Paws::SSM::PutComplianceItems - Arguments for method PutComplianceItems on Paws::SSM


This class represents the parameters used for calling the method PutComplianceItems on the Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM) service. Use the attributes of this class as arguments to method PutComplianceItems.

You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the call to PutComplianceItems.


my $ssm = Paws->service('SSM');
my $PutComplianceItemsResult = $ssm->PutComplianceItems(
  ComplianceType   => 'MyComplianceTypeName',
  ExecutionSummary => {
    ExecutionTime => '1970-01-01T01:00:00',
    ExecutionId   => 'MyComplianceExecutionId',      # max: 100; OPTIONAL
    ExecutionType => 'MyComplianceExecutionType',    # max: 50; OPTIONAL
  Items => [
      Severity => 'CRITICAL'
      Status  => 'COMPLIANT',    # values: COMPLIANT, NON_COMPLIANT
      Details => {
        'MyAttributeName' =>
          'MyAttributeValue',    # key: min: 1, max: 64, value: max: 4096
      },    # OPTIONAL
      Id    => 'MyComplianceItemId',       # OPTIONAL
      Title => 'MyComplianceItemTitle',    # max: 500; OPTIONAL
  ResourceId      => 'MyComplianceResourceId',
  ResourceType    => 'MyComplianceResourceType',
  ItemContentHash => 'MyComplianceItemContentHash',    # OPTIONAL
  UploadType      => 'COMPLETE',                       # OPTIONAL

Values for attributes that are native types (Int, String, Float, etc) can passed as-is (scalar values). Values for complex Types (objects) can be passed as a HashRef. The keys and values of the hashref will be used to instance the underlying object. For the AWS API documentation, see


REQUIRED ComplianceType => Str

Specify the compliance type. For example, specify Association (for a State Manager association), Patch, or Custom:string.

REQUIRED ExecutionSummary => Paws::SSM::ComplianceExecutionSummary

A summary of the call execution that includes an execution ID, the type of execution (for example, Command), and the date/time of the execution using a datetime object that is saved in the following format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'.

ItemContentHash => Str

MD5 or SHA-256 content hash. The content hash is used to determine if existing information should be overwritten or ignored. If the content hashes match, the request to put compliance information is ignored.

REQUIRED Items => ArrayRef[Paws::SSM::ComplianceItemEntry]

Information about the compliance as defined by the resource type. For example, for a patch compliance type, Items includes information about the PatchSeverity, Classification, and so on.

REQUIRED ResourceId => Str

Specify an ID for this resource. For a managed instance, this is the instance ID.

REQUIRED ResourceType => Str

Specify the type of resource. ManagedInstance is currently the only supported resource type.

UploadType => Str

The mode for uploading compliance items. You can specify COMPLETE or PARTIAL. In COMPLETE mode, the system overwrites all existing compliance information for the resource. You must provide a full list of compliance items each time you send the request.

In PARTIAL mode, the system overwrites compliance information for a specific association. The association must be configured with SyncCompliance set to MANUAL. By default, all requests use COMPLETE mode.

This attribute is only valid for association compliance.

Valid values are: "COMPLETE", "PARTIAL"


This class forms part of Paws, documenting arguments for method PutComplianceItems in Paws::SSM


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