name or blessed reference, you can call methods on it using the C++ call_method method. Like call_function, it takes an optional List of the arguments and an optional context specifier. For example, this code calls the Perl method "fetchrow"
on the scalar object sth
with no arguments in list context:
Arrayref result = sth .call_method ("fetchrow", LIST);
Evaluating Perl Code
In addition to calling existing functions, Pickle allows you to evaluate strings of Perl code using the eval_string function:
Scalar result = eval_string ("$x + 4 * $z");
eval_string supports only scalar context.
Defining Functions
Pickle supports creating Perl subs that call C++ functions (callbacks). Your C++ function may have any of three prototypes. The first form requires exactly one scalar argument and returns a scalar.
Scalar one_arg (Scalar& arg);
The following form takes an object followed by a list of name/value pairs, which Pickle loads into a hash. It is designed for methods that support the $obj->meth (name => value, ...)
calling convention.
Scalar arg_hash (Scalar& arg, Hashref& args);
The third form is the most general. It takes a list of arguments and a context specifier and returns a list of results.
List arg_list (List& args, Context context);
Here context will be either LIST, SCALAR, or VOID.
To make a function callable from Perl, use the define_sub function. define_sub takes as arguments a package name, a sub name, and a pointer to the C++ callback function. This example creates a sub named doit in package main, calls it with 17
as the argument, and displays the result as an integer:
static Scalar
my_func (Scalar& x)
return int (x) * int (x);
// ...elsewhere...
define_sub ("main", "doit", my_func);
cout << int (eval_string ("main::doit (17)")) << endl;
Using Exceptions
When Perl code under the control of C++ "dies", Pickle throws an exception of type Exception*. The error message can be obtained by calling its what method. The exception must be freed with delete.
eval_string ("$x = 0; 4 / $x");
catch (Exception* e)
cerr << "Perl error: " << e->what () << endl;
delete e;
Callbacks can construct an Exception object with a Scalar argument and throw a pointer to it. Pickle deletes the object. Perl can trap such exceptions using eval.
Scalar my_callback (Scalar& s)
if (double (s) < 0)
throw new Exception (string ("'") .append (s)
.append ("' is a negative number"));
return sqrt (double (s));
There are two ways to link Perl and C++ code together. Either a Perl program can load a module implemented in C++, or a C++ program can embed the Perl interpreter. Here, "interpreter" means something akin to "virtual machine" in Java parlance. It is the C++ object that implements the environment in which Perl programs execute.
perlxstut describes how to implement Perl functions in C and C++. C++ code in a Perl module can use Pickle simply by linking with -lpickle as described in ExtUtils::MakeMaker.
To use Pickle in a C++ program, you must also link with the Perl interpreter, either as described in perlembed or using the -lperlint library, if available. You may use the functions described in perlembed to initialize the interpreter, or you may use Pickle's simpler interface. Just allocate an object of class Interpreter, like this:
Interpreter* interp = new Interpreter;
There is a constructor that accepts command line arguments and an optional environment pointer like the C++ function main. This can be used to pass flags to Perl. For example, this turns on taint checks and warnings:
char* argv[] = { "perl", "-Tw" "-e0" };
interp = new Interpreter (sizeof argv / sizeof argv[0], argv);
Note that "-e0" prevents the interpreter from trying to read a script from the standard input.
The default Perl configuration will not tolerate more than one interpreter at a time in the same process. Most Pickle functions act implicitly on the "current" interpreter. So the Interpreter object is generally not used. You can cause Perl to shut down and free its memory by deallocating it, as in:
delete interp;
This will cause problems with any C++ Perl data held in C++ variables, because the destructor will try to interact with the nonexistent interpreter.
You can check to see if an interpreter is running using Interpreter::ping(). If this function returns true, Perl objects may be created and manipulated. This is useful in code that does not know whether it is running under Perl or C++.
As a convenience, Interpreter::vivify() is defined to construct and return a new interpreter unless one already exists, like this:
Interpreter* Interpreter::vivify ()
return Interpreter::ping () ? 0 : new Interpreter;
Copyright (C) 2000 by John Tobey, All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
MA 02111-1307 USA