BridgeQuery - Perl extension for retrieving bridge tables.


use BridgeQuery;
use BridgeQuery qw(querymacs queryports);

$fdb = queryfdb(host => $address,
                comm => $community);
unless (exists $fdb->{error}) {
   ($fdb->{$mac} = "n/a") unless (exists $fdb->{$mac});
   print "This MAC address was found on port: ".$fdb->{$mac}."\n";


BridgeQuery polls a device which respond to SNMP Bridge Table queries and generates a hash reference with each polled MAC address as the key and the associated port as the value. The specific MIBs that are polled are described in RFC1493.

SNMP::BridgeQuery requires Net::SNMP in order to function.

Devices can be switches, bridges, or most anything that responds as a OSI Layer 2 component. Layer 3 devices do not generally respond and will cause an error. If an error is generated, it will return a hash reference with a single element ('error') which can be tested for.

Two other functions (querymacs & queryports) can be explicitly exported. They work the same way as queryfdb, but they return MAC addresses or ports (respectively) with the SNMP MIB as the hash key.


David M. Town - Author of Net::SNMP


John D. Shearer <>


perl(1), perldoc(1) Net::SNMP.


Copyright (c) 2001 John D. Shearer. All rights reverved. This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.