Paws::Firehose::CreateDeliveryStream - Arguments for method CreateDeliveryStream on Paws::Firehose


This class represents the parameters used for calling the method CreateDeliveryStream on the Amazon Kinesis Firehose service. Use the attributes of this class as arguments to method CreateDeliveryStream.

You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the call to CreateDeliveryStream.


my $firehose = Paws->service('Firehose');
my $CreateDeliveryStreamOutput = $firehose->CreateDeliveryStream(
  DeliveryStreamName                         => 'MyDeliveryStreamName',
  DeliveryStreamEncryptionConfigurationInput => {
    KeyType =>
    KeyARN => 'MyAWSKMSKeyARN',    # min: 1, max: 512; OPTIONAL
  },    # OPTIONAL
  DeliveryStreamType                    => 'DirectPut',    # OPTIONAL
  ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration => {
    IndexName       => 'MyElasticsearchIndexName',    # min: 1, max: 80
    RoleARN         => 'MyRoleARN',                   # min: 1, max: 512
    S3Configuration => {
      BucketARN      => 'MyBucketARN',                # min: 1, max: 2048
      RoleARN        => 'MyRoleARN',                  # min: 1, max: 512
      BufferingHints => {
        IntervalInSeconds => 1,    # min: 60, max: 900; OPTIONAL
        SizeInMBs         => 1,    # min: 1, max: 128; OPTIONAL
      },    # OPTIONAL
      CloudWatchLoggingOptions => {
        Enabled       => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
        LogGroupName  => 'MyLogGroupName',     # max: 512; OPTIONAL
        LogStreamName => 'MyLogStreamName',    # max: 512; OPTIONAL
      },    # OPTIONAL
      CompressionFormat => 'UNCOMPRESSED'
      EncryptionConfiguration => {
        KMSEncryptionConfig => {
          AWSKMSKeyARN => 'MyAWSKMSKeyARN',    # min: 1, max: 512; OPTIONAL

        },    # OPTIONAL
        NoEncryptionConfig =>
          'NoEncryption',    # values: NoEncryption; OPTIONAL
      },    # OPTIONAL
      ErrorOutputPrefix => 'MyErrorOutputPrefix',    # max: 1024; OPTIONAL
      Prefix            => 'MyPrefix',               # max: 1024; OPTIONAL
    BufferingHints => {
      IntervalInSeconds => 1,    # min: 60, max: 900; OPTIONAL
      SizeInMBs         => 1,    # min: 1, max: 100; OPTIONAL
    },    # OPTIONAL
    CloudWatchLoggingOptions => {
      Enabled       => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
      LogGroupName  => 'MyLogGroupName',     # max: 512; OPTIONAL
      LogStreamName => 'MyLogStreamName',    # max: 512; OPTIONAL
    },    # OPTIONAL
    ClusterEndpoint =>
      'MyElasticsearchClusterEndpoint',    # min: 1, max: 512; OPTIONAL
    DomainARN => 'MyElasticsearchDomainARN',    # min: 1, max: 512; OPTIONAL
    IndexRotationPeriod => 'NoRotation'
    ,    # values: NoRotation, OneHour, OneDay, OneWeek, OneMonth; OPTIONAL
    ProcessingConfiguration => {
      Enabled    => 1,    # OPTIONAL
      Processors => [
          Type       => 'Lambda',    # values: Lambda
          Parameters => [
              ParameterName => 'LambdaArn'
              , # values: LambdaArn, NumberOfRetries, RoleArn, BufferSizeInMBs, BufferIntervalInSeconds
              ParameterValue =>
                'MyProcessorParameterValue',    # min: 1, max: 512

          ],    # OPTIONAL
      ],    # OPTIONAL
    },    # OPTIONAL
    RetryOptions => {
      DurationInSeconds => 1,    # max: 7200; OPTIONAL
    },    # OPTIONAL
    S3BackupMode => 'FailedDocumentsOnly'
    ,     # values: FailedDocumentsOnly, AllDocuments; OPTIONAL
    TypeName         => 'MyElasticsearchTypeName',    # max: 100; OPTIONAL
    VpcConfiguration => {
      RoleARN          => 'MyRoleARN',                # min: 1, max: 512
      SecurityGroupIds => [
        'MyNonEmptyStringWithoutWhitespace', ...      # min: 1, max: 1024
      ],    # min: 1, max: 5
      SubnetIds => [
        'MyNonEmptyStringWithoutWhitespace', ...    # min: 1, max: 1024
      ],    # min: 1, max: 16

    },    # OPTIONAL
  },    # OPTIONAL
  ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration => {
    BucketARN      => 'MyBucketARN',    # min: 1, max: 2048
    RoleARN        => 'MyRoleARN',      # min: 1, max: 512
    BufferingHints => {
      IntervalInSeconds => 1,           # min: 60, max: 900; OPTIONAL
      SizeInMBs         => 1,           # min: 1, max: 128; OPTIONAL
    },    # OPTIONAL
    CloudWatchLoggingOptions => {
      Enabled       => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
      LogGroupName  => 'MyLogGroupName',     # max: 512; OPTIONAL
      LogStreamName => 'MyLogStreamName',    # max: 512; OPTIONAL
    },    # OPTIONAL
    CompressionFormat => 'UNCOMPRESSED'
    DataFormatConversionConfiguration => {
      Enabled                  => 1,    # OPTIONAL
      InputFormatConfiguration => {
        Deserializer => {
          HiveJsonSerDe => {
            TimestampFormats => [
              'MyNonEmptyString', ...    # min: 1, max: 1024
            ],    # OPTIONAL
          },    # OPTIONAL
          OpenXJsonSerDe => {
            CaseInsensitive         => 1,    # OPTIONAL
            ColumnToJsonKeyMappings => {
              'MyNonEmptyStringWithoutWhitespace' => 'MyNonEmptyString'
              ,    # key: min: 1, max: 1024, value: min: 1, max: 1024
            },    # OPTIONAL
            ConvertDotsInJsonKeysToUnderscores => 1,    # OPTIONAL
          },    # OPTIONAL
        },    # OPTIONAL
      },    # OPTIONAL
      OutputFormatConfiguration => {
        Serializer => {
          OrcSerDe => {
            BlockSizeBytes     => 1,    # min: 67108864; OPTIONAL
            BloomFilterColumns => [
              'MyNonEmptyStringWithoutWhitespace', ...   # min: 1, max: 1024
            ],    # OPTIONAL
            BloomFilterFalsePositiveProbability => 1,    # max: 1; OPTIONAL
            Compression => 'NONE',    # values: NONE, ZLIB, SNAPPY; OPTIONAL
            DictionaryKeyThreshold => 1,    # max: 1; OPTIONAL
            EnablePadding          => 1,    # OPTIONAL
            FormatVersion    => 'V0_11',    # values: V0_11, V0_12; OPTIONAL
            PaddingTolerance => 1,          # max: 1; OPTIONAL
            RowIndexStride   => 1,          # min: 1000; OPTIONAL
            StripeSizeBytes  => 1,          # min: 8388608; OPTIONAL
          },    # OPTIONAL
          ParquetSerDe => {
            BlockSizeBytes => 1,    # min: 67108864; OPTIONAL
            Compression    =>
            EnableDictionaryCompression => 1,     # OPTIONAL
            MaxPaddingBytes             => 1,     # OPTIONAL
            PageSizeBytes               => 1,     # min: 65536; OPTIONAL
            WriterVersion               => 'V1',  # values: V1, V2; OPTIONAL
          },    # OPTIONAL
        },    # OPTIONAL
      },    # OPTIONAL
      SchemaConfiguration => {
        CatalogId =>
          'MyNonEmptyStringWithoutWhitespace',    # min: 1, max: 1024
        DatabaseName =>
          'MyNonEmptyStringWithoutWhitespace',    # min: 1, max: 1024
        Region  => 'MyNonEmptyStringWithoutWhitespace',  # min: 1, max: 1024
        RoleARN => 'MyNonEmptyStringWithoutWhitespace',  # min: 1, max: 1024
        TableName =>
          'MyNonEmptyStringWithoutWhitespace',           # min: 1, max: 1024
        VersionId =>
          'MyNonEmptyStringWithoutWhitespace',           # min: 1, max: 1024
      },    # OPTIONAL
    },    # OPTIONAL
    EncryptionConfiguration => {
      KMSEncryptionConfig => {
        AWSKMSKeyARN => 'MyAWSKMSKeyARN',    # min: 1, max: 512; OPTIONAL

      },    # OPTIONAL
      NoEncryptionConfig => 'NoEncryption', # values: NoEncryption; OPTIONAL
    },    # OPTIONAL
    ErrorOutputPrefix       => 'MyErrorOutputPrefix',  # max: 1024; OPTIONAL
    Prefix                  => 'MyPrefix',             # max: 1024; OPTIONAL
    ProcessingConfiguration => {
      Enabled    => 1,                                 # OPTIONAL
      Processors => [
          Type       => 'Lambda',                      # values: Lambda
          Parameters => [
              ParameterName => 'LambdaArn'
              , # values: LambdaArn, NumberOfRetries, RoleArn, BufferSizeInMBs, BufferIntervalInSeconds
              ParameterValue =>
                'MyProcessorParameterValue',    # min: 1, max: 512

          ],    # OPTIONAL
      ],    # OPTIONAL
    },    # OPTIONAL
    S3BackupConfiguration => {
      BucketARN      => 'MyBucketARN',    # min: 1, max: 2048
      RoleARN        => 'MyRoleARN',      # min: 1, max: 512
      BufferingHints => {
        IntervalInSeconds => 1,           # min: 60, max: 900; OPTIONAL
        SizeInMBs         => 1,           # min: 1, max: 128; OPTIONAL
      },    # OPTIONAL
      CloudWatchLoggingOptions => {
        Enabled       => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
        LogGroupName  => 'MyLogGroupName',     # max: 512; OPTIONAL
        LogStreamName => 'MyLogStreamName',    # max: 512; OPTIONAL
      },    # OPTIONAL
      CompressionFormat => 'UNCOMPRESSED'
      EncryptionConfiguration => {
        KMSEncryptionConfig => {
          AWSKMSKeyARN => 'MyAWSKMSKeyARN',    # min: 1, max: 512; OPTIONAL

        },    # OPTIONAL
        NoEncryptionConfig =>
          'NoEncryption',    # values: NoEncryption; OPTIONAL
      },    # OPTIONAL
      ErrorOutputPrefix => 'MyErrorOutputPrefix',    # max: 1024; OPTIONAL
      Prefix            => 'MyPrefix',               # max: 1024; OPTIONAL
    S3BackupMode => 'Disabled',    # values: Disabled, Enabled; OPTIONAL
  },    # OPTIONAL
  HttpEndpointDestinationConfiguration => {
    EndpointConfiguration => {
      Url       => 'MyHttpEndpointUrl',         # min: 1, max: 1000
      AccessKey => 'MyHttpEndpointAccessKey',   # max: 4096; OPTIONAL
      Name      => 'MyHttpEndpointName',        # min: 1, max: 256; OPTIONAL
    S3Configuration => {
      BucketARN      => 'MyBucketARN',          # min: 1, max: 2048
      RoleARN        => 'MyRoleARN',            # min: 1, max: 512
      BufferingHints => {
        IntervalInSeconds => 1,    # min: 60, max: 900; OPTIONAL
        SizeInMBs         => 1,    # min: 1, max: 128; OPTIONAL
      },    # OPTIONAL
      CloudWatchLoggingOptions => {
        Enabled       => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
        LogGroupName  => 'MyLogGroupName',     # max: 512; OPTIONAL
        LogStreamName => 'MyLogStreamName',    # max: 512; OPTIONAL
      },    # OPTIONAL
      CompressionFormat => 'UNCOMPRESSED'
      EncryptionConfiguration => {
        KMSEncryptionConfig => {
          AWSKMSKeyARN => 'MyAWSKMSKeyARN',    # min: 1, max: 512; OPTIONAL

        },    # OPTIONAL
        NoEncryptionConfig =>
          'NoEncryption',    # values: NoEncryption; OPTIONAL
      },    # OPTIONAL
      ErrorOutputPrefix => 'MyErrorOutputPrefix',    # max: 1024; OPTIONAL
      Prefix            => 'MyPrefix',               # max: 1024; OPTIONAL
    BufferingHints => {
      IntervalInSeconds => 1,    # min: 60, max: 900; OPTIONAL
      SizeInMBs         => 1,    # min: 1, max: 64; OPTIONAL
    },    # OPTIONAL
    CloudWatchLoggingOptions => {
      Enabled       => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
      LogGroupName  => 'MyLogGroupName',     # max: 512; OPTIONAL
      LogStreamName => 'MyLogStreamName',    # max: 512; OPTIONAL
    },    # OPTIONAL
    ProcessingConfiguration => {
      Enabled    => 1,    # OPTIONAL
      Processors => [
          Type       => 'Lambda',    # values: Lambda
          Parameters => [
              ParameterName => 'LambdaArn'
              , # values: LambdaArn, NumberOfRetries, RoleArn, BufferSizeInMBs, BufferIntervalInSeconds
              ParameterValue =>
                'MyProcessorParameterValue',    # min: 1, max: 512

          ],    # OPTIONAL
      ],    # OPTIONAL
    },    # OPTIONAL
    RequestConfiguration => {
      CommonAttributes => [
          AttributeName => 'MyHttpEndpointAttributeName', # min: 1, max: 256
          AttributeValue => 'MyHttpEndpointAttributeValue',    # max: 1024

      ],    # max: 50; OPTIONAL
      ContentEncoding => 'NONE',    # values: NONE, GZIP; OPTIONAL
    },    # OPTIONAL
    RetryOptions => {
      DurationInSeconds => 1,    # max: 7200; OPTIONAL
    },    # OPTIONAL
    RoleARN      => 'MyRoleARN',    # min: 1, max: 512
    S3BackupMode =>
      'FailedDataOnly',    # values: FailedDataOnly, AllData; OPTIONAL
  },    # OPTIONAL
  KinesisStreamSourceConfiguration => {
    KinesisStreamARN => 'MyKinesisStreamARN',    # min: 1, max: 512
    RoleARN          => 'MyRoleARN',             # min: 1, max: 512

  },    # OPTIONAL
  RedshiftDestinationConfiguration => {
    ClusterJDBCURL => 'MyClusterJDBCURL',    # min: 1, max: 512
    CopyCommand    => {
      DataTableName    => 'MyDataTableName',       # min: 1, max: 512
      CopyOptions      => 'MyCopyOptions',         # max: 204800; OPTIONAL
      DataTableColumns => 'MyDataTableColumns',    # max: 204800; OPTIONAL
    Password        => 'MyPassword',               # min: 6, max: 512
    RoleARN         => 'MyRoleARN',                # min: 1, max: 512
    S3Configuration => {
      BucketARN      => 'MyBucketARN',             # min: 1, max: 2048
      RoleARN        => 'MyRoleARN',               # min: 1, max: 512
      BufferingHints => {
        IntervalInSeconds => 1,    # min: 60, max: 900; OPTIONAL
        SizeInMBs         => 1,    # min: 1, max: 128; OPTIONAL
      },    # OPTIONAL
      CloudWatchLoggingOptions => {
        Enabled       => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
        LogGroupName  => 'MyLogGroupName',     # max: 512; OPTIONAL
        LogStreamName => 'MyLogStreamName',    # max: 512; OPTIONAL
      },    # OPTIONAL
      CompressionFormat => 'UNCOMPRESSED'
      EncryptionConfiguration => {
        KMSEncryptionConfig => {
          AWSKMSKeyARN => 'MyAWSKMSKeyARN',    # min: 1, max: 512; OPTIONAL

        },    # OPTIONAL
        NoEncryptionConfig =>
          'NoEncryption',    # values: NoEncryption; OPTIONAL
      },    # OPTIONAL
      ErrorOutputPrefix => 'MyErrorOutputPrefix',    # max: 1024; OPTIONAL
      Prefix            => 'MyPrefix',               # max: 1024; OPTIONAL
    Username                 => 'MyUsername',        # min: 1, max: 512
    CloudWatchLoggingOptions => {
      Enabled       => 1,                            # OPTIONAL
      LogGroupName  => 'MyLogGroupName',             # max: 512; OPTIONAL
      LogStreamName => 'MyLogStreamName',            # max: 512; OPTIONAL
    },    # OPTIONAL
    ProcessingConfiguration => {
      Enabled    => 1,    # OPTIONAL
      Processors => [
          Type       => 'Lambda',    # values: Lambda
          Parameters => [
              ParameterName => 'LambdaArn'
              , # values: LambdaArn, NumberOfRetries, RoleArn, BufferSizeInMBs, BufferIntervalInSeconds
              ParameterValue =>
                'MyProcessorParameterValue',    # min: 1, max: 512

          ],    # OPTIONAL
      ],    # OPTIONAL
    },    # OPTIONAL
    RetryOptions => {
      DurationInSeconds => 1,    # max: 7200; OPTIONAL
    },    # OPTIONAL
    S3BackupConfiguration => {
      BucketARN      => 'MyBucketARN',    # min: 1, max: 2048
      RoleARN        => 'MyRoleARN',      # min: 1, max: 512
      BufferingHints => {
        IntervalInSeconds => 1,           # min: 60, max: 900; OPTIONAL
        SizeInMBs         => 1,           # min: 1, max: 128; OPTIONAL
      },    # OPTIONAL
      CloudWatchLoggingOptions => {
        Enabled       => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
        LogGroupName  => 'MyLogGroupName',     # max: 512; OPTIONAL
        LogStreamName => 'MyLogStreamName',    # max: 512; OPTIONAL
      },    # OPTIONAL
      CompressionFormat => 'UNCOMPRESSED'
      EncryptionConfiguration => {
        KMSEncryptionConfig => {
          AWSKMSKeyARN => 'MyAWSKMSKeyARN',    # min: 1, max: 512; OPTIONAL

        },    # OPTIONAL
        NoEncryptionConfig =>
          'NoEncryption',    # values: NoEncryption; OPTIONAL
      },    # OPTIONAL
      ErrorOutputPrefix => 'MyErrorOutputPrefix',    # max: 1024; OPTIONAL
      Prefix            => 'MyPrefix',               # max: 1024; OPTIONAL
    S3BackupMode => 'Disabled',    # values: Disabled, Enabled; OPTIONAL
  },    # OPTIONAL
  S3DestinationConfiguration => {
    BucketARN      => 'MyBucketARN',    # min: 1, max: 2048
    RoleARN        => 'MyRoleARN',      # min: 1, max: 512
    BufferingHints => {
      IntervalInSeconds => 1,           # min: 60, max: 900; OPTIONAL
      SizeInMBs         => 1,           # min: 1, max: 128; OPTIONAL
    },    # OPTIONAL
    CloudWatchLoggingOptions => {
      Enabled       => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
      LogGroupName  => 'MyLogGroupName',     # max: 512; OPTIONAL
      LogStreamName => 'MyLogStreamName',    # max: 512; OPTIONAL
    },    # OPTIONAL
    CompressionFormat => 'UNCOMPRESSED'
    EncryptionConfiguration => {
      KMSEncryptionConfig => {
        AWSKMSKeyARN => 'MyAWSKMSKeyARN',    # min: 1, max: 512; OPTIONAL

      },    # OPTIONAL
      NoEncryptionConfig => 'NoEncryption', # values: NoEncryption; OPTIONAL
    },    # OPTIONAL
    ErrorOutputPrefix => 'MyErrorOutputPrefix',    # max: 1024; OPTIONAL
    Prefix            => 'MyPrefix',               # max: 1024; OPTIONAL
  },    # OPTIONAL
  SplunkDestinationConfiguration => {
    HECEndpoint     => 'MyHECEndpoint',    # max: 2048
    HECEndpointType => 'Raw',              # values: Raw, Event
    HECToken        => 'MyHECToken',       # max: 2048
    S3Configuration => {
      BucketARN      => 'MyBucketARN',     # min: 1, max: 2048
      RoleARN        => 'MyRoleARN',       # min: 1, max: 512
      BufferingHints => {
        IntervalInSeconds => 1,            # min: 60, max: 900; OPTIONAL
        SizeInMBs         => 1,            # min: 1, max: 128; OPTIONAL
      },    # OPTIONAL
      CloudWatchLoggingOptions => {
        Enabled       => 1,                    # OPTIONAL
        LogGroupName  => 'MyLogGroupName',     # max: 512; OPTIONAL
        LogStreamName => 'MyLogStreamName',    # max: 512; OPTIONAL
      },    # OPTIONAL
      CompressionFormat => 'UNCOMPRESSED'
      EncryptionConfiguration => {
        KMSEncryptionConfig => {
          AWSKMSKeyARN => 'MyAWSKMSKeyARN',    # min: 1, max: 512; OPTIONAL

        },    # OPTIONAL
        NoEncryptionConfig =>
          'NoEncryption',    # values: NoEncryption; OPTIONAL
      },    # OPTIONAL
      ErrorOutputPrefix => 'MyErrorOutputPrefix',    # max: 1024; OPTIONAL
      Prefix            => 'MyPrefix',               # max: 1024; OPTIONAL
    CloudWatchLoggingOptions => {
      Enabled       => 1,                            # OPTIONAL
      LogGroupName  => 'MyLogGroupName',             # max: 512; OPTIONAL
      LogStreamName => 'MyLogStreamName',            # max: 512; OPTIONAL
    },    # OPTIONAL
    HECAcknowledgmentTimeoutInSeconds => 1,   # min: 180, max: 600; OPTIONAL
    ProcessingConfiguration           => {
      Enabled    => 1,                        # OPTIONAL
      Processors => [
          Type       => 'Lambda',             # values: Lambda
          Parameters => [
              ParameterName => 'LambdaArn'
              , # values: LambdaArn, NumberOfRetries, RoleArn, BufferSizeInMBs, BufferIntervalInSeconds
              ParameterValue =>
                'MyProcessorParameterValue',    # min: 1, max: 512

          ],    # OPTIONAL
      ],    # OPTIONAL
    },    # OPTIONAL
    RetryOptions => {
      DurationInSeconds => 1,    # max: 7200; OPTIONAL
    },    # OPTIONAL
    S3BackupMode =>
      'FailedEventsOnly',    # values: FailedEventsOnly, AllEvents; OPTIONAL
  },    # OPTIONAL
  Tags => [
      Key   => 'MyTagKey',      # min: 1, max: 128
      Value => 'MyTagValue',    # max: 256; OPTIONAL
  ],    # OPTIONAL

# Results:
my $DeliveryStreamARN = $CreateDeliveryStreamOutput->DeliveryStreamARN;

# Returns a L<Paws::Firehose::CreateDeliveryStreamOutput> object.

Values for attributes that are native types (Int, String, Float, etc) can passed as-is (scalar values). Values for complex Types (objects) can be passed as a HashRef. The keys and values of the hashref will be used to instance the underlying object. For the AWS API documentation, see


DeliveryStreamEncryptionConfigurationInput => Paws::Firehose::DeliveryStreamEncryptionConfigurationInput

Used to specify the type and Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the KMS key needed for Server-Side Encryption (SSE).

REQUIRED DeliveryStreamName => Str

The name of the delivery stream. This name must be unique per AWS account in the same AWS Region. If the delivery streams are in different accounts or different Regions, you can have multiple delivery streams with the same name.

DeliveryStreamType => Str

The delivery stream type. This parameter can be one of the following values:

  • DirectPut: Provider applications access the delivery stream directly.

  • KinesisStreamAsSource: The delivery stream uses a Kinesis data stream as a source.

Valid values are: "DirectPut", "KinesisStreamAsSource"

ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration => Paws::Firehose::ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration

The destination in Amazon ES. You can specify only one destination.

ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration => Paws::Firehose::ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration

The destination in Amazon S3. You can specify only one destination.

HttpEndpointDestinationConfiguration => Paws::Firehose::HttpEndpointDestinationConfiguration

Enables configuring Kinesis Firehose to deliver data to any HTTP endpoint destination. You can specify only one destination.

KinesisStreamSourceConfiguration => Paws::Firehose::KinesisStreamSourceConfiguration

When a Kinesis data stream is used as the source for the delivery stream, a KinesisStreamSourceConfiguration containing the Kinesis data stream Amazon Resource Name (ARN) and the role ARN for the source stream.

RedshiftDestinationConfiguration => Paws::Firehose::RedshiftDestinationConfiguration

The destination in Amazon Redshift. You can specify only one destination.

S3DestinationConfiguration => Paws::Firehose::S3DestinationConfiguration

[Deprecated] The destination in Amazon S3. You can specify only one destination.

SplunkDestinationConfiguration => Paws::Firehose::SplunkDestinationConfiguration

The destination in Splunk. You can specify only one destination.

Tags => ArrayRef[Paws::Firehose::Tag]

A set of tags to assign to the delivery stream. A tag is a key-value pair that you can define and assign to AWS resources. Tags are metadata. For example, you can add friendly names and descriptions or other types of information that can help you distinguish the delivery stream. For more information about tags, see Using Cost Allocation Tags ( in the AWS Billing and Cost Management User Guide.

You can specify up to 50 tags when creating a delivery stream.


This class forms part of Paws, documenting arguments for method CreateDeliveryStream in Paws::Firehose


The source code is located here:

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