Net::Telnet - interact with TELNET port or other TCP ports
use Net::Telnet ();
see METHODS section below
Net::Telnet allows you to make client connections to a TCP port and do network I/O, especially to a port using the TELNET protocol. Simple I/O methods such as print, get, and getline are provided. More sophisticated interactive features are provided because connecting to a TELNET port ultimately means communicating with a program designed for human interaction. These interactive features include the ability to specify a timeout and to wait for patterns to appear in the input stream, such as the prompt from a shell.
Other reasons to use this module than strictly with a TELNET port are:
You're not familiar with sockets and you want a simple way to make client connections to TCP services.
You want to be able to specify your own time-out while connecting, reading, or writing.
You're communicating with an interactive program at the other end of some socket or pipe and you want to wait for certain patterns to appear.
Here's an example that prints who's logged-on to the remote host sparky. In addition to a username and password, you must also know the user's shell prompt, which for this example is bash$
use Net::Telnet ();
$t = new Net::Telnet (Timeout => 10,
Prompt => '/bash\$ $/');
$t->login($username, $passwd);
@lines = $t->cmd("/usr/bin/who");
print @lines;
More examples are in the EXAMPLES section below.
What To Know Before Using
All output is flushed while all input is buffered. Each object contains an input buffer.
The output record separator for
is set to"\n"
by default, so that you don't have to append all your commands with a newline. Seeoutput_record_separator()
to change the behavior.The methods
use the prompt setting in the object to determine when a login or remote command is complete. The method will fail with a time-out if you don't set the prompt correctly.To avoid unexpected backslash interpretation, always use single quotes instead of double quotes to construct a match operator argument for
(e.g.'/bash\$ $/'
). If you're constructing a DOS like file path, you'll need to use four backslashes to represent one (e.g.'/c:\\\\users\\\\bill>$/i'
).Of course don't forget about regexp metacharacters like
, or$
. You'll only need a single backslash to quote them. The anchor metacharacters^
refer to positions in the input buffer.Errors such as timing-out are handled according to the errmode action. The default action is to print an error message to standard error and have the program die. Use
to change the action.Using an errmode of
arranges for the error message to be saved and the offending method to return with an undefined value. You can obtain the error message usingerrmsg()
.You'll need to be running at least Perl version 5.002 to use this module. This module does not require any libraries that don't already come with a standard Perl distribution.
If you have the IO:: libraries installed then IO::Socket::INET is used as a base class, otherwise FileHandle is used. The IO:: libraries now come standard starting with perl5.004.
In the input stream, each sequence of carriage return and line feed (i.e.
or CR LF) is converted to"\n"
. In the output stream, each occurrence of"\n"
is converted to a sequence of CR LF. Seebinmode()
to change the behavior. TCP protocols typically use the ASCII sequence, carriage return and line feed to designate a newline.Timing-out while making a connection is disabled for machines that don't support the
function. Most notably these include Win32 machines.More universal support for connection time-outs will be in a later release.
This is an alpha version - meaning that the interface may change in future versions. Contact me, Jay Rogers <>, if you find any bugs or have suggestions for improvement.
The typical bug causes a timeout error because you've made incorrect assumptions about what the remote side actually sends. The easiest way to reconcile what the remote side sends with your expectations is to use input_log()
or dump_log()
allows you to see the data being sent from the remote side before any translation is done, while input_log()
shows you the results after translation. The translation includes converting end of line characters and stripping and responding to TELNET protocol commands.
Style of Named Parameters
Two different styles of named parameters are supported. This document only shows the IO:: style:
Net::Telnet->new(Timeout => 20);
however the dash-option style is also allowed:
Net::Telnet->new(-timeout => 20);
Connecting to a Remote Win32 Machine
By default, Windows machines don't come with a TELNET service. However, third party TELNET servers can be acquired to provide access to a DOS shell. As is all too familiar, many of these servers are of inferior quality.
One particularly nasty problem is a server that sends ANSI terminal escape sequences despite being told not to. These escape sequences make your job of parsing the data much more difficult. You can sometimes avoid this with a server that prompts you for console mode. Choose no to console mode.
- new - create a new Net::Telnet object
$obj = Net::Telnet->new([Binmode => $mode,] [Cmd_remove_mode => $mode,] [Dump_Log => $filename,] [Errmode => $errmode,] [Fhopen => $filehandle,] [Host => $host,] [Input_log => $file,] [Input_record_separator => $char,] [Option_log => $file,] [Output_log => $file,] [Output_record_separator => $char,] [Port => $port,] [Prompt => $matchop,] [Telnetmode => $mode,] [Timeout => $secs,]);
This is the constructor for Net::Telnet objects. A new object is returned on success, the $errmode action is performed on failure - see
. The arguments are short-cuts to methods of the same name.If the $host argument is given then the object is opened by connecting to TCP $port on $host. Also see
. The new object returned is given the following defaults in the absence of corresponding named arguments:The default Host is
The default Port is
The default Prompt is
'/[\$%#>] $/'
The default Timeout is
The default Errmode is
The default Output_record_separator is
The default Input_record_separator is
The default Binmode is
, which means do newline translationThe default Cmd_remove_mode is
- binmode - toggle newline translation
$mode = $obj->binmode; $prev = $obj->binmode($mode);
This method controls whether or not sequences of carriage returns and line feeds (CR LF or more specifically
) are translated. By default they are translated (i.e. binmode is0
).If no argument is given, the current mode is returned.
If $mode is
then binmode is on and newline translation is not done.If $mode is
then binmode is off and newline translation is done. In the input stream, each sequence of CR LF is converted to"\n"
and in the output stream, each occurrence of"\n"
is converted to a sequence of CR LF.Note that input is always buffered. Changing binmode doesn't effect what's already been read into the buffer. Output is not buffered and changing binmode will have an immediate effect.
- break - send TELNET break character
$ok = $obj->break;
This method sends the TELNET break character. This character is provided because it's a signal outside the USASCII character set which is currently given local meaning within many systems. It's intended to indicate that the Break Key or the Attention Key was hit.
- buffer - scalar reference to object's input buffer
$ref = $obj->buffer;
This method returns a scalar reference to the input buffer for $obj. Data in the input buffer is data that has been read from the remote side but has yet to be read by the user. Modifications to the input buffer are returned by a subsequent read.
- buffer_empty - discard all data in object's input buffer
This method removes all data in the input buffer for $obj.
- close - close object
$ok = $obj->close;
This method closes the socket, file, or pipe associated with the object.
- cmd - issue command and retrieve output
$ok = $obj->cmd($string); $ok = $obj->cmd(String => $string, [Output => $ref,] [Prompt => $match,] [Timeout => $secs,] [Cmd_remove_mode => $mode,]); @output = $obj->cmd($string); @output = $obj->cmd(String => $string, [Output => $ref,] [Prompt => $match,] [Timeout => $secs,] [Cmd_remove_mode => $mode,]);
This method sends the command $string, and reads the characters sent back by the command up until and including the matching prompt. It's assumed that the program to which you're sending is some kind of command prompting interpreter such as a shell.
In a scalar context the characters read are discarded and a boolean is returned indicating the success or failure of sending the command string and reading the prompt. Note that in order to return on error,
must not be set to"die"
.In an array context, just the output generated by the command is returned, one line per element. In other words, all the characters in between the echoed back command string and the prompt are returned. If the command happens to return no output, an array containing one element, the null string is returned. This is so the array will indicate true in a boolean context.
Many command interpreters echo back the command sent. In most situations, this method removes the first line returned from the remote side (i.e. the echoed back command). See
for more control over this feature.Use
to debug when this method keeps timing-out and you don't think it should.Optional named arguments are provided to override the current settings of prompt, timeout, and cmd_remove_mode.
The Output named argument provides an alternative method of receiving command output. If you pass a scalar reference, all the output (even if it contains multiple lines) is returned in the referenced scalar. If you pass an array or hash reference, the lines of output are returned in the referenced array or hash.
- cmd_remove_mode - toggle removal of echoed commands
$mode = $obj->cmd_remove_mode; $prev = $obj->cmd_remove_mode($mode);
This method controls how to deal with echoed back commands in the output returned by cmd(). Typically, when you send a command to the remote side, the first line of output returned is the command echoed back. Use this mode to remove the first line of output normally returned by cmd().
If no argument is given, the current mode is returned.
If $mode is
then the command output returned from cmd() has no lines removed. If $mode is a positive integer, then the first $mode lines of command output are stripped.By default, $mode is set to
. Auto means that whether or not the first line of command output is stripped, depends on whether or not the remote side offered to echo. By default, Net::Telnet always accepts an offer to echo by the remote side. You can change the default to reject such an offer usingoption_accept()
- dump_log - log all I/O in dump format
$fh = $obj->dump_log; $fh = $obj->dump_log($fh); $fh = $obj->dump_log($filename);
This method starts or stops dump format logging of all the object's input and output. The dump format shows the blocks read and written in a hexadecimal and printable character format. This method is useful when debugging, however you might want to first try
as it's more readable.If no argument is given, the current log filehandle is returned. A null string indicates logging is off.
To stop logging, use a null string as an argument.
If an open filehandle is given, it is used for logging and returned. Otherwise, the argument is assumed to be the name of a file, the file is opened and a filehandle to it is returned.
- eof - end of file indicator
$eof = $obj->eof;
This method indicates if end of file has been read. Because the input is buffered this isn't the same thing as $obj has closed. In other words $obj can be closed but there still can be stuff in the buffer to be read. Under this condition you can still read but you won't be able to write.
- errmode - define action to be performed on error
$mode = $obj->errmode; $prev = $obj->errmode($mode);
This method gets or sets the action used when errors are encountered using the object. The first calling sequence returns the current error mode. The second calling sequence sets it to $mode and returns the previous mode. Valid values for $mode are
(the default),"return"
, a coderef, or an arrayref.When mode is
and an error is encountered using the object, then an error message is printed to standard error and the program dies.When mode is
then the method generating the error places an error message in the object and returns the undefined value in a scalar context and a null list in list context. The error message may be obtained usingerrmsg()
.When mode is a coderef, then when an error is encountered coderef is called with the error message as its first argument. Using this mode you may have your own subroutine handle errors. If coderef itself returns then the method generating the error returns undefined or a null list depending on context.
When mode is an arrayref, the first element of the array must be a coderef. Any elements that follow are the arguments to coderef. When an error is encountered, the coderef is called with its arguments. Using this mode you may have your own subroutine handle errors. If the coderef itself returns then the method generating the error returns undefined or a null list depending on context.
- errmsg - most recent error message
$msg = $obj->errmsg; $prev = $obj->errmsg(@msgs);
The first calling sequence returns the error message associated with the object. The null string is returned if no error has been encountered yet. The second calling sequence sets the error message for the object to the concatenation of @msgs and returns the previous error message. Normally, error messages are set internally by a method when an error is encountered.
- error - perform the error mode action
This method concatenates @msgs into a string and places it in the object as the error message. Also see
. It then performs the error mode. Also seeerrmode()
.If the error mode doesn't cause the program to die then the undefined value or a null list is returned depending on context.
This method is primarily used by this class or a sub-class to perform the user requested action when an error is encountered.
- fhopen - use already open filehandle for I/O
$ok = $obj->fhopen($fh);
This method associates the open filehandle $fh with $obj for further I/O. Filehandle $fh must already be opened.
Suppose you want to use the features of this module to do I/O to something other than a TCP port, for example STDIN or a filehandle opened to read from a process. Instead of opening the object for I/O to a TCP port by using
, call this method instead.
- get - read block of data
$data = $obj->get([Timeout => $secs,]);
This method reads a block of data from the object and returns it along with any buffered data. If no buffered data is available to return, it will wait for data to read using the timeout specified in the object. You can override that timeout using $secs. Also see
. If buffered data is available to return, it also checks for a block of data that can be immediately read.On eof an undefined value is returned. On time-out or other errors the error mode action is performed.
An undefined value is returned for both eof and time-out when errmode is not set to
. Useeof()
to distinguish.
- getline - read next line
$line = $obj->getline([Timeout => $secs,]);
This method reads and returns the next line of data from the object. You can use
to change the notion of what separates a line. The default is"\n"
.If a line isn't immediately available, this method blocks waiting for a line or the timeout. You can override the object's timeout for this method using $secs. Also see
.On eof an undefined value is returned. On timeout or other errors the error mode action is performed.
An undefined value is returned for both eof and time-out when errmode is not set to
. Useeof()
to distinguish.
- getlines - read next lines
@lines = $obj->getlines([Timeout => $secs,]);
This method reads and returns the next available lines of data from the object. You can use
to change the notion of what separates a line. The default is"\n"
.If a line isn't immediately available, this method blocks waiting for one or more lines, or the timeout. You can override the object's timeout for this method using $secs. Also see
.On eof a null array is returned. On timeout or other errors the error mode action is performed.
A null array is returned for both eof and time-out when errmode is not set to
. Useeof()
to distinguish.
- host - name of remote host
$host = $obj->host; $prev = $obj->host($host);
This method designates the remote host. With no argument this method returns the current host name set in the object. With an argument it sets the current host name to $host and returns the previous host name. You may indicate the remote host using either a hostname or an IP address.
- input_log - log all input
$fh = $obj->input_log; $fh = $obj->input_log($fh); $fh = $obj->input_log($filename);
This method starts or stops logging of input. This is useful when debugging. Also see
. Because most command interpreters echo back commands received, its likely all your output will also be in this log. Note that input logging occurs after newline translation. Seebinmode()
for details on newline translation.If no argument is given, the log filehandle is returned. A null string indicates logging is off.
To stop logging, use a null string as an argument.
If an open filehandle is given, it is used for logging and returned. Otherwise, the argument is assumed to be the name of a file, the file is opened for logging and a filehandle to it is returned.
- input_record_separator - input line delimiter
$rs = $obj->input_record_separator; $prev = $obj->input_record_separator($rs);
This method designates the line delimiter for input. It's used with
, andcmd()
to determine lines in the input.With no argument this method returns the current input record separator set in the object. With an argument it sets the input record separator to $rs and returns the previous value.
- lastline - last line read
$line = $obj->lastline; $prev = $obj->lastline($line);
This method saves the last line read from the object. This may be a useful error message when the remote side abnormally closes the connection. Typically the remote side will print an error message before closing.
With no argument this method returns the last line read from the object. With an argument it sets the last line read to $line and returns the previous value. Normally, only internal methods set the last line.
- login - perform standard login
$ok = $obj->login($username, $password); $ok = $obj->login(Name => $username, Password => $password, [Prompt => $match,] [Timeout => $secs,]);
This method performs a standard login by waiting for a login prompt and responding with $username, then waiting for the password prompt and responding with $password, and then waiting for the command interpreter prompt. If any of those prompts sent by the remote side don't match what's expected, this method will timeout - unless timeout is turned off.
Login prompts must match either of the patterns:
/login[: ]*$/i /username[: ]*$/i
Password prompts must match the pattern:
/password[: ]*$/i
The command interpreter prompt must match the current setting of prompt.
to debug when this method keeps timing-out and you don't think it should.Optional named arguments are provided to override the current settings of prompt and timeout.
- max_buffer_length - maximum size of input buffer
$len = $obj->max_buffer_length; $prev = $obj->max_buffer_length($len);
This method designates the maximum size of the input buffer. An error is generated when a read causes the buffer to exceed this limit. The default value is 1,048,576 bytes (1MB). The input buffer can grow much larger than the block size when you continuously read using
and the data stream contains no newlines or matching waitfor patterns.With no argument this method returns the current maximum buffer length set in the object. With an argument it sets the maximum buffer length to $len and returns the previous value.
- open - connect to port on remote host
$ok = $obj->open($host); $ok = $obj->open([Host => $host,] [Port => $port,] [Timeout => $secs,]);
This method opens a TCP connection to $port on $host. If either argument is missing then the current value of
is used. An optional named argument is provided to override the current setting of timeout.On time-out or other connection errors, the error mode action is performed.
Timeouts don't work for this method on machines that don't implement SIGALRM - most notably Win32 machines. For those machines, an error is returned when the system reaches its own time-out while trying to connect.
A side effect of this method is to reset the alarm interval associated with SIGALRM.
- option_accept - indicate willingness to accept a TELNET option
$fh = $obj->option_accept([Do => $telopt,] [Dont => $telopt,] [Will => $telopt,] [Wont => $telopt,]);
This method is used to indicate whether to accept or reject an offer to enable a TELNET option made by the remote side. If you're using Do or Will to indicate a willingness to enable, then a notification callback must have already been defined by a prior call to
. Seeoption_callback()
for details on receiving enable/disable notification of a TELNET option.You can give multiple Do, Dont, Will, or Wont arguments for different TELNET options in the same call to this method.
The following example describes the meaning of the named arguments. A TELNET option, such as
used below, is an integer constant that you can import from Net::Telnet. See the source in file for the complete list.Do =>
we'll accept an offer to enable the echo option on the local side
Dont =>
we'll reject an offer to enable the echo option on the local side
Will =>
we'll accept an offer to enable the echo option on the remote side
Wont =>
we'll reject an offer to enable the echo option on the remote side
to send a request to the remote side to enable or disable a particular TELNET option.
- option_callback - define the option negotiation callback
$coderef = $obj->option_callback; $prev = $obj->option_callback($coderef);
This method defines the callback subroutine that's called when a TELNET option is enabled or disabled. Once defined, the option_callback may not be undefined. However, calling this method with a different $coderef changes it.
Here are the circumstances that invoke $coderef:
An option becomes enabled because the remote side requested an enable and
had been used to arrange that it be accepted.The remote side arbitrarily decides to disable an option that is currently enabled. Note that Net::Telnet always accepts a request to disable from the remote side.
was used to send a request to enable or disable an option and the response from the remote side has just been received. Note, that if a request to enable is rejected then $coderef is still invoked even though the option didn't change.
Here are the arguments passed to &$coderef:
&$coderef($obj, $option, $is_remote, $is_enabled, $was_enabled, $buf_position);
1. $obj is the Net::Telnet object
2. $option is the TELNET option. Net::Telnet exports constants for the various TELNET options which just equate to an integer.
3. $is_remote is a boolean indicating for which side the option applies.
4. $is_enabled is a boolean indicating the option is enabled or disabled
5. $was_enabled is a boolean indicating the option was previously enabled or disabled
6. $buf_position is an integer indicating the position in the object's input buffer where the option takes effect. See
to access the object's input buffer.
- option_log - log all TELNET options sent or received
$fh = $obj->option_log; $fh = $obj->option_log($fh); $fh = $obj->option_log($filename);
This method starts or stops logging of all TELNET options being sent or received. This is useful for debugging when you send options via
or you arrange to accept option requests from the remote side viaoption_accept()
. Also seedump_log()
.If no argument is given, the log filehandle is returned. A null string indicates logging is off.
To stop logging, use a null string as an argument.
If an open filehandle is given, it is used for logging and returned. Otherwise, the argument is assumed to be the name of a file, the file is opened for logging and a filehandle to it is returned.
- option_send - send TELNET option negotiation request
$ok = $obj->option_send([Do => $telopt,] [Dont => $telopt,] [Will => $telopt,] [Wont => $telopt,] [Async => $boolean,]);
This method is not yet implemented. Look for it in a future version.
- option_state - get current state of a TELNET option
$hashref = $obj->option_state($telopt);
This method returns a hashref containing a copy of the current state of TELNET option $telopt.
Here are the values returned in the hash:
boolean that indicates if the option is enabled on the remote side.
boolean that indicates if it's ok to accept an offer to enable this option on the remote side.
string used to hold the internal state of option negotiation for this option on the remote side.
boolean that indicates if the option is enabled on the local side.
boolean that indicates if it's ok to accept an offer to enable this option on the local side.
string used to hold the internal state of option negotiation for this option on the local side.
- output_field_separator - field separator for print
$ofs = $obj->output_field_separator; $prev = $obj->output_field_separator($ofs);
This method designates the output field separator for
. Ordinarily the print method simply prints out the comma separated fields you specify. Set this to specify what's printed between fields.With no argument this method returns the current output field separator set in the object. With an argument it sets the output field separator to $ofs and returns the previous value.
- output_log - log all output
$fh = $obj->output_log; $fh = $obj->output_log($fh); $fh = $obj->output_log($filename);
This method starts or stops logging of output. This is useful when debugging. Also see
. Because most command interpreters echo back commands received, its likely all your output would also be in an input log. Seeinput_log()
. Note that output logging occurs before newline translation. Seebinmode()
for details on newline translation.If no argument is given, the log filehandle is returned. A null string indicates logging is off.
To stop logging, use a null string as an argument.
If an open filehandle is given, it is used for logging and returned. Otherwise, the argument is assumed to be the name of a file, the file is opened for logging and a filehandle to it is returned.
- output_record_separator - output line delimiter
$ors = $obj->output_record_separator; $prev = $obj->output_record_separator($ors);
This method designates the output record separator for
. Ordinarily the print operator simply prints out the comma separated fields you specify, with no trailing newline or record separator assumed. Set this variable to specify what's printed at the end of the print.Note: the output record separator is set to
by default, so there's no need to append all your commands with a newline.With no argument this method returns the current output record separator set in the object. With an argument it sets the output record separator to $ors and returns the previous value.
- port - remote port
$port = $obj->port; $prev = $obj->port($port);
This method designates the remote TCP port. With no argument this method returns the current port number. With an argument it sets the current port number to $port and returns the previous port. If $port is a service name, then first it's converted to a port number using the perl function
- print - write to object
$ok = $obj->print(@list);
This method prints a string or a comma-separated list of strings to the opened object and returns non-zero if all data was successfully written.
By default, the
is set to"\n"
in order to have your commands automatically end with a newline. In most cases your output is being read by a command interpreter which won't accept a command until newline is read. This is similar to someone typing a command and hitting the return key.On failure, it's possible that some data was written. If you choose to try and recover from a print timing-out, use
to determine how much was written before time-out occurred.
- print_length - number of bytes written by print
$num = $obj->print_length;
This returns the number of bytes successfully written by the most recent
- prompt - pattern to match a prompt
$matchop = $obj->prompt; $prev = $obj->prompt($matchop);
This method sets the pattern used to find a prompt in the input stream. It must be a string representing a valid perl pattern match operator. The methods
try to read until matching the prompt. They will fail with a time-out error if the pattern you've chosen doesn't match what the remote side sends.With no argument this method returns the prompt set in the object. With an argument it sets the prompt to $matchop and returns the previous value.
The default prompt is
'/[\$%#>] $/'
Always use single quotes, instead of double quotes, to construct $matchop (e.g.
'/bash\$ $/'
). If you're constructing a DOS like file path, you'll need to use four backslashes to represent one (e.g.'/c:\\\\users\\\\bill>$/i'
).Of course don't forget about regexp metacharacters like
, or$
. You'll only need a single backslash to quote them. The anchor metacharacters^
refer to positions in the input buffer.
- telnetmode - turn off/on telnet command interpretation
$mode = $obj->telnetmode; $prev = $obj->telnetmode($mode);
This method controls whether or not TELNET commands in the data stream are recognized and handled. The TELNET protocol uses certain character sequences sent in the data stream to control the session. If the port you're connecting to isn't using the TELNET protocol, then you should turn this mode off. The default is on.
If no argument is given, the current mode is returned.
If $mode is
then telnet mode is off. If $mode is1
then telnet mode is on.
- timed_out - time-out indicator
$boolean = $obj->timed_out; $prev = $obj->timed_out($boolean);
This method indicates if a previous read or write method timed-out.
With no argument this method returns true if a previous method timed-out. With an argument it sets the indicator. Normally, only internal methods set this indicator.
- timeout - I/O time-out interval
$secs = $obj->timeout; $prev = $obj->timeout($secs);
This method sets the timeout interval that's used when performing I/O or connecting to a port. When a method doesn't complete within the timeout interval then it's an error and the error mode action is performed.
The timeout may be expressed as a relative or absolute value. If $secs is greater than or equal to the time the program was started, as determined by $^T, then it's the absolute time when timeout occurs. Also see the perl function
. A relative timeout happens $secs from when the I/O method begins.If $secs is
then timeout occurs if the data cannot be immediately read or written. Use the undefined value to turn off timing-out.With no argument this method returns the timeout set in the object. With an argument it sets the timeout to $secs and returns the previous value.
- waitfor - wait for pattern in the input
$ok = $obj->waitfor($matchop); $ok = $obj->waitfor([Match => $matchop,] [String => $string,] [Timeout => $secs,]); ($prematch, $match) = $obj->waitfor($matchop); ($prematch, $match) = $obj->waitfor([Match => $matchop,] [String => $string,] [Timeout => $secs,]);
This method reads until a pattern match or string is found in the input stream. All the characters before and including the match are removed from the input stream. On time-out, eof, or other errors the error mode action is performed.
In an array context the characters before the match and the matched characters are returned in $prematch and $match.
You can specify more than one pattern or string by simply providing multiple Match and/or String named arguments. A $matchop must be a string representing a valid Perl pattern match operator. The $string is just a substring to find in the input stream.
to debug when this method keeps timing-out and you don't think it should.An optional named argument is provided to override the current setting of timeout.
To avoid unexpected backslash interpretation, always use single quotes instead of double quotes to construct a match operator argument for
(e.g.'/bash\$ $/'
). If you're constructing a DOS like file path, you'll need to use four backslashes to represent one (e.g.'/c:\\\\users\\\\bill>$/i'
).Of course don't forget about regexp metacharacters like
, or$
. You'll only need a single backslash to quote them. The anchor metacharacters^
refer to positions in the input buffer.
- RFC 854
TELNET Protocol Specification
- RFC 1143
Q Method of Implementing TELNET Option Negotiation
- TELNET Option Assignments
This example gets the current weather forecast for Brainerd, Minnesota.
my($forecast, $t);
use Net::Telnet ();
$t = new Net::Telnet;
## Wait for first prompt and "hit return".
## Wait for second prompt and respond with city code.
$t->waitfor('/city code.*$/');
## Read and print the first page of forecast.
($forecast) = $t->waitfor('/[ \t]+press return to continue/i');
print $forecast;
This example checks a POP server to see if you have mail.
my($hostname, $line, $passwd, $pop, $username);
$hostname = "your_destination_host_here";
$username = "your_username_here";
$passwd = "your_password_here";
use Net::Telnet ();
$pop = new Net::Telnet (Telnetmode => 0);
$pop->open(Host => $hostname,
Port => 110);
## Read connection message.
$line = $pop->getline;
die $line unless $line =~ /^\+OK/;
## Send user name.
$pop->print("user $username");
$line = $pop->getline;
die $line unless $line =~ /^\+OK/;
## Send password.
$pop->print("pass $passwd");
$line = $pop->getline;
die $line unless $line =~ /^\+OK/;
## Request status of messages.
$line = $pop->getline;
print $line;
Here's an example you can use to down load a file of any type. The file is read from the remote host's standard output using cat. To prevent any output processing, the remote host's standard output is put in raw mode using the Bourne shell. The Bourne shell is used because some shells, notably tcsh, prevent changing tty modes. Upon completion, FTP style statistics are printed to stderr.
my($block, $filename, $host, $hostname, $k_per_sec, $line,
$num_read, $passwd, $prevblock, $prompt, $size, $size_bsd,
$size_sysv, $start_time, $total_time, $username);
$hostname = "your_destination_host_here";
$username = "your_username_here";
$passwd = "your_password_here";
$filename = "your_download_file_here";
## Connect and login.
use Net::Telnet ();
$host = new Net::Telnet (Timeout => 30,
Prompt => '/[%#>] $/');
$host->login($username, $passwd);
## Make sure prompt won't match anything in send data.
$prompt = '_funkyPrompt_';
$host->cmd("set prompt = '$prompt'");
## Get size of file.
($line) = $host->cmd("/usr/bin/ls -l $filename");
($size_bsd, $size_sysv) = (split ' ', $line)[3,4];
if ($size_sysv =~ /^\d+$/) {
$size = $size_sysv;
elsif ($size_bsd =~ /^\d+$/) {
$size = $size_bsd;
else {
die "$filename: no such file on $hostname";
## Start sending the file.
binmode STDOUT;
$host->print("/usr/bin/sh -c 'stty raw; cat $filename'");
$host->getline; # discard echoed back line
## Read file a block at a time.
$num_read = 0;
$prevblock = '';
$start_time = time;
while (($block = $host->get) and ($block !~ /$prompt$/o)) {
if (length $block >= length $prompt) {
print $prevblock;
$num_read += length $prevblock;
$prevblock = $block;
else {
$prevblock .= $block;
## Print last block without trailing prompt.
$prevblock .= $block;
$prevblock =~ s/$prompt$//;
print $prevblock;
$num_read += length $prevblock;
die "error: expected size $size, received size $num_read\n"
unless $num_read == $size;
## Print totals.
$total_time = (time - $start_time) || 1;
$k_per_sec = ($size / 1024) / $total_time;
$k_per_sec = sprintf "%3.1f", $k_per_sec;
warn("$num_read bytes received in $total_time seconds ",
"($k_per_sec Kbytes/s)\n");
Here's an example that shows how to talk to a program that must communicate via a terminal. In this case we're talking to the telnet program via a pseudo-terminal. We use the Comm package to start the telnet program and return a filehandle to the pseudo-terminal. This example sends some initial commands and then allows the user to type commands to the telnet session.
my($comm_pty, $host, $hostname, $passwd, $pty,
$username, @lines);
$hostname = "your_host_here";
$username = "your_name_here";
$passwd = "your_passwd_here";
## Start the telnet program so we can talk to it via a
## pseudo-terminal.
local $^W = 0; # isn't warning clean
require "";
&Comm::init("close_it", "interact",
"open_proc", "stty_raw", "stty_sane");
$comm_pty = &open_proc("telnet $hostname")
or die "open_proc failed";
## Unfortunately the Comm package doesn't
## return us a fully qualified filehandle. We
## must keep the filehandle Comm returned for
## its use and we must build another filehandle
## qualified with the current package for our
## use.
$pty = "main::" . $comm_pty;
## Obtain a new Net::Telnet object that does I/O to the
## pseudo-terminal attached to the running telnet
## program. The "Telnetmode" is "off" because we're
## not talking directly to a telnet port as we normally
## do, we're talking to a pseudo-terminal. The
## "Output_record_separator" is now a carriage return
## because that's what you'd normally hit when you get
## done typing a line at a terminal.
use Net::Telnet ();
$host = new Net::Telnet (Fhopen => $pty,
Timeout => 10,
Prompt => '/[\$%#>] $/',
Output_record_separator => "\r",
Telnetmode => 0,
Cmd_remove_mode => 1);
## Issue some commands.
$host->login($username, $passwd);
$host->cmd("setenv DISPLAY $ENV{DISPLAY}");
print $host->cmd("who");
## Allow the user to interact with telnet program until
## they exit.
no strict 'subs'; # so we can refer to STDIN
local $^W = 0; # isn't warning clean
print "Exited telnet\n";
Jay Rogers <>
Copyright (c) 1997 Jay Rogers. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
2 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 3621:
Expected text after =item, not a bullet
- Around line 3666:
Expected text after =item, not a bullet